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See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

find my art and writing at @corvoidraws !!!! im actually cool and funny there 🥺👉👈




EYESTRAIN-FREE INFO: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1B2c7zdGlh80EVyO7wpuEZ9KvyQFRffPYHovLkFeUe7M/edit

note: i do not tag nudity, any kind of bug, or the word queer- it does not come from disrespect, i self-identify with the word queer, and bugs are a huge special interest of mine, and as far as nudity goes im just not gonna tag it unless its nsfw. if this makes you uncomfortable please dont follow to keep urself safe!!

i am always free if u wanna message me and say hi or be mutuals!!!!!

Pinned Post info dni about

Urgent food help (12/22/20)


I’m Erin, the infamous e-beggar(™),, my family needs at least $10 dollars for food and $10 for cab fare the kids are hungry and scared, I want to make sure my family has food and are warm and secure for Christmas. I am working on a thing that’ll lead to a positive change for us, that’ll take time though and we need help now. We are out of food & money, thanks to Corona we need to stock up on food and necessities but we have no money. I want to ease my moms worries (My mom is immune compromised, lupus and other medical conditions, plus she’s 60 years old)I mainly take care of her, grocery delivery is too expensive for us and I risk exposing her and myself as I’m also immune compromised) by going out whenever we have money. My caseworker helped me apply for SSI which I am just waiting to hear back on it and that takes some time. If you want to donate, be it 1 cent or 5 cent, no amount is too small, it would be greatly appreciated and go towards food/ necessitates. I will repay anyone who donates in any way. Reblogs are helpful. Nobody has to donate if they don’t want to or can’t, times are hard on everyone. No one should feel guilty. I love y’all. Please don’t send hate, I will block you. I’m ashamed to even ask as ya’ll have helped us so much, with my bros meds and thanksgiving.

paypal or cash.me or venmo (my username is skiesofperiwinkle)

Source: avatarerin

The more I learn about this stuff the more infuriating it is how able bodied neurotypicals think people shouldn’t have 'too many' diagnoses because it’s somehow 'too unlikely' as if each disorder was a separate dice roll.

Like in their heads they go "well Condition 1 is experienced by 1% of the population, Condition 2 is experienced by 0.5% of the population, and Condition 3 is experienced by 1.6% of the population, so that means a person has only a 0.00008% chance of having all three which is obviously too ridiculous to be possible"

And they actually believe that’s how it works in real life.


The way it actually works: Condition 1 is experienced by 1% of the population, Condition 2 shares some of the genetic markers of Condition 1 and so 40-50% of people with Condition 1 also have Condition 2, and Condition 3 can be caused by many things including Conditions 1 and 2 and having both raises your chance of having Condition 3 to 90%.

So 36-45% of people with Condition 1 also have Condition 2 AND Condition 3, and 0.36-0.45% of the total population has all three. Put another way, at least 1 in 300 people have all three conditions. Not common, but not nearly as rare as people expect!

Source: thatautisticadhdfeel

okay. new idea for putting together pokemon teams (just for fun)

  • your favorite starter (can be at any stage of evolution so like. charmander, charmeleon, or charizard, etc.)
  • your favorite eeveelution (can be just eevee too)
  • your favorite electric rodent
  • one pokemon from your favorite type
  • one pokemon from your favorite region (it’s okay if you already chose others from the same region !)
  • your absolute #1 favorite pokemon

so for me it’d be popplio, vaporeon, dedenne, drifblim, sableye, and mudbray !

Source: hoovedmoved
popplio sylveon raichu scolipede drampa joltik

Hello All,

If you watched this video thank you. it is an original work. I am 25 years old, trans, and having trouble with finding work. I’m currently living in a small country town, kind of industrial, and it’s been hard to keep a job, because of being misgendered, constantly othered, and even sometimes sexually harassed. It’s been a rough couple of years for me. I’ve been in the mental hospital twice, and I dropped out of college. In the future, I plan on moving to a more liberal area. For now, I’m making this post in hopes that people will be kind enough to help me out during this time, as I am solely jumping from family member to family member for support, trying to stay on my feet. You can help by reblogging this post! It goes a long way!

and if you can donate, it would be highly appreciated. Please do so at cashapp: $karso or you can send it to paypal.me/karsonandre

Source: triggerwarnings

Also I hate how white lgbt folk on here will try to like dismiss films like moonlight and the half of it because there was no romance at the end. Like chiron and kevin didn't get a final kiss scene or ellie and asher didn't end up dating. And that irritates me because those films are about growing up and figuring yourself out as someone who is not straight!! The point of the films wasn't romance!!! If you want a gay romance film watch anything else!! Also I guarantee you that if these films were about white people then they would praise it for not being about romance...

Source: captainamericasamwilson

ok but actually i hope every1 who thot they were cis but r now questioning if theyre nb or not knows thats like normal and natural like. idk how to word this but there isnt some secret extreme criteria u have to fit its just what ur comfortable with it doesnt have to be this big upheaval. u can just be comfortable with being nb. u dont have to change anything abt urself if u dont want to

Source: biluz