If you thought you saw me reblog two things here instead of on main no you didn’t thank u ♥




when your gender is just    no gender just   

 /  s




from “never-ending”

A gender that is neither binary male nor binary female, but feels more like the infinite, never-ending abyss of all possible nonbinary genders for the individual. A multigender of non-binary genders relating to the concept of voids and abysses, or an infinitely deep hole, etc.

It can be fluid, flux, or fluix, and I experience it that way! But it doesn’t have to be. It’s broad for a reason!


aroacespec/ayspec: being both arospec and acespec. ‘aroacespec’ is more commonly used, but ‘ayspec’ (based on ay) may be preferred by those who do not use the split attraction model.




Gendercoccum: a gender that is connected to shades of scarlet, maroon, and red.
Etymology: Latin, “coccus” meaning “scarlet dye”




Genderrankkasade: a gender that is mildly stormy, gentle, and calming. It is connected to rainstorms (in general) and is small.
Etymology: Finnish, “rankkasade” meaning “rainstorm, cloudburst”


Gender Natures List Nov. 2020

Y’all have probably seen terminology like “FIN” or “MIN” or “AGIN” or other acronyms ending in -IN. These are categories describing different distinct gender traits, which is helpful to have for many reasons. It has become the primary way gender traits are generally categorized and many new and lesser known ones have developed to describe existing gender traits, so I am taking the time to list them all (and make flags for some without them, in another post). I will give descriptions and extra info for some of the traits if I feel clarification is needed. Some of these I coined, many I didn’t.

FIN- Feminine In Nature.

MIN- Masculine In Nature.

LIN- Androgynous (the L comes from Male/Female) In Nature. Includes natures that are both FIN and MIN, or those which blend the two natures.

AGIN- Agenine/Agender In Nature.

NIN- Neutral In Nature.

UIN- Unknowable* In Nature. UIN is unique in that the “U” refers to several similar adjectives which are used interchangeably, although I personally use “unknowable” as the default for ease and generality. It can also stand for uncertain, unquantifiable, undefinable, unidentifiable, unexplainable and undeterminable. This gender nature differs from questioning in that the UIN individual does in fact know that the nature of their gender is inherently unknowable. I pronounce it simply as “un” but this isn’t official as I did not coin it.

AIN- Aporine/Aporagender In Nature.

ABIN- Abinary In Nature. This includes several other natures under it like AIN, XIN, AGIN, and NIN and therefore isn’t a specific category, but it has been coined and can be helpful for more general use so I am listing it.

XIN- Xenine/Xenogender In Nature.

AMIN- Ambiguous In Nature. (pronounced amm-in)

USIN- Confusing In Nature. (pronounced “usin’“, like “using” contracted)

APIN- Apathetic In Nature. (pronounced “appin”)

QUIN- Queer In Nature. Also includes genders such as genderpunk or genderf*ck, and other intentionally and/or prominently non-normative genders. And includes genderqueer of course.

AUIN- Autonomous In Nature. I pronounce it “aww-in” but I didn’t coin it so I won’t claim that as “official” or anything.

PLIN- Partial In Nature. Basically demigender type terms.

POIN- Pangender/Polygender/Omnigender In Nature. (pronounced “pon”)

UXIN- Flux In Nature.

IDIN- Fluid In Nature.

FLIN- Fluix In Nature. Combination of UXIN and IDIN.

OIN- Outherine In Nature.

OKIN- Otherkin/Kingender In Nature.

ROIN- Neurogender In Nature. (pronounced “rowan”/”row-in”)

AUTIIN- Autistic/Autigender In Nature. Subtype of ROIN.

FEIN- Female In Nature. Female is different from feminine.

MAIN- Male In Nature. Male is different from masculine.

NUIN- Null In Nature.

VOIN- Void In Nature. Can’t find the post now but I swear I saw it coined so I’m listing it. I think it was coined in the same post as NUIN.

It is possible that there are signified traits I’m not aware of that are not listed here, but regardless, there are still some qualities to be signified in the future. If you have questions about any of the traits, you can search for them on major gender blogs or message me and I will clarify. (Except OIN bc I’m still trying to figure it out myself lmao like I know the definition but not what it *is* or examples etc)





I just made some genders based around the entities from The Magnus Archives, the flags look terrible because I’m bad at flags but I might just share them and stop being a coward about it

Screw it, I’m sharing them and no-one can stop me! The flags aren’t even that bad, I was just tired.


Cewasolum: A gender connected to the Eye and its related concepts— such as eyes, knowledge and truth.


Comensolum: A gender connected to the End and its related concepts— such as death, dreams, and games.


Fatisolum: A gender connected to the Vast and its related concepts— such as heights, voids, and insignificance.


Foblisolum: A gender connected to the Dark and its related concepts— such as darkness, astronomy, and religion.


Fuwitsolum: A gender connected to the Extinction and its related concepts— such as apocalypses, abandoned structures, and nuclear weaponry.


Hivasolum: A gender connected to the Corruption and its related concepts— such as insects, rot, decay, and love.


Liflasolum: A gender connected to the Desolation and its related concepts— such as fire, destruction, candles, and religion.


Mopusolum: A gender connected to the Web and its related concepts— such as manipulation, puppetry, and spiders.


Notnosolum: A gender connected to the Stranger and its related concepts— such as deception, skin, confusion, and circuses.


Slausolum: A gender connected to the Slaughter and its related concepts— such as violence, war, and music.

Aaaand the last 5!


Tehusolum: A gender connected to the Hunt and its related concepts— such as animals, hunting, chasing, and blood.


Tuclosolum: A gender connected to the Buried and its related concepts— such as suffocation, dirt, and claustrophobia.


Twidesolum: A gender connected to the Spiral and its related concepts— such as doors, hallways, unreality, and insomnia.


Viscersolum: A gender connected to the Flesh and its related concepts— such as factories, religion, meat, and gore.


Wonalsolum: A gender connected to the Lonely and its related concepts— such as loneliness, abandonment, and fog.

The names all are derived from alternate titles of the entities— for example, fatisolum comes from Falling Titan. For those that didn’t have alternate titles I just used their regular names. I used the gender suffix -solum because it fits well and, because it’s new, means I’m less likely to have made a word that already exists.

The colors on the flags are just ones that seemed fitting to me, and the circles are there to make them vaguely resemble tape recorders!

@variant-archive @uncommongenders @mogai-identities-blog @lgbtqiarchive


My gender is uh, um, hmm, ah, it’s uh, uhhhmmm, my gender, it’s like, um, gender’s like, it’s my, y’know, uh

Usually I don’t reblog funny posts to this blog but its way too relatable not to


Hi! I have a question. Is there a term for a gender that feels mostly man but slightly off?



If these don’t fit, please let me know! I might be able to coin you one!

Februaric - A gender related to the month of February and Winter/Summer. [masculine mostly + a bit neutral]

Boyflux - When one feels mostly or all male most of the time but experiences fluctuating intensities of male identity.

Novarian - Simultaneously unaligned/rejecting binary alignment and male/man-aligned; sometimes one or the other or both.

Demiboy/Demimale - A gender that is partially male and partially something else

I don’t know how I forgot those- thank you for the addition! <::)
