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pride Lgbt+ resources

as today is trans day of remembrance (tdor), here’s some trans resources for everyone needing them.


national center for transgender equality
, provides a list of helplines for trans people
trevor project website
, has info about their hotlines, text hotline, chat spaces, and more
trevor project resource page
, has info on lgbtq orientations, genders, relationships, and more. has resources for mental health, crushes and dating, coming out, and other health and social needs
trans lifeline website
, has options for different languages and more info about their hotline
trans clippers project
, provides haircuts for trans and nonbinary people during the pandemic
keshet online
, provides resources for jewish lgbtq people


international association for suicide prevention
, provides links to suicide prevention and crisis hotlines for various countries
the trevor project hotline (call): 1-866-488-7386
the trevor project hotline (text): text START to 678-678
US trans lifeline (call): 877-565-8860
CAN trans lifeline (call): 877-330-6366
US national LGBT hotline (call): 888-843-4564
US national LGBT youth talkline, helps up to age 25 (call): 800-246-7743
US national runaway hotline (call): 800-RUNAWAY or 800-786-2929
US true colors united, helps homeless lgbtq youth (call): 212-461-4401
US general crisis textline (start): text START, HOME, or HELP to 741-741
US general national suicide prevention hotline (call): 800-273-8255
US national domestic violence hotline (call): 800-799-SAFE or 800-799-7233
CAN general national suicide prevention textline (text): 45645
CAN general national suicide prevention hotline (call): 1-833-456-4566

resources for trans men and other trans masc people

official gc2b website for safe binders
roughly 30 USD for most binders
official spectrum outfitters website for safe binders in the UK
roughly 50 USD for most binders
pinknews article on how to safely bind, and what to avoid when binding
guide to men’s underwear
how to: masculine contour
voice pitch analyzer
, to help with voice training
how to lower your voice, various tips and exercises
how do you lower your voice? comments with advice
guide to masculine clothing sizes

resources for trans women and other trans femme people

official unclockable website
, they sell tucking kits for 5.49 USD for 2 and 70.50 USD for 30 (good reviews), and trans pride merch
the well project resources for trans women
the heathline guide on safe tucking
guide to feminine underwear and bras
how to find your bra size
bra size, bra inserts, and other info
types of bras and what each do
how to: feminine contour (at the bottom)
voice pitch analyzer,
to help with voice training
how to raise your voice, various tips and exercises
how do you raise your voice? some quick tips that could help
complete guide to feminine clothing sizes


informed consent with hrt
informed consent with hrt, another article
scheduling an appointment for hrt with planned parenthood
insurance and hrt, as well as other gender-affirming things


pronoun dressing room
, a site that lets you test out any name and pronoun set(s) you want
pronoun practice
, helps you practice learning new pronouns
how to use they/them pronouns and why it matters
neopronouns: what are they, what neopronouns are there, and how do you use them?
lists of neopronouns and neopronoun resources
how to pronounce neopronouns: audio posts of various neopronouns
how to conjugate and use neopronouns

lgbtq bipoc resources

mental health for black lgbtq youth
intersectional conversations about black and lgbtq experiences
organizations that help the black lgbtq community
various indigenous lgbtq activists
lgbtq bipoc mental health and well being resources
mental health resources for lgbtq people and bipoc
trans resources, some links include info for bipoc
list of YA books with trans poc
organizations that help black trans people
tw for mentions of racism and police brutality in the beginning of the article

disabled lgbtq resources

various links about being disabled and lgbtq, including information on being disabled and transitioning
lgbtq disabled and deaf resources
disabled trans activists
lgbtq books with trans and disabled characters
trans pride stim toys on etsy

link for part 2

part 2 includes aro/ace trans links, trans pride merch, and information on how to be a better ally for trans people

resources lgbt+ pride

Final* version of the juvelic / glg / [someone] loving [someone] chart for w/m/nb identities!

I also made a version without repeating the labels, based on a version @jynto made before:


I am also working on a text-only version, however since it’s taking too long to make, I will put it on a separate post/reblog.

I’m going to copy/paste the how to use and the Q&A from the original version here:

How to use:

1) Think about what your gender entails. For example, nonbinary woman.

2) Go to the line or one of the lines that specifies the gender you have. For nonbinary woman, you can go to nonbinary > woman or to woman > nonbinary. Both lines are the same.

3) Think about what your gender-based attraction or what you want to reveal about it entails. For example, nonbinary people and women.

4) Look for the column or columns that specify that attraction. In this case, again, you’ll have to look for either the nonbinary > woman column or the woman > nonbinary column.

5) See where the line and column cross! In this example, it should be iridian (nblnb, nblw, wlnb and wlw).

Remember you can use broader labels too! So if you are iridian, for instance, you can also use sapphic, enbian, and so on, if you want.

But how can you be both nonbinary and a man/a woman/a man and a woman?

Some nonbinary people may consider themselves one or both binary genders besides being nonbinary because:

  • They have multiple genders (at the same time or not), and one or some of them are binary or binary-adjacent;
    (examples: a person is trigender and their genders are man, woman and neutrois, or a person is genderfluid and their gender changes between agender and woman)

  • They have a single gender connected to one or both binary genders even if those genders aren’t binary;
    (examples: a person has a single gender that is a mix of maverique and woman, or a person is a proxvir, which means they have a gender similar to man but different in some way)

  • They have a certain connection to one or both binary genders because of presentation, pronouns/titles, desired transition, or other characteristics.
    (examples: a person is agender but doesn’t mind being treated as a man in general, or a person is dulcigender but has a connection to being a woman for desiring a physical transition similar to a trans woman)

But how can you be both a man and a woman without being nonbinary?

A nonbinary person may consider themselves both a man and a woman and prefer an identity that only talks about them being both a man and a woman.

A person who is both a man and a woman may also not want to identify as nonbinary for any reason.

But all those labels are too complicated/hard to remember! Why not just use ____?

You may not use them if you don’t want to, but there are obviously people who want to use those more specific labels, or otherwise there wouldn’t be so much of them.

* this version is “final” because all slots are taken. However, if there are changes I deem important enough, I may make other versions of this.

pride lgbt+


Word of advice: if possible find therapists who are trans themselves.

My therapist is a trans man and not only was he willing to give me the referral I needed after just one visit, he'll do it for people who just ask.


Also, if available in your state: Plume is a trans run healthcare service that arranges HRT and keeps track of when you need bloodwork etc. All it took was a few intake forms, a video call with a doctor, and then I was prescribed hormones. Very simple. There is a 99 membership fee, but it takes care of all of your stuff in one place that was usually be multiple doctors. I recommend it.


This is big news!



was really curious about this and no info was included in this post so, i went looking and it was a lil hard to find. the website is getplume and these are the available states (currently?) not my state but hopefully this reaches someone who needs it

Source: arcticarthropod
resources transgender trans god bless

Resources for Trans Women


Please reblog to get this circling! Also if you know of more resources relevant to this post or relevant to your country please add them! 


How to tuck (this is the first in a series she is doing for Trans Women) 

This article talks about the pros and cons of tucking different ways, as well as ways to tuck safely (based on this article you might want to consider not tucking when you exercise, as from what I have seen it can be painful and you need to not be distracted to maintain proper form and this article does raise the issue of sweating while tucking as a source for fungal skin infections in that area, so maybe exercise and then tuck after you are done-perhaps wear some Spanx during workouts instead) 


A video about the changes you will experience on HRT 

Products to purchase: 

The Etsy shop LeoLines has loads of products for Trans Women to use in terms of undergarments! 

-FemaleWarrior, She/They 


Im gonna just dump some tips and things that ive learned over the years:

Best method for a totally flat tuck is two pairs of underwear. and boyshort panties are the absolute best for it.

As i discovered the other day, dont drink alot of alcohol on spiralactone, it can make you feel way more dizzy and nauseous more than before

Also spira makes you dehydrated much easier than before so drink vitamin water or pickle juice or smth with sodium

Also watch out at around month 4 to 6 on hrt cause you start getting moodswings alot


Srsly if you dont wanna wear makeup dont. Its not necessary to make you pass

However if you arent out yet but wanna be more feminine, sented chapstick, nailpolish and shit like that is great for keeping in the closet but feeling more feminine

presenting hyperfemme is also hella not necessary for passing

If you do voice training just remember: femenine voices emphasize through pitch changes vs volume changes and tend to lift at the end of sentances slightly. The overall pitch of ur voice doesnt matter nearly as much. Listen to girls voices u wanna emulate to figure out why they sound that way.

Going into the right bathroom will always be scary, especially the first time. If you can, find a buddy to go with you but mostly just be confident, its where you’re supposed to be.

Listen to True Trans Soul Rebel by Against Me! Trust me.

This is the path your life is supposed to take

You are a woman.

For all my wlw sisters: your love is so beautiful and lovely and dont let anyone tell you that you’re predatory or that your love is wrong. Artemis and Sappho didnt create us for ppl to disrespect our love.

For all my wlm sisters: your love is incredible and wonderful. There are amazing men out there who would lift the sky for you, dont ever give up hope you’ll find him. Aphrodite and Artemis didnt put their souls into you for you to give up on love

For my ace sisters: You are powerful and incredible. The stars bow and the trees will part when you pass, and I am in awe of you. If some exlusionary asshole tells you otherwise, punch em. And you best believe that Artemis and Athena are proud of you.

And in the words of our punk mom, Laura Jane Grace:

“Dont let them break you.

Dont let them tell you who you are.”

Source: imfemalewarrior
resources mtf transgender trans women

Free Clothes for Trans Girls!

I’ve created the blog @havenscloset where you can look through a list of free clothes that I’m giving away.

My goal is to provide good, feminine clothes to girls who are early in their transition, cannot buy feminine clothes for fear of being outed, or cannot otherwise afford them. 

I will be adding more items and accessories in the future!

Please give it a look and spread the word!




Source: coast-modern
resources transgender mtf transwomen

hey yall

very important announcment

one of my close friends want a one note a day post, she asked me not to put her account, but I really need people to boost this

she also said that since I know her too well im not allowed tp spam it with notes so im counting on yall to get this a lot of notes

yall helped me when I needed it so please help her too

if you need advice you can come to owlie if need be

There’s so much info about tucking and gaffs (less so) but to all new trans girls.. just get some cotton panties like boyshorts style and push it back gently.

 Like you might have to do slightly (slightly) more for tighter clothes or different fabrics but like… ya don’t need to tape yourself every day… or ever… and gaffs are good but unless you’re wearing something tight n thin cotton boyshorts or some other strong underwear will do the trick.

 Like all this info pretending like you need special gaffs, tape, to shove ur testes up into your inguinal canal, etc. is classist, physically harmful, and preventatively daunting information to be spreading without disclaimers like this.


Idk if this has been said before but a long time ago another trans lady and I kinda realized we could just wear 2 pairs of underwear and call it a day without taping or anything fancy. Its definitely a cheap alternative and Ive been doing it for 6 years 👍

I wear jeggings to work and when im out and about and I never get looks or comments, idk if this is helpful to anyone tho 😅


to every transfemme person: please read this it will save you so much time, money, and energy


I had a friend who wore some layers compression shorts and called it a day

Source: precioustranswoman
resources transfem trangender mtf tucking alternatives

if you’re a terf or radfem get off of my blog


here we support 

  • trans women
  • sex workers
  • amab nonbinary people 
  • afab nonbinary people
  • trans men 
  • women who wear makeup 
  • women who shave 
  • women who don’t wear makeup
  • women who don’t shave 
  • women who are comfortable being housewives 
  • trans lesbians 
  • nonbinary lesbians
  • trans gay men
  • men loving nonbinary people (nlm) 
  • muslim women 
  • women who wear hijab’s, niqabs, burqas, shylas, hijab amiras, khimars, chadors (sorry if i missed any or spelled any wrong)
  • women who like the idea of traditional family roles
  • women who don’t ^^^^^^^^^^^
  • women who wouldn’t want an abortion
  • women do would want an abortion
  • cis women
  • trans women 
  • cis men 
  • trans men
  • black women 
  • black men 
  • black nonbinary people 
  •  trans women of colour
  • trans men of colour 
  • nonbinary people of colour 
  • people who don’t tare others down 
  • people who respect people even if they don’t understand them 
  • neo pronouns

get off my blog if ya don’t agree

Source: possibly-the-antichrist
reminder at who is welcome here and its certainly not terfs or radfems