
I appreciate that this site has info on the differences between heart attacks in girls and in boys, but like

As a trans girl that’s been on hormones for almost two years now, I have no idea what to look for lmfao

Yeah, I really wish posts like that would specify whether it’s caused by hormones or something else, because like, they’re not much help if you’re not cis.

Speaking as someone who is trans and is a researcher: The horrific thing is actually that we don’t know.

Trans science is new, and we don’t know whether any given gendered trait is altered by hormones. It’s unfortunately as simple and awful as that.

Of the tiny amount of medical research which exists on trans people, the lion’s share focuses on HIV, because that is where the funding is, or on endocrinology, for obvious reasons. In other words, it’s all applied: there is almost no basic research on trans health.

additionally: even in people who have not taken hormones the signs are not that binary and much of that info is inaccurate to begin with


Hey!! I can help with this!! I’m certified in first aid/CPR and have been for years, and I’m about to get my next level of certification to become an instructor.

Trans girls can experience a mix of symptoms, so it’s best to know what symptoms present most commonly, as well as the different appearances symptoms can present as. Since the reason why heart attacks somewhat have “gendered” symptoms isn’t totally known, it’s hard to determine exactly who will experience what, and whether gendered symptoms are psychological (like some other illnesses), physiological or both.

One of the problems is heart attack awareness is generally divided explicitly between the recognized sexes. So the symptoms seem cut and dry, at least in the mainstream.

What you need to look for:
>Sudden arm pain: can be in your left arm only, but can be in both arms. The pain may build
>Nausea/cold sweat or heartburn
>Sudden chest ache or pain, or even a squeezing feeling
>A feeling of dread/severe anxiety or nagging mental discomfort. Most commonly described as a feeling of impending doom.
>sudden back/neck/jaw pain

When in doubt, call the emergency line (911, 999, etc) or get someone to take you to the hospital asap. If you can’t get transportation, try to make it as easy as possible for EMS to get to you. Go to an open space/landmark, unlock doors if you’re inside, park your car and pop your trunk/open your door, etc.

The biggest symptoms of this list are the arm and chest pain. But trust your gut.

if anyone was wondering the above list applies to a lot of intersex people too!


Would the mix of symptoms also apply to someone afab taking testosterone? This is a thing I’m really paranoid about as well

Yes! Trans men/non-binary people on testosterone need to look out for mixed symptoms as well.

Honestly everyone should know all the symptoms, gendered or not. Dyadic cis people can experience symptoms opposite of binary assignment.

The biggest thing with heart attacks is the symptoms will be sudden. They’re not carry over symptoms that last for days, but people with chronic illnesses that cause similar symptoms should be proactive about symptom tracking. You need to know when things are different so you can act quickly.

As a last note: heart attacks may not present with chest pain at all. Be aware of your body and any abnormal changes you may experience.

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