The World

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Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

In fifth grade a boy tried to impress me by swallowing a whole tadpole live and I punched him so hard that he puked and the tadpole was fine.



I kept it in a terrarium and it became a normal 🐸 despite everything. About a year afterward (I thought) it died, so I sadly put it in a shoebox in the shed until the ground thawed enough for a proper funeral but when that day came I opened the box and the frog was fine.



This is funnier than anything I have ever said.

Source: should-be-sleeping

sick of other trans people looking like a deer in the headlights when reminded that amabs can be nb too. there are really still people in our own community who think a nonbinary person is like. a woman wearing jeans

i've had people treat me visibly different after hearing my voice or seeing my face as if i'm some sort of predator or interloper. this attitude towards amab trans people especially nonbinary people really paints a picture of what the lgbt community thinks of gender in general

Source: clowncomputing