i don't know what i'm doing and that can't stop me

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Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

1000 follower giveaway!



(To skip to giveaway details scroll to the divider)

1000 followers, I can’t believe it! I don’t know where all you came from, but I’m very grateful for all of you! It’s silly, but I feel warm when I look at my notifications and see someone new who’s gone through liking posts, or seeing a familiar url who’s been there since the start :’)

These few months in the fandom have been wonderful and I’ve talked to so many great people. You’ve all been wonderful and all your kind words and beautiful arts/fics have given me joy through tough times <3

I wanted to give back to the community since I feel I don’t post enough of my own material, and this seemed like a great opportunity to do it!

So without further ado, the giveaway!

I will be writing a Katsudeku themed oneshot of your choice. Any prompt is okay, from an entire AU idea to a simple trope like bed sharing~

There will be a first, second and third place winner as follows:

  • First Place: Katsudeku oneshot (2k words)
  • Second Place: Katsudeku oneshot (1k words)
  • Third Place: Katsudeku oneshot (500 words)

I write both sfw and nsfw, but I retain the right to refuse a prompt if it’s too graphic/triggering for me. If you want examples of my writing my AO3 is here. Word count is fairly flexible within reason :)

To enter, just follow if you aren’t already and reblog this post for 1 entry. Liking the post will also give you an extra entry!

I will be choosing a winner by random number generator on October 20th. I’ll make a celebratory post and contact the winners by PM then ♡



i recently checked my follower count and i realized that i just reached 3k! thank you so much for following & reading the things i write, but i would still like to give back to you all in some way!!


1st place — 5k word meta, fic, or au outline

2nd place — 2.5k mini-meta, fic, or au outline

3rd place — 2.5k mini-meta, fic, or au outline


  1. you must be following me
  2. you need to reblog this post to enter (likes and replies don’t count)
  3. please only rb once!! extra reblogs will not be counted/will not increase your chances of winning or placing
  4. i’ll announce the winners on october 6th (about two weeks from now)
  5. i have the right to refuse to write something if you give me a prompt that make me uncomfortable (such as rape, pedophilia, csa, nsfw, incest, etc) or a topic that i don’t believe to be supported by canon (like “do a meta on why todo//deku is a canon ship” or something). i can do a meta on todoroki’s interactions with deku and vice versa, but not anything that i think could be interpreted as biased or simply not true. 

i think that’s it! thank you again for following me, and don’t be shy if you would like to enter!! 💖💖