what’s xenobutch/xenofemme (aka xemme)?

some quotes from the coiner(s):

  • “a xenic butch/femme”
  • “a butch/femme who is xenine”
  • “a butch/femme who finds the concept of xenicity helpful”
  • “idk man just fuckin. mashing butch/femme and xeno together. gender, presentation, lifestyle, go ham.”

what’s xenic/xenine?

here’s the original post!

how can someone whose not a lesbian be butch?

butch isn’t a lesbian only term, nor is it even a wlw only term! see my #discourse tag if you want to know more.

what are neolabels?

neolabels, also called microlabels or mogai labels, are genders and orientations (and similar terms) that convey a specific gender/orientation experience. for example, xenogenders are genders that “rely on concepts completely unrelated to the human binary and so typically seem ‘alien’”.

what neolabels do you use?

i collect labels; currently i have around 150 gender labels and about 30 orientation labels. here are my main genders: genderqueer, draoidhe, autigender, genderfaun, intergender, magifluid, aporagender, bordergender, arthos. here are my main orientations: (bi)queer, quoiromantic, greyromantic, demiromantic, aegorose, ace.

how does being aspec and polyam work?

@mogaicore answered an ask about this here!