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See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

Pinned or whatever

Sup my name’s Xenon/Skai I’m 16 and I put all my actual content on @oodling-and-doodling

My pronouns are he/they and I’m apothisexual and polyromantic

Don’t interact if you’re NSFW, an exclusionist, racist, homophobic, transphobic, truscum, sexist, right wing, related to me by blood, against bi lesbians, anti-anti, and/or pluralphobic

I post a lot of traumacore and weirdcore so if that freaks you out don’t follow me

Also don’t screenshot my posts

Pinned Post dni pinned about me

The point of getting rid of the death penalty isn’t that there are some innocent people on it. The point of prison abolition isn’t that there are some innocent people in prison.

The point is that the state shouldn’t have the power to kill people. The point is that the prison system commits systemic abuses of human rights, doesn’t reduce crime, is deeply racist, and doesn’t take the desires of the victims into account. To argue about whether one individual on death row or with a life sentence is innocent or guilty is just a distraction from the central issues, which is that these institutions are unjust and should not exist

Source: solarpunkwitchcraft

an entire generation of adhd kids has now grown up thinking they have to choose bt being unmedicated and being overmedicated, and it was such a traumatic experience tbh


the ADHD™ 90s Kid™ Experience™ was:

  • your parents taking you to a doctor out of desperation 
  • your doctor immediately starting your off on way too high a dose of the newest designer drug in their toolbox
  • sudden onset of appetite loss, “zombie-like” feelings, tics, anxiety, irritability, sleep issues, and other very common symptoms of a child being overmedicated
  • expressing your concerns to adults (as best you could bc you were a literal child) who ignored you or thought you must be somehow ‘doing’ medication wrong (???)
  • expressing your concerns (again, to the best of your ability as an actual child) to the doctor who overmedicated you and somehow missed the fact that as a literal child you are more sensitive to stimulant meds
    • (stimulant meds which were brand new on the market btw, and whose side effects weren’t well-understood)
  • having the dosage lowered, if you were lucky
  • or just having it raised (???) bc side effects meant it wasn’t working (???)
  • or just being switched to a new medication, also at too high of a dose
  • or being told to suck it up, bc at least now you were getting your homework done
  • and bc some adults would rather have a zombie child than a hyperactive child
  • eventually discontinuing meds after months of arguments with your parents
  • not seeking help as an adult bc you’d rather live with the symptoms you’ve learned to mask at great cost, than risk repeating the traumatic experience you had w/ medication as a kid
  • going unmedicated for decades unaware that the right dose of the right medication from a doctor who cares about not traumatizing their patients, can in fact transform your life this time in a good way???
  • eventually having kids w/ adhd and being scared to take them to a doctor i guess

we deserved so much better tbh. i hope some day you end up in a room with a doctor who listens, and you get the help you should have recieved all those years ago.



i’m crying bc it’s true and also a better summary than mine