Tags I use

#terms = pretty self-explatanory. Here goes every term I find.

#flags = flags for new terms, pronouns, redesigns, etc. aesthetic flags dont go here.

#resources = This includes links to buy things like binders, tips on passing, and more.

#positivity = Positive stuff

#merch = Links to buy pride things!

#misc = Stuff I can’t find a tag for.

#moodboards = Just moodboards.

#lockscreens = Phone wallpapers.

#pronouns = Pronouns I find that aren’t just she/he/they/it.

#signal boost = People in need of money.

#dolls = Cute dolls I do (or others do) based on pride flags

#witchcraft = self-explanatory. MOGAI related witchcraft.

#religion = MOGAI related religious stuff, such as prayers. Keep in mind that I’m personally an atheist.