
6 years ago I was misdiagnosed as bipolar. I’m actually autistic. That’s why I don’t post anymore. I would give the blog to someone else but it’s connected to my main account.

Some days you just have to say ‘fuck it, I did what I could today’ and just let go of all the stuff you wanted to do. Life is too short to be angry with yourself for being human.
constantine-spiritworker  (via seols)

(Source: starlight-and-promises)

I wear glasses.  Can I manage without glasses?  Well, yes, probably.  I could squint a lot, constantly move up close to anything I want to see, take the bus or a taxi if I want to go anywhere.  I could just accept that I’ll never be able to see eagles flying in the sky or whales jumping out of the ocean.  

But why?  Why try so hard to manage life when I could just put on a pair of glasses?  No one would ever suggest a near-sighted person should just work harder.  No one would say ‘Maybe that’s just your normal’ to someone that needs glasses.  They would say ‘Let’s go to the eye doctor and get you a prescription so you’re able to see again.’

You shouldn’t have to try so hard.

My doctor (paraphrased), when I expressed doubts about going back on an anti-depressant.  (via


(via squidilydink)

This is such a good analogy because nobody thinks about it like this.  If you wear glasses, you literally need constant use of a medical aid to experience the world like most people do.  If it were anything besides glasses, that would be considered a disability.  But needing glasses is an extremely common, visible, and accepted form of disability to the point that we don’t even consider it one, we just accept that some people need glasses and that’s perfectly normal and there’s nothing wrong with needing to rely on them.

That is how all disabilities and illnesses should be seen, and how we should look at treatment for them.  You have a problem, and you need help dealing with it, and there’s nothing wrong with either of those things.  That’s perfectly normal and that’s okay.

(via ninjarobotclone)

Reblogging myself bc ^^that^^ was such a beautiful addition.  ~JJ

(via teachthemhowtothink)


dear fuckwads, I’m well aware that “the real world” isn’t gonna cater to my mental illness I’ve actually been living in it as a mentally ill person for quite some time


being a girl with a mental illness presents a unique set of difficulties bc we are always un/misdiagnosed bc our symptoms R written off as fleeting teenage hormones or a predilection for “drama” or on the other end of the spectrum we are heavily stigmatized bc our intense emotions or behaviors are not easily consumable by the male gaze Ie r not “pretty” and we R thereby scorned as “crazy” “bitchy” etc…. mentally ill girls im here 4 u and I love u

(Source: ulibeanz)

6 years ago I was misdiagnosed as bipolar. I’m actually autistic. That’s why I don’t post anymore. I would give the blog to someone else but it’s connected to my main account.


“you’re obsessed with your mental illness”

i know right? it’s almost like it impacts every part of my life

(Source: ghostielevi)


if you are mean/angry at your friends with anxiety for cancelling/being unreliable you are a shitty friend and don’t deserve them.



Most importantly: you’re stronger than you think.