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I am not Haraam

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Welcome to the home of the “I am not Haraam” project - a blog created for LGBTQIA+ Muslims by LGBTQIA+ Muslims.

Haraam is an Arabic word used in Islam to mean “forbidden”. This project has been started as a way for LGBTQIA+ Muslims to stand up and proclaim that we will not allow our existence as LGBTQIA+ Muslims to be erased any longer. We are not kafirs, we are not deviant, our existence is not a sin. This is our space to say: WE ARE NOT HARAAM.
Call for submissions
We’re calling for any Muslim who identifies as part of the LGBTQIA+ spectrum to submit to this blog. Allies and supportive families of LGBTQIA+ Muslims are also welcome and encouraged. The theme for submissions is quite simply, “I am not haraam” (or “my son/daughter/lover/sibling is not haraam”).
We’d like you to share what it means for you to be an LGBTQIA+ Muslim. You can tell us about your struggles, your everyday life, anything that makes you, you!
Submissions can take any form; text posts, audio posts, art work, poetry, video etc.

How do I submit? You can submit by clicking on “submit” at the top of the page or by emailing

If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to message us.
Please note: This is a positive space for LGBTQIA+ Muslims. We will not publish or respond to any negative or hateful remarks. We will not respond to any message asking us to justify our existence as LGBTQIA+ Muslims.

Hi there!
My name is Fletch, and I am a 17 year old dude from England. I found Allāh (swt) and faith recently, and through reading the holy Qur'an I’ve found peace in His sanctuary. Here’s a cool picture of me at a poetry slam.
May you also find His...

Hi there!

My name is Fletch, and I am a 17 year old dude from England. I found Allāh (swt) and faith recently, and through reading the holy Qur'an I’ve found peace in His sanctuary. Here’s a cool picture of me at a poetry slam.
May you also find His peace and love a comfort, my friends <3

I am transgender, queer, and polyamorous;

and I am not Haraam.

— 5 years ago with 87 notes
#Queer Muslims  #Submission  #I am not haraam  #Islam  #LGBTQ  #LGBTQ Muslims  #submission 
Coming to terms with my sexuality

Growing up, I had always been friends with just as many girls as guys, and I never found that strange or unusual. My mindset at the time was to like people for who they are, not whether they were male or female. As I grew older, I became very close to one of my friends, and I started to look at her in a new light. The way her eyes lit up with she smiled, how she was so determined and strong-willed, and her amazing sense of humor. I could gaze at her for hours and never get tired, and when our hands brushed it sent my heart fluttering. It was around that time that I was exposed to a new concept, “lesbian”, that took me by surprise. Here was something that gave backing to my feelings, yet when I brought it up to my Muslim mother, she was quick to tell me that although we should respect everyone equally, being anything other than straight was strictly forbidden in Islam.

I accepted that, however, I couldn’t stop myself from wondering. I couldn’t be lesbian, right? I’d gotten crushes on guys before too. In fact, thinking about my previous crushes, I had never consciously thought about gender. It was something meaningless, just another tag to identify someone, and had no impact on me. As time went on, I found myself just as attracted to any gender, and as much as I tried to ignore those feelings, they were most definitely there. 

In around the beginning of 2016, I came out to my parents as bisexual. I will never forget the horrified expression on my mother’s face and the tears that had welled up in her eyes. However, instead of yelling at me or telling me I was going to hell, she sat down with me and put her hand on my shoulder and told me it was alright. She said she would always love me no matter what, but I had to hide my feelings and never let anyone else know. It was my little secret, and I was okay with that.

To this day, I’m still in the closet when it comes to anyone outside my family, although I now identify as pansexual (gender-blind). I like people for who they are, not whether they’re male, female, or neither. Why should appearance or genitalia make such a huge difference when it comes to love? I believed that Allah wouldn’t create a person just to send them to hell. If he made me this way, it must be for a reason. If a Muslim should not alter his looks because Allah has created them perfectly the way He intended them to look, why should I change my sexuality?

Despite this outlook I have, I have not yet come out to the public (or even my closest friends) for fear of rejection, discrimination, or losing the people I care most about. And perhaps I’m wrong, and not being straight is a sin, but as long as I am alive I will not hate who I am. I have one life to live, and I’m not going to let my love for people interfere with my love for Allah. 

I am a proud pansexual Muslim teen, and this is my story.

— 5 years ago with 52 notes
#LGBTQ Muslims  #Queer Muslims  #Islam  #LGBTQ  #I am not haraam  #submission 


So, my birth name is Fahtima and I’m actually a queer muslim living in Egypt. I’m fourteen and have been struggling with my sexuality for a while. I’ve often looked at myself and wondered if anyone found themselves in such a situation as mine, and I always used to think that maybe I WASN’T queer, that I was just forcing it on myself because how could I be?

But I could deny it no longer. My romantic and sexual attraction to the same sex was prominent and crystal clear as I aged. It scared me a little, made me fear for myself and my future. On one side islamophobia and on the other homophobia?

My detachment from the general concept of gender, too, confused me a good lot. I didn’t understand what was happening or why, and I struggled with insecurity and depression for a while.

Learning about this blog helped me a lot. Peace be upon you and everyone going through the same- it warms me within ti know that I’m not alone in this.

Thank you.

— 5 years ago with 23 notes
#Submission  #LGBTQ Muslims  #Queer Muslims  #Islam  #LGBTQ  #I am not haraam  #submission 
Thank you

The “I am not Harram” project was something I really needed. 

I am a 15 year old female who identifies as a Panromantic Demisexual. I figured out my identity in a slow pace, when I fell in love (sorta) with my best friend. She and I are very close and I’m glad she now has my first kiss. She admitted to me that she might be either a lesbian or a bisexual. We both were hesitant to admit it but I am happy that we did.

I really needed this. Thank you.

— 6 years ago with 21 notes
#Submission  #LGBTQ Muslims  #Queer Muslims  #Islam  #LGBTQ  #I am not haraam  #submission 
bisexual :/

hi my name is pooshpita, i read about this website on tumblr through a friend, i’m islamic and my family is really religious but i’m a bisexual. i’m always stressed someday my family members will find out i’m a bisexual and it stresses me because they’ve always had a thing against the lgbt community. i’m 14 but i know i’m bisexual. people in my life say, ‘its just a phase’ but i know it’s not it’s who i am. i used to get bullied online and in real life for being bisexual and into the same gender. i love singing, and playing video games, i’m like any ordinary girl, except the fact i’m a tomboy :P i just needed to let out my feelings i guess, i feel as if i’m haraam because of what my parents see the lgbtq community as. I love watching ellen degeneres, but i can’t watch it without my mom pointing out every single time that she’s lesbian, and i tell her i don’t care and my mom gets mad. I just wanted to let out my feelings, i feel strong about the lgbtq community, it’s my life i love everything about it, i’m human 

— 6 years ago with 22 notes
#LGBTQ Muslims  #Islam  #LGBTQ  #I am not haraam  #submission 

I am not Muslim, but my cousin is. I am gay, but I don’t know about her, I’m not out to her, or really anyone. We’ve always been very close. She used to think that being gay was disgusting, if it ever came up in a conversation she expressed her disapproval, which always made me slightly upset, but at the time I didn’t know I was gay, so I didn’t bother trying to argue with her. But she doesn’t think that anymore. She fully supports me, without knowing that she’s supporting me in particular. We talk about these things a lot, and I can tell that religion is a large influence in her life. She goes to an Islamic school, so she knows the religion much better than I do. She often feels restricted. Her religion is important to her, but she hates the boundaries that it creates. She says that she can’t understand how Allah could make some people gay, but then force them to hide that part of them. She doesn’t believe that Allah would do that, and neither do I. When we discuss, she seems exhausted and frustrated. She loves her religion, but she knows how much it hurts to have to hide, to feel like being who you are is forbidden. I don’t know if she’s LGBTQ or not, but she supports those who are, despite the fact that her religion tells her not to. I don’t think she knows I’m gay, maybe she’s figured it out, but she doesn’t need to know to be able to tell me that it’s okay for me to be who I am. 

— 6 years ago with 17 notes
#LGBTQ Muslims  #Queer Muslims  #LGBTQ  #I am not haraam  #submission 
Chicago Tawhid Jummah Circle


It’s your friendly neighborhood mod of 

I am currently on the board for the Chicago Tawhid Jummah Circle, which is currently fundraising so we can open our own inclusive jummah space November 5th. 

I’d love it if you could reblog this post here and tell your followers who live in Chicago to like our facebook page here

Don’t actually post this post, please just do some reblogging. 


Zaynab, aka navigatethestream and 

— 6 years ago with 18 notes
#Submission  #LGBTQ Muslims  #Queer Muslims  #LGBTQ  #submission 

Hi there,

I just came across your blog, and love the project! I think it’s so important that there’s reputation, and it’s fantastic to see the support you guys are getting and providing! 

I’m not sure if this is the sort of thing you’d submit, but my partner is non-Muslim and transgender. Whilst I identify as straight, my Muslim family did not accept our relationship for over three years, and forbade me from seeing my sisters and coming to the house. Years down the line, they have finally come to take steps to accepting us. We made a video about it, that you can find here:

It’s just a positive message that we wanted to share to show people that even the most unaccepting, and stubborn (in terms of wanting to understand) people can come round, with time.

Hope it helps, and I look forward to looking more into the I Am Not Haraam project! 



— 6 years ago with 21 notes
#Submission  #LGBTQ  #I am not haraam  #submission 
Being a Bisexual Muslim in a conservative family

Hey! So I never knew I was bisexual. It wasn’t until I started reading stories about other LGBT Muslims and I realized that I’ve been subconsciously pushing down my instincts. I have several crushes on many gorgeous female actresses (Jennifer Morrison, Chloe Bennet, etc) and some crushes on my schoolmates too. It wasn’t until I started talking to my friends about it that I finally came to terms with who I am.

However, I’m very religious. I pray five times a day, fast during Ramadan, read the Quran, don’t eat pork or any haram meats, and I try to be the best person I can be. I’m worried to tell my parents about my sexual orientation, because I’m scared of how they’ll react. They’re very conservative and really intolerant towards LGBT people. I don’t even tell them that some of my best friends are LGBT, because I’m worried they’ll make me be friends with other people. 

Maybe I’ll marry a girl some day or maybe I’ll marry a guy (actually, I don’t even think I can get married unless that person’s a Muslim, because that’s what my parents have always said, and they’d have to arrange it….stupid traditional ideals…). Plus, I’ve never been in a official relationship, because I’d have to hide it from my parents….anyways, I’m a bit confused and scared as to what the future might hold. 

I love my family, I really do…but I also want to be happy. I do them so many favors and help them out a lot with their English (we’re immigrants and English is their second language) and with filling out any paper work or translating texts. They’ve always been so proud of me in terms of my academic achievements and who I am (even if they don’t express it). But I’m worried how I can break such a news to my parents about being a bisexual and even if I never end up getting married, I would still like them to know that this is who I am. This is what Allah made me and they should accept me for it.

Thank you so much for making this tumblr page :) May Allah bless you. Mashallah! :D

— 6 years ago with 34 notes
#Submission  #LGBTQ Muslims  #Islam  #LGBTQ  #I am not haraam  #submission 

Salaam. I am a 26 years old lesbian Muslim. I would love to meet more people in our community. Living where I do and being in the closet to my biological family makes most days feel very lonely. I love getting to know new people and hearing about their lives and experiences. 

— 6 years ago with 9 notes
#Submission  #LGBTQ Muslims  #Queer Muslims  #Islam  #LGBTQ  #I am not haraam  #submission 

Hi, Im a 21 years old female from SE Asia.

I identify myself as homoromantic asexual since a few years ago. I realized that I’m asexual when I’m 13-14 years old, but I struggled with my internalized homophobia and finally came to full acceptance that I’m romantically gay when I was 16. 

I am only out to my two bestfriends (they’re really accepting and supportive) but I’m really afraid to tell my family, even though they’re really loving and probably some of the most wonderful people I ever met in my life.

I really want to tell my mother, but I don’t think that she’ll be pleased upon hearing that. My relationship with her is complicated. I dont want to be a further disappointment to her.

I’m really glad that I found this blog. I’ve been struggling with my faith lately, especially because the recent lgbt issue in my country.

I can say that people here are not the most open minded one. They tend to react strongly to any kind of issue, and often voice their strong disagreement under the name of their religion. And since people here are majority moslems, I feel pushed out.

They make us sound like the worst kind of people. They equate us with sexual predators, an abomination, a threat that should be terminated as soon as possible for simply existing. 

And I’ve been slowly losing faith ever since. Because these people make Islam sounds hostile towards difference. That I’m not welcomed at all.

But I believe that Allah is forgiving, and everyone has the right to live. And these people have no right to judge me. They don’t even know me at all. And I believe that Islam is a beautiful religion that can accept everyone.

They say that I am haraam.

Let me say this, I will not let people define me by my sexuality. I will not let them define me with ignorance in their mind.

I believe in kindness 

I’m a moslem.

I’m queer.

And I am not haraam.

(Thank you for creating this blog. It helps me to feel accepted again)

— 6 years ago with 57 notes
#Submission  #LGBTQ Muslims  #Queer Muslims  #Islam  #LGBTQ  #I am not haraam  #submission 
A request

Hi. My name is Yasmine, 23 and this a request that I hope gets posted. I live in the Gulf and I am looking for a marriage of convenience with a gay man who lives in AE and intends to travel out of the country after the marriage. Anyone interested can contact me directly through tumblr. Thank you.

— 6 years ago with 23 notes
#Submission  #LGBTQ Muslims  #Queer Muslims  #Islam  #LGBTQ  #I am not haraam  #submission 
Confused Convert

I’m bi and, after reading many of these posts, realize how privileged I am to have an accepting family (I have two moms so of course they’re accepting.) Recently I have decided to convert to Islam and it’s scary that the main answer the Internet gives to “can you be Muslim and gay/LGBTQIA” is no. I’m afraid I won’t be able to find an accepting mosque, to one day be married in the mosque, or that if I decide to one day wear the hijab, gay/bi women won’t want to date me.
This is an amazing page however and it gives me hope. Islam is a beautiful religion and I believe in Allah’s (swt) eyes, I AM NOT HARAAM!

— 6 years ago with 33 notes
#Submission  #LGBTQ Muslims  #Islam  #LGBTQ  #I am not haraam  #submission