

Doctor. Omnivorous reader. Like current affairs, music, travelling. Always interested in learning about something new.

Joined January 2014


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  1. Pinned Tweet
    7 Dec 2019

    The short answer is : NEVER. I have been visiting temples all across India since I was a small kid. My hometown itself is a veritable temple town. No one has ever asked : 1) My caste 2) Whether or not I was menstruating 3) Even whether I was a Hindu

  2. Retweeted

    The most unusual and amazing Narasimha Murti ... 🙏

  3. Retweeted
    32 minutes ago

    Just put the Union Leaders on Jail. Naxalites are trying support china now. File Sedition charges against them.

  4. Retweeted
    51 minutes ago

    These guys should be sent home if they want to strike work for government asking for more accountability.

  5. 2 hours ago

    😂😂😂 Pappu's comedy show goes on. This man can't even bear the discomfort of sitting atop a bare surface for a few hours, and Congressis expect him to mount an actual rigorous opposition to that workaholic, power house called Modi 🤦🏻‍♀️

  6. Retweeted
    2 hours ago

    मि. मीणा की बात में आत्मविश्वास और ज़िम्मेदारी की झलक स्पष्ट है। ये देश इन इमानदार और सजग अधिकारियों पर विश्वास करे या दो टके के देश को अराजकता में झोंकने वाले, TRP के भुखे मिडिया, गिद्धरुपी पप्पु-मुन्नी और इनके चाटुकार चमचो पर!!

  7. 2 hours ago

    बापू के काते हुए सूत की कीमत साधारण भारतीय खूब जानते हैं साहब । उसी के बल पर एक परिवार ने पचास - साठ वर्ष देश की छाती पर मूंग दली है ।

  8. Retweeted
    3 hours ago

    What you get is what you don't want!

  9. 4 hours ago

    Had Gandhi not been killed– his thoughts, his ideas and causes – would have been killed by Libbies in a few yrs. Exactly the way Anna Hazare was thrown out & sidelined once his 'followers' had achieved their political objectives. Interesting & thought provoking article.

  10. 5 hours ago

    "It’ll be an extraordinary development if Pak’s military is overthrown by street power& replaced by democratically elected politicians who order the army back to the barracks." Unlikely, but if it happens, at least half of the terrorism problem will disappear across the world.

  11. Retweeted
    7 hours ago

    Rahul & Priyanka still haven’t understood that these photo op moments remain just that. Elections are won when the electorate sees a vision, a promise for a better future not by Shoot & Scoot operators who’ve never done a days work.

  12. 9 hours ago

    Serious Q. Why do courts include so much irrelevant stuff in their orders ? The judgements run into several pages with quotations from poets &philosophers and what not. Shouldn't they just be concerned with Qs of law ? Isn't that also a factor in India's huge judicial backlog ?

  13. 11 hours ago

    Yeah, Modi is an intolerant fascist. No one is allowed to speak a word against him. No dissent is allowed. Darr ka mahaul hai. Bachao, bachao......😎

  14. 11 hours ago

    The author of 'Being Hindu' 👇🏻 He has no clue about the significance of gotra and is rather proud of it. What's this compulsion to flaunt ignorance ?

  15. Retweeted
    Oct 3

    As the longest highway tunnel in the world, 'Atal Tunnel' will reduce the travel time between Leh and Manali by 4-5 hours. Being an all-weather tunnel, it will also connect Lahaul-Spiti with the rest of the country throughout the year which used to be cut off for months earlier.

  16. Retweeted
    13 hours ago

    Gullible public gets fooled by such pictures and news tweeted by an Ex Congress Party Defence Minister ... It was Atal ji as PM who had laid the foundation stone of the Rohtang Tunnel not the Antonia Maino gang

  17. 12 hours ago

    Amazingly, Derek No Brain is an even worse actor than is RaGa 😂😂😂

  18. 12 hours ago
  19. Retweeted
    13 hours ago

    Skeptic: "We`ve never built anything great" Me: "You`re never visited our temples"

    , , and 2 others
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  20. 13 hours ago

    Yeah sounds legit 🙄 And wasn't the brother heard asking for a CBI enquiry in that infamous leaked phone conversation where the journo Tanushree something was asking him "aap SIT se santusht hain ya CBI enquiry chahiye" ?

  21. Retweeted
    13 hours ago

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