


“You guys are such great friends!”

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My other favorite thing about the internet 

some people say it’s an echo chamber, but I would say it’s more akin to a thousand different echo chambers. There’s discord servers, private twitter feeds, tumblr mutual circles. An initial idea can get into one of these and bounce around it a whole bunch, changing along the way, before one of them brings it back out into the wider world, by which point it can seem very odd and undecipherable to any/everyone else. For instance:

reblogged 1 year ago & 16,249 notes via


The Lost Boys (1987)

reblogged 1 year ago & 1,892 notes via /src



white canadians really think that because their country is perhaps less racist then the united states, this means it’s not a racist country, when the reality is that “less racist than the united states” is just a very low bar to clear.

actually scratch out canada because this holds true for pretty much every “western” nation

reblogged 1 year ago & 983 notes via /src
reblogged 1 year ago & 29,657 notes via /src







Go OFF, mr mouth.


Wow. Who paid Neil to deepthroat the NRA like that?

Neil is also a rapist. 9 accusations now? Trash

reblogged 1 year ago & 45,417 notes via /src
#rape tw



Delusional is a neutral descriptor.

Psychotic is a neutral descriptor.

Narcissistic is a neutral descriptor.

The only reason you see those as inherently negative descriptors is because society demonizes people who fit those descriptors. There is nothing inherently threatening about delusional, psychotic, and narcissistic people.

Preemptively Adding: If you’re going to add something like “I was with you until you included narcissists,” find a different post and leave this one alone. Someone being narcissistic tells you fuck-all about their character, and it’s not an inherently negative trait.

reblogged 1 year ago & 2,248 notes via /src
“ Date night ready


Date night ready <3 A commission for  @asbestosheaven​


Instagram  Twitter  Pillowfort Redbubble

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so was anybody going to tell me that Keanu Reeves loves the word himbo or was I supposed to read that in this wiki article myself

reblogged 1 year ago & 647 notes via /src
Soft skills for the apocalypse




Let’s face it, if the world ends, so many of us will flee somewhere else for safety that we’ll end right back up in communities again. There’s going to be more to it than growing your own food and knitting handspun socks.

I’m linking to resources, but a many of these skills, being interpersonal, are best taught in live trainings by professional instructors, where you can see and feel all the interpersonal dynamics going on in the room, and by experience, trying them out on real people in an educational setting.

When the world ends, it will be helpful to be able to::

Even small local pieces of activism today, like organizing a protest march or lobbying your municipal government to make public spaces more accessible, have a double reward: There’s the work you’re doing, and the skills you learn when you do it.

the assumption that people with violent killing skills should be given priority/power in a post-apocalyptic society is the reason it stays post-apocalyptic and doesn’t actually rebuild society

the assumption that people with violent killing skills should be given priority/power in a post-apocalyptic society is the reason it stays post-apocalyptic and doesn’t actually rebuild society

reblogged 1 year ago & 23,063 notes via /src