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A Critic at Large

Is Substack the Media Future We Want?

The newsletter service is a software company that, by mimicking some of the functions of newsrooms, has made itself difficult to categorize.

Campaign Chronicles
Cardboard boxes full of signs supporting Joe Biden

Deconstructing the Latino Vote

The political preferences of white working-class voters and soccer moms have been dissected in detail—and now strategists are applying the same level of focus to Latino voters.

A Reporter at Large
covid map

The Plague Year

The mistakes and the struggles behind America’s coronavirus tragedy.

Large U.S. flag hang from the ceiling in a packed Madison Square Garden.

What We Get Wrong About America’s Crisis of Democracy

The interesting question is not what causes authoritarianism but what has ever suspended it.

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A New Year’s Collection
good and bad food habits

Can Brain Science Help Us Break Bad Habits?

Studies suggest that relying on will power is hopeless. Instead, we must find strategies that don’t require us to be strong.

Annals of Drinking
An illustration of someone stranded inside a giant wine glass

A Few Too Many

Is there any hope for the hung over?

Annals of Technology
Someone's New Year Resolutions notebook

Why We Make Resolutions (and Why They Fail)

It turns out that timing is important in determining whether our resolutions succeed, Maria Konnikova wrote, in 2013.

A Critic at Large
stages of life

What If You Could Do It All Over?

The uncanny allure of our unlived lives.

Cultural Comment
Gretchen Rubin’s zeal for happiness is part of a general celebration and appreciation of life: she doesn’t want to screw up via bungled life management, by driving with the emergency brake on.

Better Living Through Podcasts

Self-help and advice podcasts, sometimes corresponding to a host’s recently published book, are proliferating.

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The Latest

Bruce Springsteen in Conversation with David Remnick

Episode 58: Bruce Springsteen Talks with David Remnick

In an intimate interview, the music legend discusses his triumphant career, his personal struggles, and why he waited decades to put out a memoir.

6:00 A.M.

Daily Cartoon: Friday, January 1st

Image may contain: Human, Person, and Performer

“We’ve set up a new identity for you as Phil Cullen, an accountant in Cleveland. Get this on quick, you’ve made a lot of enemies.”

6:00 A.M.

Romantic Combinations That Add Up to One Satisfactory Boyfriend

A man and woman flirt in workout gear and masks.

A guy who will pose as your boyfriend on Instagram, and that’s it.

6:00 A.M.

Chang-rae Lee Reads Steven Millhauser

The writer Chang-rae Lee sitting with his feet propped up and arms gesturing outward

The author joins Deborah Treisman to read and discuss “Coming Soon,” by Steven Millhauser, which appeared in a 2013 issue of the magazine.

6:00 A.M.

Three Mathematicians We Lost in 2020

Freeman Dyson.

John Conway, Ronald Graham, and Freeman Dyson all explored the world with their minds.

December 31, 2020
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From This Week’s Issue
Tables for Two
Food on table.

Barbecued Ribs from a Michelin-Starred Chef

With his delivery-only pop-up, Ribs n Reds, Bryce Shuman, formerly of Betony, offers stepped-up spareribs and fried chicken, along with sides such as mac and cheese and a bottle of wine.

Polymath Dept.

Roman Coppola’s Newest Collaborators Are His Kids

After projects with Paul McCartney, the Strokes, and Wes Anderson, the director is holed up at his family’s Napa estate, tutoring his children in Monty Python-style animation.

On Television
Flight Attendant

A Hot Mess Caught in a Caper in “The Flight Attendant”

The HBO Max miniseries is like a clever pop song; the thrill is in its juxtaposition of a rowdy rhythm with a lyrical portrait of tragedy and grief.

Shoe on two teacups.

“The Rivals”

“Long vanished were the days of contemplating the sunrise together over caffè ristretto.”


A Daughter and Her Mother Reconnect Over Chinese Dumplings

The filmmaker Lina Li and her mother engage in an intimate conversation about immigration to Canada, misunderstandings, communication barriers, and the taste of home.

Cartoons from the Issue


The Republican Rift in Georgia, and Season’s Greetings from Ian Frazier

A map of Georgia with a question mark.

The Georgia G.O.P. is at war with itself, as its U.S. Senate seats are up for grabs in critical runoff elections. And citizens in Nigeria are rising up against a brutal police unit.

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