I am completely speechless on this one

That ending hit me like a ton of bricks.


My first publishing credit in The New Yorkerinstagram / patreon / portfolio / etsy / my book

Seriously that pillow is amazing.

I wish missionaries could understand that I, like many Jews, know and believe with unwavering certainty that Jesus is not the messiah. Like, no offense to the rest of the Christians. Unless, despite not being a missionary, you think Jews should be converted because you believe that you are right and we are wrong, in which case yes offense.

The Jewish people have spent thousands of years asking to be left alone. And some of y'all are more determined than ever to not leave us alone. It's not that we haven't heard the word. We've heard what you have to say. We've studied our scriptures and interpretations and YOUR scriptures and interpretations, and we have come to the solid conclusion that we are not interested in Jesus. Thanks, but no thanks. This decision is final. I am personally so certain about this, in fact, that even if I accept the Xtian premise that I am betting my experience of eternity on this, I will take that bet.

On top of everything else, everything about my culture and my history and my people that I would have to give up (because, yes, these things are inextricably linked to Judaism), I, like many Jews, do not accept the most fundamental basic tenet of Xtianity. This is non-negotiable. Please leave the Jews alone.

**goyim can reblog but please, no nonsense**

A co-worker asked me what Jesus is in Judaism if he's not the prophet. I looked her right in the eyes and said "He's an apostate. He left the religion. He's not anything in Judaism."

The only thing I've said that shook her to the core more than that was that Jews don't have hell. She literally had to sit down for that one.

i just want to one day be loved like elle woods’ sorority sisters loved her

they all simply do not understand why elle wants to go to harvard so bad... yet they help her study, grade her tests, motivate her and all around fully support her from the moment she decides to go and never stop believing in elle not for a single second... like wow name me one sweeter moment in all of cinema, i’ll wait

[man: it’s about protecting both lives… (this is the anti-abortion movement slogan)

*clapping from the anti-abortion party*

man: ….and thats why im voting for the decriminalization of abortions

the anti-abrotion lady:]