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Final* version of the juvelic / glg / [someone] loving [someone] chart for w/m/nb identities!

I also made a version without repeating the labels, based on a version @jynto made before:


I am also working on a text-only version, however since it’s taking too long to make, I will put it on a separate post/reblog.

I’m going to copy/paste the how to use and the Q&A from the original version here:

How to use:

1) Think about what your gender entails. For example, nonbinary woman.

2) Go to the line or one of the lines that specifies the gender you have. For nonbinary woman, you can go to nonbinary > woman or to woman > nonbinary. Both lines are the same.

3) Think about what your gender-based attraction or what you want to reveal about it entails. For example, nonbinary people and women.

4) Look for the column or columns that specify that attraction. In this case, again, you’ll have to look for either the nonbinary > woman column or the woman > nonbinary column.

5) See where the line and column cross! In this example, it should be iridian (nblnb, nblw, wlnb and wlw).

Remember you can use broader labels too! So if you are iridian, for instance, you can also use sapphic, enbian, and so on, if you want.

But how can you be both nonbinary and a man/a woman/a man and a woman?

Some nonbinary people may consider themselves one or both binary genders besides being nonbinary because:

  • They have multiple genders (at the same time or not), and one or some of them are binary or binary-adjacent;
    (examples: a person is trigender and their genders are man, woman and neutrois, or a person is genderfluid and their gender changes between agender and woman)

  • They have a single gender connected to one or both binary genders even if those genders aren’t binary;
    (examples: a person has a single gender that is a mix of maverique and woman, or a person is a proxvir, which means they have a gender similar to man but different in some way)

  • They have a certain connection to one or both binary genders because of presentation, pronouns/titles, desired transition, or other characteristics.
    (examples: a person is agender but doesn’t mind being treated as a man in general, or a person is dulcigender but has a connection to being a woman for desiring a physical transition similar to a trans woman)

But how can you be both a man and a woman without being nonbinary?

A nonbinary person may consider themselves both a man and a woman and prefer an identity that only talks about them being both a man and a woman.

A person who is both a man and a woman may also not want to identify as nonbinary for any reason.

But all those labels are too complicated/hard to remember! Why not just use ____?

You may not use them if you don’t want to, but there are obviously people who want to use those more specific labels, or otherwise there wouldn’t be so much of them.

* this version is “final” because all slots are taken. However, if there are changes I deem important enough, I may make other versions of this.


Here’s a pastebin version, for those who can’t use the tables above for any reason.


Reblogging for the text-only version.

Source: nbandproud
glg terminology juvelic juvelic system juvelic table juvelic chart

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