Animals are Big Business


People love animals, there are a ton of businesses one can start with just basic cattle beasts. The least you can start is the animal farming business this business has been running from centuries as livestock farming is a process of animal breeding mainly for consumption purposes, however, this article is going to explain you the fact that there will always be the need of food and hence, cattle farming is the most popular choice for business. You can start with simple cattle farming all you need is a vacant land and the resources to start working.

Animal Costs

The demand of meat, leather products and especially milk, as long there is an exigency for poultry you will never need to look forward for another business. Small cattle business often extend into large ranches that breed animals for commercial uses such as the renting and rearing of horses that are bought for sports such as polo and derby. The same is for bulls and cocks which are trained and up brought in an environment where are taught to fight for certain entertainment businesses, frequently these the most money making trades are either illegal or unethical. These bulls, cocks, horses, dogs are exercised into gambling purposes.

Moreover, fishing is one of the largest trades of the industry, all kinds of sea fish and food such as crab, lobster and shrimp etc. are imported and exported in all countries as it is food and a necessity item. The same is for leather and milk, the need for leather has increased over the years as the populace has increased and all types of fancy and casual leather are required for clothing, bags and whatnot. Milk can be extracted from all ranch animals, cow milk, goat milk, sheep milk as well as camel milk is a renowned choice in the world market as they are used in making different dishes and for treatments all over the world such as camel milk is a popular choice for the middle-east.

Animals are caught stray or hunted such as dogs, cats especially birds for instance parrots so that their future broods are sold as pets to other people.

Financial Impact of Recent Hurricanes in US

Recent Hurricanes in US

US has lost billions to the two vicious natural disasters last month that hit the cost simultaneously one after the other in the span of two weeks. The impact was severe, the federal government had to issue jobless insurances, vacate premises and the toll of number of claims was higher than the last two years combined. So many trees are downed from the storms that homeowners struggle to find available tree service companies to help with tree removals and tree trimming to clean up the storm damage. The best tree service Mesa AZ has to offer commented that the devastation they saw was at times beyond belief. These homeowners had trees crushing their rooftops creating massive problems with water damage from the lingering rains. Mesa Trees had traveled to assist with cleanup crews and were among many out of state tree service companies joining in to help with caring for the damaged homes. The estimated damage of hurricane Irma was significantly greater than hurricane Harvey, the US had not even recovered from Harvey when Irma rained down like hell. Though the blow was Spartan but nothing long-lasting that wouldn’t recover in a few years.Trees that survived hurricanes

Service Based Businesses Struggle to Keep Up

They say that Harvey cost a total of approximately $35 billion in losses that the insurance companies would recover, however, the overall damage to the trade and industry was between $80 billion and $100 billion. Irma’s destruction was known to be more livid, a local of Florida described Irma in an interview in the following words “hell hath no fury like this”. Many tree removal companies were inundated with calls that were beyond their staffing capabilities. The storms had felled trees at alarming rates. Many tree service type companies from around the country traveled to the damaged areas to assist in the cleanup and removal of downed trees. The unemployment claims rose from 12,000 to 272,000 in a day and the monthly average claims have reached the uppermost limit in the past one and a half year. All the while, Texans were regaining consistency after Harvey and still had soaring claims. The federal government says that they expect the economy will now grow at a lower but moderate rate as the unemployment level has risen to 4.2 percent but they see it shrinking in the future year or two to a steady 4.1 percent. The gasoline prices are also going to boost after the double whammy of the storms invoking “temporary” inflation on 12-14 month basis that interfered with the Fed’s long-term target.

Tree Service Companies Overloaded

However, the economy will recuperate at slow rate but it will recover eventually. Already, levels of domestic spending has been seen escalating while commercial and corporate investments have resumed freshly. The September data was only affected by the hurricane Harvey and Irma whereas, the October data will have disturbances from the Puerto Rican hurricane Maria too. As mentioned before the tree service companies are among those services in high demand. They will be very busy for the foreseeable future. It was aired that what hurricane Irma could not have drowned was ruined by Maria. Unlike its predecessors Maria wasn’t that ruthless and hasn’t left any long-lasting effect as well.

Animal Rights

Animal Rights

Animals are fascinating little creatures of Mother Nature, they are beautiful, intelligent and the source of the human life cycle. It would be quite impossible to go on with our lives without them, even in an era of extensive technological development and innovation. Although, they might not be as expressible as humans due to their speech deprivation, flora are as susceptible to emotions and the five senses, thus, strikingly similar to human beings.

PigTheir in expressiveness is often mistaken for inferiority and somehow the preeminence of humanoids over them which is why animals are mistreated widely over the planet. A mistreated animal is not necessarily a pet or a ranch animal, it could be a stray, it could be a slaughter house animal, it could be a sports animal or a wildlife near-extinct creature that is being hunted. Pets are usually subject to negligence which alters into tyranny, however, there are households in which pets are subjugated to sadism and sexual practices. Sport beasts such as derby horses and bulls are drugged and whatnot to stipulate entertainment or simply multiply money, the same can be said for ranch/farm animals or kettle that are subject to animal testing which may seem legal in some countries but crosses the crimson border of ethics. The common fact that humans and animals are inter-reliant to each other is often ignored and at times forgotten. The milk we drink, the fur we clothe and meat we eat is all derived from them which is why showing equivalent respect toward them is necessary as thanking your benefactor. Therefore, any peculiar or abnormal behavior of a patron or any person toward an animal should be immediately reported to the police or the Animal Welfare Institute as there have been laws passed by the government in order to control the violence and oppression being noted against animals.

According to the PAWS (Pets and Women Safety) act of 2015 which was approved by the Animal Welfare Institute to bridge the gigantic gap for the massive services required to diminish domestic violence on the former. Animals are beings of their own and controlling or dominating over them won’t produce obedience but rebellion or fright. Ignoring the fact that they do have the sense or mind to feel if something wrong is being done with them is petrifying and dreadful indeed. They are creatures that require love and love can harvest in them eternal loyalty and devotion toward their patron.

Animals We Eat

Meat is the most important part of the nutrition pyramid that we were taught as kids. It is one of the supplementary products of a healthy and wholesome diet. It is recommended to eat meat at least once over the span of forty days as it contains all the indispensable amino acids thus comes first in the hierarchical order of protein substituted products. However, it is also notable to observe where does the meat that you acquire comes from. Different meat products have different tendencies which depends on the animal the meat is extracted from.

Different animals are devoured all around the world, the Western side of the planet is more focused on pork, beef, chicken and fish. While the Middle-Eastern population does not eat pork due to large quantities of Muslim populace, they devour all cattle meat such as beef, mutton, chicken even camel meat which produces some excellent kebabs, and all kinds of fish are treasured over the Bengal and Arabian Sea coast. However, in the Far East countries like China and Korea are eaters of every possible kind of meat there is available in the market especially pork, and fish in Japan.

Beef and Mutton are healthy examples of red meat and are largely loved all around the world, well, accept for vegans. They make some of the best ribs, game day snacks and the juiciest steaks in the world. Their richness in iron, zinc and selenium makes them nutritious and a part of the balanced diet agenda but also holds high quantities of saturated fat which can shoot cholesterol levels in our body and impede the smooth flow of blood in our vessels. Which is why they are nee to be taken under a controlled diet.

Whereas, chicken and turkey also known as poultry are a produce of white meat which are as healthy as digestive biscuits. They are a leaner source of nutrients and protein, while dark meat is rich in nutrients white meat has a much lower fat content and high consumption of white meat is not harmful for the heart. The same cannot be said for dark meat, however, in terms of taste and tenderness there is no match for red meat (also included pork).

Fish and all other sea creatures are vastly eaten they provide not only healthy digestive benefits but also a fairer looking skin and a stronger heart. Fish are highly coated with layers of omega-3 substance which is as healthy as olive oil with almost no amount fat.

The different kinds of animals we devour mark their importance in our daily lives and how we will be unable to continue on just vegetables without them which is why it is necessary to ensure their rights are being fulfilled and they are not being harmed in any way to extract meat, eggs, milk or skin.

Animal Cruelty

Animal cruelty or animal abuse is one of the fastest growing concerns that needs to be objectified on this planet. Animals at times, can be the most endearing fragments of nature, they can be feral and lovable all at the same time. These innocent creatures are the most loyal of your family members and easily attached. However, certain humans are very particular about their own rights but are required to be reminded time by time to fulfill the rights of animals who are dependent on the human race for their welfare.Caring for Animals

Animal abuse is not necessarily done on purpose, every so often all it takes is an act of neglectfulness that transpires into malice and at times brutality. A more clear explanation can be not providing for your pet regularly, if you are not able to feed your pet or meet its requirements of a healthy lifestyle then you are oppressing it. If you are on a vacation and left your pet to look after itself, to clean after itself you leave it to die which is why adoption centers for animal safety are there.

Yet, some people are as pitiless they train their pets mostly dogs or cocks for wagered fights which is an illegal mean to earn money, if you ever spot a cockfight or a dogfight animal safety is to be informed immediately to stop the homicides that take place in the ring. Abuse has also been noticed in kettle or farm animals, over the years their comfort and rights have been neglected so much that these livestock due to which we are able to eat dairy and meat products are tortured the most which is not only a sin the eyes of god but also an extreme act of violence in the eyes of the law according to the PAWS act of 2015.

About 70 million pets are abused each minute which is extremely high even compared to the ratio of humans which is 20 million. Stray animals are the one’s which suffer the most oppression, occasionally cats and deer are run-over in car and truck accidents because of careless and drunk driving. Moreover, these stray animals are beaten and at times even killed if they disrupt a local business such as restaurants. Wildlife too is not safe in their own natural habitat due to the poor service by the park rangers causing many beautiful species to get extinct, people hunt these animals even in not hunting zones which is causing the endangered species to fade more than before.

Animals are an important part of our daily lifecycle and as vital to the biological and unprocessed habitation as human beings which is why they are to be valued.


History is full of war and violence. Is it just because we are wired to hurt each other or is there more to the reason than that? JM Lynch

We found this to be of great interest:

Charles Darwin’s On the Origin of Species sent shock waves around the world when it was published in 1859. The suggestion that all human beings, of whatever race or color, share a common ancestry, had an especially seismic impact on a country teetering on the brink of civil war, as Randall Fuller shows in The Book That Changed America: How Darwin’s Theory of Evolution Ignited a Nation.

When National Geographic caught up with Fuller by phone in Tulsa, Oklahoma, he explained why both abolitionists and racist ideologues found something to like in the theory of evolution, how P.T. Barnum exploited the theory’s notoriety to mount a questionable exhibit, and how Darwin changed Henry David Thoreau’s life.

Today, Darwin’s theory of evolution is part of the cultural wallpaper. But it caused uproar in America when it appeared, didn’t it? Take us back in time.

When Darwin’s book arrived on these shores in 1859, the U.S. was on the brink of civil war. John Brown’s botched raid on Harpers Ferry had just occurred, and that had ratcheted up tensions over slavery. There is language in newspapers of the time, both in the North and South, that we are two separate peoples, in a struggle to survive.

In drops this book that, among other things, suggests that the state of nature is one of constant struggle, combat, war, and violence. That’s one of the reasons the book was almost immediately embraced by a number of intellectuals, who thought Darwin was describing the world they lived in.

The other issue, of course, is religion. In the U.S., there had long been an ideology that the nation was one divinely chosen by God to lead the world, primarily through the example of democracy. Darwin’s book eliminated the role of God, the need for that Biblical narrative of God creating humans in his own image.

You begin the book with a dinner party at the home of abolitionist Franklin Sanborn, where the first copy of On the Origin of Species brought to America was discussed. Be our fly on the wall on that evening.

It is an extremely cold, New England winter evening. Editorials in the North and South are looking at the new year with much trepidation, when four very interesting, but dissimilar, intellectuals gather at a house in Concord, Massachusetts, the home of transcendentalism in the U.S. They discuss two subjects. One is slavery and abolition. The other is this book, Origin of Species, which has been carried from Boston to Concord by Charles Loring Brace.

Brace is a child welfare reformer who’s now best known for his creation of what were called “orphan trains,” which took the orphans of recent European migrants and relocated them in the West. He was also what they called a “red-hot abolitionist.” Franklin Sanborn, then a young man, was an even more red-hot abolitionist, one of the so-called Secret Six, who had helped fund the John Brown raid on Harpers Ferry. Bronson Alcott, the oldest person at the meeting was a great friend of Ralph Waldo Emerson, the transcendental philosopher, and the father of Louisa May Alcott. Last, but not least, was Henry David Thoreau, the transcendentalist author, who was beginning a kind of second career as a scientist.

Charles Darwin didn’t discuss humans in On the Origin of Species but readers applied his theories to people even so.

At first it doesn’t seem to make a lot of sense because Darwin’s book famously has nothing to say about humans. He doesn’t speak about humans directly until The Descent of Man, which comes about a decade later. But Darwin argues that, if we go far enough in time, we would see that all plants and animals sprang from the same primeval source. If you are an American, concerned about the discussion of slavery, an argument that says black people and white people actually share a common ancestor, and are intimately connected, like brothers and sisters, rather than separate varieties or species, has a powerful effect.

A number of prominent American scientists at the time argued that God had created black people, brown skinned and white people separately, and each of them were different, had different capacities, and there was a hierarchy. Some went so far as to suggest that black people were a different species, and that they were not only different, but inferior. These scientists were praised in the South and provided the perfect rationalization for slavery. Darwin’s argument that all living things shared a common ancestor provided the abolitionists with a great rebuttal of the dominant, American science of the time.

One of the writers most deeply affected by the publication of Darwin’s epochal work was Henry David Thoreau. Describe its effect on him.

One of the prime doctrines of transcendentalism is that God, or divinity, permeates every aspect of nature. So, an argument that says nature consists purely of physical processes not guided or directed by divinity, refutes a central tenant of transcendentalism. We know Thoreau as the inhabitant on Walden Pond, the hermit and the civilly disobedient social critic, but what is not known so much is Thoreau, the proto-scientist. About ten years before Darwin’s book came out, Thoreau made this shift away from transcendental philosophy toward the observation of nature. He went outside for hours every day with a journal and yardstick, measured things and chronicled almost every aspect of nature: when flowers and trees blossomed, what the weather patterns were like.

What Darwin enables Thoreau to do is fully renounce that transcendental belief that God is in nature and to see something equally wondrous and marvelous: the incredible, almost profligate creativity of nature. He says toward the end of his life that what Darwin’s theory enables him to see is that nature is constant, new creation. Rather than a God that creates nature, Thoreau now sees nature itself as this amazing creative force.

The foremost critic of Darwinism in America was the Swiss-born thinker Louis Agassiz. What was his beef with Darwin?

Agassiz is the single most important proponent of a theory known as “special creation,” which is the idea that once upon a time in the distant past, God created every species as they appeared in his mind, in specific regions of the world, immutably, so that they didn’t change. If he created a monarch butterfly, in the U.S., that butterfly would be the same from generation to generation, and on and on with all other species.

Agassiz was trained in Paris and was teaching in Switzerland, when he was invited by Harvard to come and give a series of lectures in the 1840s. And he basically never left. It was the first time in his life that he encountered black people, African-Americans, and he had an immediate visceral reaction. This shaped his application of special creationism to humans, in a theory that came to be known as polygenesis. He argues that white people were created in a particular zone in Europe, black people were created in Africa, and Asian people were created in the Asian part of the world. Saying black people and white people were created in different places, and have different capacities, was of course a great argument for slavery. Darwin, by contrast, says that whether they are black or yellow or white, all human beings derive from the same ancestor.

Dickinson has a wonderful poem in which she says, “nature is a haunted house.” What I think she means is that, once upon a time, at least intellectually, God inhabited nature and now God is out of nature, and is haunted by this former presence. For Dickinson, who always had difficulty feeling the spiritual fervor that her family and community felt, I think Darwin helped her understand and accept the idea that God might be a fiction. She says at one point, “I understand Darwin did away with the Savior.”

Louisa May Alcott is a larger presence in my book as she is in Concord when Henry David Thoreau and her father, Bronson Alcott, are discussing Darwin throughout the year of 1860. She was a committed abolitionist and one of her first stories, in 1860, is about a love affair between a black man and a white woman. Not surprisingly, that story was not published anywhere in America until the Civil War is almost over. In 1860, it was just too incendiary to describe a happily married and miscegenistic couple.

One of the more surprising figures to enter the Darwin fray was impresario P.T. Barnum. Tell us about the “What Is It?” exhibit.

Like any great cultural entrepreneur, Barnum had his finger on the pulse of his native country; and there are several currents he is deeply aware of. One is that the first gorilla pelts and bones come to the U.S. almost in the same month that Darwin’s book arrives. The issue of the primate origins of people that Darwin hints at are also very much on Barnum’s mind. So he hires a young African American man, who may or may not have been disabled with microcephaly, dresses him up in a woolly suit, puts him in a cage and concocts this crazy story that he had been found in Africa—and that he represents a missing link between gorillas and human beings.

Race continues to be an intractable problem in America. How great a role has social Darwinism played?

Social Darwinism is an argument that focuses primarily upon a term that Darwin himself didn’t coin but eventually used, “the survival of the fittest.” It argues that those who are on the top, the wealthiest and best positioned socially, are there because they are the fittest, the best adapted to succeed. This idea came up during the Gilded Age and was very quickly adopted by racist ideologues who wanted to imagine African Americans as inferior or substandard compared to whites. So, there’s this horrible, ironic reversal where Darwin is at first embraced by abolitionists but, within 10 years or so, has been appropriated to argue that blacks are inferior.

Today, you only hear the term social Darwinism with a very negative inflection. However, like all ideas, over time they become absorbed or, to quote you, become part of the cultural wallpaper. So I would hazard the guess that the idea the inherent superiority of some races is still, unfortunately, with us today.

A 2014 study showed that only 19 percent of Americans believe humans evolved from a more primitive form of life without help of a celestial power. Is Darwin on the retreat in America today?

Great question! Though I tend to think that those figures you’ve mentioned are, hopefully, a last gasp of denial. It’s certainly true that there’s an increasing resistance to Darwin’s theory. But that exists simultaneously with, almost every month, new data showing the validity and overall soundness of Darwin’s theory. The question is, how long can one deny a growing empirical body of facts?

I grew up in public school in the late 1970s in Missouri, and natural selection was taught as an accepted, and completely settled, scientific question. There have been periods between the 1920s and 2014 where the opposite has obtained. But that pendulum will always swing back again. Just recently Pope Francis reaffirmed the Catholic Church’s conviction that evolutionary theory is valid.

This was re-published from: Darwin’s Theory of Evolution Roiled U.S. on Eve of Civil War

This shows how much his theories affected those who drove that war. One can only imagine how this type of thinking has increased violence toward others over the last century and a half. There has been no shortage of violence a war. Has this contributed? Clearly the evidence says yes.