i think that theyres really a difference in how cis people use gender jokes and how trans people use them.

cis people make gender jokes like “haha I identify as a HELICOPTER” and it signifies that to them it’s ridiculous to believe that some people have different identities and navigate being nonbinary. it’s saying that they don’t respect us or they’re just ignorant.

when trans people make gender jokes like “my gender is hating high school teachers” it’s flipping the script, saying that they defiantly don't care about gender and don’t care what cis people think. 

so when I see trans people rbing my gender jokes and adding onto it I am filled with love but when I see a cis person twisting it into hating nonbinary people I feel like clocking them in the face.

cis people can rb but pwease…no clownery.



You don’t have to disclose your relationship with dysphoria

I see a lot of trans people on here beginning to add “dysphoric” or “nondysphoric” into their bios and such and that’s all fine and good!! but i just want to remind everyone that you don’t have to make that information public.

nobody is entitled to that personal information about yourself, and you should never feel pressured to share it!!

once again the cis think they’re smart



I think the major arguing point between transmeds and tucutes – whether or not you need gender dysphoria to be trans – really comes down to how each side uses terms. I slaved in MSPaint for 2 minutes and came up with this –


– which I think both transmeds and tucutes would more or less agree on. Mood, or situation, or mental state, or whatever you want to call it, generally improves after social/medical/etc transition. The disagreement, I think, comes from how each side talks about this improvement.


Truscum/transmeds say that gender dysphoria lessens with transition; tucutes/anti-transmeds say that gender euphoria increases with transition. It’s literally just semantics.

There are some issues of semantics, but not what you’ve just described and not what you’ve illustrated in this example.

It’s difficult without a sense of scale, but I think most “tucutes” (most non-transmeds in general) would agree that someone with such a low mood is dysphoric.

To make things unambiguous, let’s set zero to euthymia, such that dysphoria is negative and euphoria positive in whatever units of *phoria.

Let’s say, then, we have someone whose mood changes before -> after transition:

-15 -> +5

This person has, by the medical definition, Gender Dysphoria, and their mood improves significantly with transition, but not to the point of euphoria. They are trans.

Now consider someone else:

-5 -> +15

Their mood is low as their assigned gender, but not dysphoric. The change in their mood with transition is the same, though, and they’re positively euphoric as their actual gender. Are they trans? They don’t have Gender Dysphoria, so according to the transmed argument they’re not.

Okay, maybe -5 is borderline, so let’s consider someone else:

-10 -> +1

Their mood doesn’t improve nearly as much, but they do qualify as Gender Dysphoric and their mood does improve after transitioning. They are trans.

So now let’s look at this person:

-1 -> +10

What now? No dysphoria, but the same improvement in mood as person #3. So are they trans?

What about this person:

-15 -> -5

Mood remains low, but it still improves. Are they trans? They still have Gender Dysphoria, so transmeds would say they are, yes?

But what if it’s the reverse:

+5 -> +15

Why, they’re the archetypal “tucute”—no dysphoria by any stretch, but euphoria. We know transmeds don’t consider them trans, but their mood improves just as much as our last example, no dysphoria required.

This is the chief difference between transmeds and non-transmeds/“tucutes”. If you argue that people must experience Gender Dysphoria to be trans, only some of them are; otherwise they all are. The improvement in mood, regardless of baseline, shows that their identified gender is right for them.

There are so many “trans transmeds” who are actually just transtrenders that have no clue what gender dysphoria even is and claim to have dysphoria when in reality they just want attention

cis transmeds, in an unshocking turn of events, become transphobic towards their own community.

cis transmeds are genuinely super creepy and i reaaally suggest we all just start blocking them… there’s no good reason a cis person would be THAT hyperfixed on not only intracommunity discourse, but telling trans people they’re wrong about themselves specifically, for MONTHS on end. i really think it’s time we completely disengage with them if we haven’t already.

zom/zomb/zom’s/zombi/zombself pronoun flag set part six

polyam, circle polyam

infinity heart polyam, stripes polyam

aaaa!! someone’s actually using my circle flag!!

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