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This InfoPax is designed to provide you with some information about panic attacks and panic disorder and suggested strategies for how you can manage your panic and anxiety.  It is organised into modules that are designed to be worked through in sequence.  Although it is not necessary that you complete one module before going on to the next, this is recommended. Each module includes information, worksheets, and suggested exercises or activities.


  • Module 1: Overview of Panic
    This module describes panic attacks and panic disorder and looks at the symptoms of panic. PDF document: 268kb. Updated 22nd June, 2004.
  • Module 2: More About Panic 
    The aim of this InfoPax module is to provide you with some more detailed information on how panic attacks actually develop. This module will also describe how panic attacks develop into panic disorder and what treatment strategies may be useful. PDF document: 180kb. Updated 22nd June, 2004.
  • Module 4: The ABC’s of Thinking and Feeling
    This module explores how you can use a thought diary to monitor the unhelpful thoughts that can lead to how you feel about a particular situation. PDF document: 279kb. Updated 22nd June, 2004.
  • Module 5: Unhelpful Thinking Styles
    This module describes a number of common unhelpful thinking styles that can lead to negative emotions. PDF document: 240kb. Updated 22nd June, 2004.
  • Module 6: Detective Work and Disputation
    Module 6 explores how you can examine and challenge unhelpful thoughts by expanding the thought diary described in Module 4. PDF document: 220kb.  Updated 22nd June, 2004.
  • Module 8: Core Beliefs
    Core beliefs are often at the root of unhelpful thoughts that are particularly difficult to change. This module looks at core beliefs and how to change them. PDF document: 199kb.Updated 22nd June, 2004.
  • Module 9: Coping with Physical Alarms - Exposure Part 1
    The aim of this InfoPax is to give you information about how to challenge your beliefs about panic symptoms by actually experiencing them. Research has shown that this is particularly important in being able to successfully overcome panic symptoms and distress about panic symptoms. PDF document 225kb. Updated 22nd June, 2004.
  • Module 11: The Calming Technique
    This module describes how you can reduce your anxiety by gaining control of your breathing. PDF document: 243kb. Updated 22nd June, 2004.
  • Module 12: Self Management
    This final module describes how to maintain gains and continue the progress that has been made throughout the previous modules. PDF document: 213kb. Updated 22nd June, 2004.
Oct 24th 2012, 10:14 pm - 573 notes
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