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Policy and campaigns + union reppin' 💥 / Guaranteed 2 big you up / / Abolition is about what we can build 🌿/ She/her / Views my own
Watford (est. Rotherham) Joined February 2019

Jodie’s Tweets

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Towards the end of my Dad's last prison sentence, I ended up taking on caring responsibilities for my little sister. They recently shared this poem they wrote about that time and have given me permission to share it here. Honestly don't think I'll get over this - so touched 🥺.
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Never been a massive fan of NYE but want to say to all the organisers and activists working towards a better world, remember that we got some important wins this year. Never lose hope, keep up the fight, be caring to each other in 2023��
2022 has taught me some difficult but necessary lessons around how I talk to and view myself, boundaries(!!!!) and the importance of slowing down. Going to Do My Best to be better to myself in 2023 and make more time for joy and quiet.
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- saw my sibling graduate! proud big sister moment <3 - went to LA and cosplayed as a popstar for a bit (lol) - lots of slow but wonderful campaign planning work with and and lots of amazing orgs and groups!!! (watch this space 👀)
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2022 has been Very Challenging but trying to reflect on some nice highlights today: - i turned 25 (only just!) - completed the Hackney Half and raised over a grand for - became a union rep, learnt loads from and together fought for and won a pay rise!
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Over Christmas, a woman died in HMP Eastwood Park. The third to take their life in under 6 months. Rest in power 🖤 Some of our best people are already on the other side with you. Beyond rage and beyond despair we have no option but to keep fighting the state. Fuck HMP 🖤
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🎶 ALL I WANT FOR CHRISTMAAAAASS IS a functioning democracy where the Government shows compassion instead of scapegoating people seeking safety in the UK, and doesn't try to rip up everyone's rights and freedoms to hide from accountability for its unlawful actions 🎶
A deeply concerning decision. It is quite obviously not a criminal offence to ask "who elected him" of a new monarch.
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Yesterday, I was charged with breach of the Public Order Act for my objection in #Oxford in September to the proclamation of Charles Windsor as king (the police waited 3 months before charging me). I will be in court on 31st January to plead Not Guilty. #DefendDissent #NotMyKing
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������� BREAKING: Scottish parliament passes Gender Recognition Reform Bill by 86 votes to 39. The bill makes it easier for people to change their legal gender by removing the need for a diagnosis of gender dysphoria.
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A new bill going through the British Parliament could impose unprecedented restrictions on the right to protest in England and Wales. I wrote about the measures that civil rights advocates are calling "draconian" and what they mean for British democracy:
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‘We strike for the future of the NHS.’ The largest strike in RCN history starts today, as nursing staff in England, Northern Ireland and Wales demand fair pay and patient safety. #RCNStrike #FairPayForNursing
I've been working on this story for as long as I've been at . For years, police forces have refused to reveal the ethnicities of people stopped under Sch 7 powers, citing national security. Police Scotland only did so after an order by Scotland's Info Commissioner
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EXCLUSIVE: Nearly half Police Scotland's counter-terror stops targeted people from ethnic minority backgrounds BAME people were up to 20 times more likely to be stopped than white people
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This is horrific but not surprising given the disgusting abuse Ngozi Fulani has had to endure. No doubt her abusers are proud of themselves and I hope and pray that a tragedy doesn't occur because has been forced to pause their work ��
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The 'war on drugs' is fodder for states' geopolitical machinations in detriment of people's lives. Time to end it! #NoMoreDrugWar #FreeThemAll
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BREAKING: WNBA star Brittney Griner was freed in a prisoner swap with a Russian international arms dealer. Griner was sentenced to 9 years in prison for 2 vape cartridges found in her bags with less than a gram of cannabis oil. She had a medical prescription for chronic pain.
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With at least £13 million in reserves, significantly more than the reserves target of £8.9 million, Shelter can more than afford to pay its staff a decent wage. Reserves are saved for a rainy day. But Shelter staff cannot be any clearer that it’s currently pouring ��
Dianne Abbott MP stands with Shelter staff in Hackney. Signs say “fair pay now�
The picket lines in action📢 #Shelter colleagues are being forced into a real terms pay cut. The fight for home starts with fair pay, so alongside hundreds of other union members at Shelter from across Scotland and England, we’re speaking out.
Workers with placards and banners that say “shelter workers deserve better pay�
Staff with flags and banners rally outside the Liverpool hub
Staff with signs that say fair pay now
Thank you & for all you are doing to fight the murderous IPP sentence, and for including Taylor in this video. His absence is still so raw 💔💔💔 #NoJusticeNoPeace
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Abolished but not gone! In memory of the 248 people who have died on this sentence, 74 by suicide. My brother was one of these people. The justice select committee have put forward a fair but safe route out. Please stop people dying �� @DominicRaab @DamianHinds @RoyalFamily
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"What’s needed isn't a few tweaks to the role of police in schools, but the absolute removal of police from schools and the redistribution of that funding to care and wellbeing-focused interventions, determined by affected communities" 🗣�