Codes by Laighlin

[THEME 30] Papercrush

My first time submitting something to the theme garden, haha. This theme experiments with neumorphism - a modern response to the skeuomorphic UI styles of the 2000s, when designers tended to make elements look realistic and not just like flat objects on a screen. By nature this is a very low-key, low-contrast sort of style, which in my experience has a soothing effect - but a “flat mode” does exist too, with the drop shadows replaced by borders, for those who prefer the 2010s look.

Layout-wise, this was inspired by and named after Peter Vidani’s Papercut theme, the first I ever used on Tumblr. I thought the single column look and cute post info “bubbles” had aged well and wanted to create a more up-to-date version that supported NPF posts.

Live preview | Install [Theme garden]


  • Fully responsive posts, max width 500px or 700px
  • Unlimited custom links
  • Optional “sticky” navigation bar with links and pagination
  • Supports new post types and unnested captions
  • 6 color options
  • Custom fonts and sizes
  • Flat mode available if you don’t care for the neumorphism aspect
  • Jump pagination

Reblogs are always appreciated if using, or just if you think my work is neat :>

#29: Leafless

Just a simple lightweight no-JS portfolio theme! The non-home pages are very stripped down to allow the user to focus solely on the content (see images above) and the home page offers a lot of control over just how much embellishment you want, whether you prefer your ‘folios a little spicy or as plain as possible.

Reblogs are always appreciated if using or just if you think it’s neat :> Shoot me an ask with comments/questions any time.

Note: this version only supports text posts, photos, and photosets! 

Static previews: [Home page] [Tag page]


  • Fully responsive; posts expand up to 700px
  • Entries sorted by custom categories on the home page - there’s four categories by default but the code can be easily modified to increase or decrease the amount (I’ve left instructions as comments)
  • Five avatar shape options
  • Unlimited custom links below the description using Tumblr pages
  • The fonts, header image, and avatar (and visibility thereof) sync with the mobile theme
  • Captions hidden on the tag page, but visible at the permalink via an optional click-through button below each post
  • Some nice interactive flourishes like ripple effects on important labels and zooming thumbnails for the content categories

Install: [Pastebin]

[THEME 28] Circadium 2.0

Yes! Sweet baby Jesus it’s finally here, and boy does it look great and run smooth as silk! This is a revisitation of Theme 16, Circadium, which boasted a complete day/night cycle based on the user’s system clock, but used some horribly inefficient code to do so since I was still getting a feel for JavaScript at the time. 2.0 gets rid of most of the backbreaking overhead, is much easier to use and customize, and has hand-drawn celestial bodies in the background for a little extra personality :]

Hit me up as always if there’s any issues with the theme; I’ve been away from the Tumblr theme making scene for a while so I might be rusty, haha. There’s a lot of old work that needs updating…

Live Preview; looks different depending on the time


  • Fluid day/night cycle that transitions between three end states (noon/twilight/dusk)
  • The sun and moon in the background also change position based on time to simulate rising and setting
  • Responsive sidebar!
  • 500px posts
  • Like and reblog buttons
  • Unlimited custom links
  • Five color options for day and night mode, totaling 10 colors
  • Custom fonts
  • Unnested captions
  • Supports new post types and pinned posts
  • Lots of options for post transparency levels, borders, shadows etc
  • idk what else it’s just lit

Install: [Pastebin]

[THEME 27] Earworm

This was supposed to be a revamp of Melody but clearly that didn’t happen as planned lmao. Like Melody, though, it’s designed around the concept of music players. You can give your icon cute little CSS headphones to wear and display your custom links like a playlist, fun all around ✌🏽

If you like my work and want to support me, you can always buy me a coffee :] reblogs are very helpful too since they help me get more exposure.

Features: 400/500px posts, unlimited custom links, 8 color options, custom sidebar position, fully customizable fonts, the whole shebang.

[Static preview] [Code]

[THEME 26] Tourmaline

My entry for the #nojschallenge! I’ve made themes with little to no JavaScript in the past, but never a one-column theme, so I figured I’d get two birds with one stone and all that. Like its namesake gemstone, this beauty works well with any color under the sun and delivers a dazzling first impression :B

If you like my work and want to support me, donations are always appreciated. Reblogs are very helpful too as they help my work gain visibility.

Features: 500px/700px posts, unlimited links, wide header image, super cool lookin gradients, optional rounded corners, optional shadows, like and reblog buttons, you know the drill.

Previews: [Home page] [Permalink page]

Code: [Pastebin]

[THEME 25] Chillstepper

2018 has been highly exhausting for me (as evidenced by my six-month hiatus, lmao). I figured I’d base my first theme of the year on the kind of music I’ve been using to unwind: low-stress, low-energy chillstep. It’s not my fanciest work - nor is it meant to be - but if you’re looking for a clean, lightweight theme that gets rolling without much effort then this is it.

If you like my work and want to support me, donations are always appreciated. Reblogs are extremely helpful too since they help me gain more visibility!

(Note: The title and description are both best kept short, the title in particular will look terrible if it takes up more than one line. This theme simply isn’t designed for that kind of thing. Be warned)

As always, just drop me an ask if you run into any problems or think I might have missed something.


[Static preview] [Code]

Features under the cut:

Theme #24: Jul

A sort of spiritual successor to Diwali, one of my first themes. Features a string of lights up top and a very customizable layout. (We don’t celebrate anything around this time of year where I’m from, but I’ve always loved the lights that people put up lol)

If you like my themes and want to support me, you can donate or commission a custom theme :] if neither of those is an option then a simple reblog is very helpful too.


[light] [dark]


  • Icon font [x]
  • Custom tooltips [x]
  • Inspiration [x] [x]



Features under the cut:

Theme #23: RGBA(3)

The third theme from my RGBA series, consisting of themes that sync with your mobile appearance settings. It uses your icon, fonts, colors, and other display options from the mobile theme so you no longer have to wait till you get to your desktop to customize your blog.

With discreet navigation and an unobtrusive sidebar, this theme works excellently for content-first blogs, but you can enable the gradient borders to add a bit of flair as well.

If you like my work and want to support me, you can either donate or commission a custom theme :] if neither of those is an option then a simple reblog is very helpful too.


[light] [dark]


  • Icon font [x]
  • Custom tooltips [x]

Features and code below the cut:

Theme #22: Paleta

Alternative title: So Much Goddamn Flexbox

The idea of a theme resembling a color palette is one I’ve been toying with for a long time, so this is actually kind of overdue. The main highlight of this theme is the six custom “swatches” on the left side of the screen that display their hex codes below the link labels. Though obviously intended for vibrant color schemes, it looks just as great in monochrome!

If you like my work and want to support me, you can either donate or commission a custom theme :] if neither of those is an option then a simple reblog is very helpful too.




  • Icon font [x]
  • Custom tooltips [x]
  • Video resizing script [x]
  • Photoset resizing script [x]

Features and code below the cut:

Theme #21: RGBA(2) [Reupload]

Since the first theme from this series was quite the success, I’ll be making several others like it. The fonts, colors, and miscellaneous visibility options on all RGBA themes sync with your mobile theme, so they’re very easy to set up because of how little customization work is involved. This makes them a good choice for mobile bloggers or anyone who doesn’t want to spend a lot of time getting their blog to look exactly right. (It does have a handful of desktop-only appearance options for you to fine-tune to your heart’s content.)

RGBA(2) is a lot more serious and content-centered than (1) - consider putting it on art and photography blogs, for example.

Likes and reblogs are always appreciated if you find this useful! :>


[light] [dark]


  • This absolutely phenomenal icon font is by @saturnthms!
  • Custom tooltips [x]
  • Video resizing script [x]
  • Photoset resizing script [x]

Features and code under the cut: