Autism Self-Diagnosis Masterpost

Questioning if you might be autistic? Have you always known you were different and are trying to figure out why? Is professional diagnosis not an option for you (cost/stigma/bias/etc)? Then here is a list of resources to help you figure out if you are autistic.

This post is broken up into categories of resources based on subject matter. Some links may contain ableism and medicalized language but if they do they also have useful information which is why they were posted. 

Self-diagnosis is a long process of reading and researching and self-reflection. A decision should not be made overnight. However, it is completely valid to self-diagnose as autistic (see the second to last section for more on this). If you are self-diagnosing, read as much as you can written by autistic people. Read their blogs and their tumblrs. Read about the autistic experience. Talk to autistic people if you are able to. 

If you have questions, feel free to submit them to @autism-asks, a blog dedicated to answering questions about autism. 

About Autism

General Autism Criteria


Sensory Processing Differences

Shutdowns and Meltdowns

Special Interests

Executive Dysfunction


On Self-Diagnosis

Blogs By Autistics

(This is certainly not a comprehensive list of autistic bloggers. If you have any suggestions of blogs that should be added, feel free to message me)