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See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

Ok so since I know it can be hard for nonpsychotic people to know when to tag unreality, I’ll make a list of times to tag it and if any other psychotic people wanna add on feel free!

  • Use the matrix movie as your jumping off point, if you feel like anything gives off Matrix Vibes then you should tag it just in case
  • Anything that could be tagged “weirdcore” or “dreamcore” and lots of “traumacore” too
  • Anything even jokingly mentioning “the simulation” or anything like that implying the world is fake
  • Anything trippy where it shows something normal like a house being distorted or edited in an ominous way (for example editing eyes into the walls on a picture of a bedroom)
  • Anything implying the reader is being watched, listened to, etc. without their knowledge
  • Any sort of vague threatening statements like “I’m in your house” or something
  • Anything that says if you don’t reblog/share/like/whatever then x bad thing will happen to you
  • Anything implying the reader is in a coma (seriously those aren’t funny)
  • Anything implying that the people around the reader are not what they seem (this can be like The Truman Show, NPCs/philosophical zombies, imposters, etc.)
  • Anything implying the reader is dead or a ghost or anything like that
  • Anything implying the reader has some sort of supernatural abilities
  • Anything implying there is a powerful person, group or entity plotting against the reader and/or stalking them for whatever reason
  • Any sort of monsters that “only you can see” (like slenderman)
  • Anything implying there will be some sort of disaster because of something the reader’s actions (or lack of actions)
  • Disturbing/creepy/unsettling things (better safe than sorry)
Source: real-uwu-hours

Listen up!


You see a post like this? Where OP might hurt/kill themselves? You hit that button that I circled


Hit that.


Click Suicide or Self-harm Concern




Fill in the rest of it, and hit submit. The "content you reported" will fill itself in

Tumblr will follow up and help them.

Warning: this is only for mobile. If anyone knows how to do this for desktop, please add it!




And yes, REBLOG. Liking does no shit at all. This isn't ig.

You reblog, people see it. You don't, people don't see it. This shit's that simple.

This could save someone's life. It's not a joke.



What this person said. And if their blog gets terminated, there is no way to contact them anymore. Even if you think you’re helping, hitting “report” multiple times and stating that the person is violating guidelines will eventually result in their blog being deleted. For a lot of people, their blog is the one place where they may feel safe. That option to report is made for reporting someone for harassing a blogger, telling them to hurt themselves. If you read Staff’s statement, you can tell they aren’t referring to those who actually need help. Just talk to someone and let them know you care, instead of doing something that will result in them being isolated


@the-real-samuel thanks! I didn't get a chance to see that in the notes.

I just thought Tumblr would follow up and see if they were okay. I had no idea the blog might get deleted. From now on, I'll try to talk to the blogger first, and if they still say they might kill themselves, I'll report them.


I’m glad that you got to see my response. The only issue with going ahead and reporting them even after talking to them is that the specific report feature you’re suggesting is made for those that are harassing others, trying to get them to harm themselves. There are other people in the replies saying that Tumblr Staff takes a while to send anything, and even though it is a list of hotline numbers, it stills shows up as a notification that their post has been reported by someone

I’m fully supportive of any effort that can save someone’s life, but I do suggest you avoid using the report feature altogether. Although it has hotline numbers, Staff isn’t super quick to send them to the person you’re reporting. Additionally, reporting them might cause their blog to get deleted and unless you know of other ways to contact them, they could be cut off from everyone. And having their blog taken away may add to the stress they’re already experiencing, especially if they don’t understand why


(Important reblog 2/2!)

Source: apocalyptic-cake

So, if you don't know about Kahn Academy its an online education platform that provides free courses in a whole lot of subjects. I've personally used it for computer science and math. The classes they have really run the gamut


They need donations (they're a 501 nonprofit) to help them keep operating and grow. They're an invaluable source of learning for pretty much anyone, particularly those without the financial and/or social resources to access other options. Using it helped me test into higher levels at my CC and saved me about two years in tuition for classes that I didn't need and wouldn't have helped toward my degree. If you've got the ability consider throwing them some scratch or at least reblog to keep a great organization going.


Khan Academy is one of the only tools that was accesible for me as a poor teenager trying to study for the PSATs, SATs, AP classes, and even my college calculus classes.

The amount of care and attention that goes into their videos, how attentive they are to user feedback and etc. is just not something that I've experienced with other learning organizations. They don't ostracize you for learning differently and they incorporate their tutorials in a way that gives you visual and auditory instruction, as well as plenty of practice and etc.

really worthwhile resource and it would be an absolute shame if they were to shutter.

Source: chaotickalix