
To jump off of that: The disdain for MOGAI labels means that literally any vocabulary younger than 3-5 years (and sometimes even up to 10-15 years), and ESPECIALLY any language associated with non-binary people, multi-attraction, or attraction based on factors that are not binary genders, gets automatically derided and dismissed.

And that’s just among LGBT+ folk. Cis straight people dismiss all that language automatically as ridiculous alphabet soup stuff, whether or not they know the phrase MOGAI to mock it with.

Can you see how this is a direct enemy of NB people — a community that (in this specific contemporary iteration of that concept) has only begun to articulate itself at all in the last 20 years, and only really picked up big steam in the last 5-10 — describing themselves at all?

Like if the cut-off for respectable LGBT language was 2000, and anything more recent than that is MOGAI bullshit…. modern NBs just aren’t allowed to talk about themselves whatsoever, because any word coined after 2000, especially if it was coined on tumblr, is just ~snowflakey MOGAI radikweers making up ridiculous nonsense words for overspecific concepts?~

If you’re an enemy of new specific language for new specific concepts, you’re an enemy of NBs. If you’re an enemy of reconsidering the usefulness of a gay-bi-straight orientation trinary, you’re an enemy of NBs. If you’re an enemy of “microlabels”, ie newly coined labels that don’t apply to you personally 🙄, you’re an enemy of NBs. If you’re not willing to imagine that the language NBs are coining for themselves right now can grow to be just as important and codified and significant as the language that lesbians and gay men use, and you’re not willing to lift it up, to be encouraging about its usage and include it where it’s applicable and appropriate, you’re an enemy of NBs. I don’t know what else to tell you.

Anonymous asked: as a part of the gay community, a sincere: WTF

also as a part of the gay community, a sincere: just because you don’t understand something doesn’t make it wrong, invalid, silly, or any less valuable than something you do understand.

Anonymous asked: Yeah no what the fuck is this. This isn't coming from some cis dude, this is a Trans man who doesn't need more fake genders and sexualities ruining the look of ACTUAL trans and not straight people. Quit trying to be special, you're making other people look bad

hi anon, if you search my blog for the tag ‘fenasks’, which this ask will be tagged with, you’ll see another ask like this one which i’ve answered, and other blogs have commented on. read that if you like. short answer: it’s not hurting anyone and our “fake” genders and sexualities aren’t “ruining the look” of other queer people.