Privacy Policy

About this privacy policy

This privacy policy explains how we (Guardian News & Media Limited) collect, use, share and transfer your personal data on the Guardian Jobs website (“Jobs website”) and the Guardian Jobs mobile application (“Jobs app”). This is separate to how the website uses your personal data. For information on how personal data is used on website, please read the privacy policy here.

Personal data is any information about you by which you are identified or could be identified. This can include information such as:

  • your name, date of birth, email address, postal address, phone number, mobile number;

  • information about your device (such as the IP address, which is a numerical code to identify your device that can provide information about the country, region or city where you are based); and
  • information relating to your personal circumstances and how you use the Jobs website and the Jobs app.

Sometimes the Jobs website and the Jobs app may contain links to third party websites and services. These websites and services have their own privacy policies. If you follow a link to a third party, you should read the privacy policy shown on their site.

The data controller for the Jobs website and the Jobs app is Guardian News & Media Limited, Kings Place, 90 York Way, London N1 9GU. This means that we are responsible for deciding how and why we hold and use your personal data.

If you want to contact us, you can find our contact details in the “How to contact us” section below.

We collect personal data when you sign up for our services and when you browse the Jobs website or use the Jobs app. Your personal data is used to provide the Guardian Jobs services, sell advertising space on the site and to analyse how visitors use the Jobs website and app.

The personal data we collect when you register for Guardian Jobs and use the Jobs website

When you register for a Guardian Jobs account we collect your:

  • name;

  • address;

  • the country you live in;

  • your email address;

  • your phone numbers;

  • your nationality;

  • your IP address;

  • details of your education and working career;

  • your personal interests (if contained in your CV); and

  • details of how you interact with the Jobs website and Jobs app, and job vacancies you might be interested in.

If you register for a Guardian Jobs account, a Guardian account will automatically be set up for you at the same time. You will then be directed to Guardian Jobs through your Guardian account. If you use the Jobs app you will need to be logged into your Guardian account. You can find the privacy policy for the Guardian account here.

If you have not registered for a Guardian Jobs account, you can still use some basic functions such as:

  • sending CVs to recruiters;

  • adding your CV to the searchable CV database (“CV database”); and

  • signing up for jobs by email (“Job alerts”).

If you have registered for a Guardian Jobs accounts, there are more services available, including:

  • an individual account to send job applications directly to recruiters;

  • the option to receive emails about relevant jobs through a CV-matching service and the Job Match service (“Job Match emails”); and

  • the option to receive marketing communications about offers and services from Guardian News & Media Limited.

When you register for a Guardian Jobs account with us, we give you a unique ID number to recognise you when you are signed in to our services. This will recognise you if you sign in using the same account on a new device or through a different application such as the Jobs app on mobile devices.

Additional information we collect

When you use the Jobs website or Jobs app we may also use cookies and similar technology to collect additional data including:

  • your IP address - a numerical code to identify your device and which can provide information about the country, region or city where you are based;

  • your browsing history of the content you have visited on the Jobs website, including information on how you were referred to the Jobs website via another website; and

  • details of your devices, for example, the unique device ID, unique advertising ID and browsers used to access our content.

Special categories of data

We will not collect special categories of data - such as information about your race, political opinions, religion, health or sexual orientation - unless you have chosen to provide that information to us.

Updating your personal data and your profile page

When you register with Guardian Jobs, you have access to a profile page where you can change and update your personal data. You can also manage your settings to control who can see your CV if you have one associated with your account.

When you register with the Guardian, you have access to a profile page. Under “edit profile” you can review what information is public when you comment on our articles, or if people look up your profile. You can also update your information or provide extra information if you want. Under the “Emails” section you may also update your marketing preferences for your Guardian account.

Using social media logins to access Guardian Jobs account

If you sign into Guardian Jobs using your Guardian account, you can also use your social media account to log in. Please refer to the privacy policy for for more information on what personal data is shared if you use your social media account to sign into your Guardian account.

Using the Jobs app

The Jobs app uses information on the content you have viewed and the actions you have taken. A list of your recent searches is stored in the cache of your device. Information on what you have viewed in the Jobs app, actions you have taken and information on bugs and crashes is also sent to us. You can choose to receive notifications on your mobile device via the Jobs app. You can manage these notification in the settings of the Jobs app.

How we collect personal data

We collect personal data when you:

  • register as a user (name, email address and password);

  • create a profile (country of residence, job sector and salary information) and upload documents (for example, your CV or cover letter);

  • store a copy of your CV and any other information you provide when you send it to a recruiter directly through our website or if you add your CV to the searchable CV database; and

  • contact us us via email, social media, the Jobs app or similar technologies.

Why we use your personal data

We use the personal data collected through the Jobs website and the Jobs app for a number of purposes, including the following:

  • To provide the services you sign up for, for example, setting up your Job Alerts, Job Match Emails or your Guardian Jobs profile and related internal administrative purposes (such as those we need for our accounting and records) and to make you aware of any changes to our services.

  • To provide your job application to the company that advertised the position or the recruitment company.

  • So that you can add your CV to the searchable CV database.

  • When you have created an account with the Guardian Jobs website and submitted your CV details, we store your details on the main CV database. Depending on your settings, you can give recruiters access to them.

  • Sending you marketing communications when we have your permission, or when permitted by law.

  • To improve our marketing, we use a similar technology to cookies to confirm whether you have opened a marketing email or clicked on a link in the email.

  • Personalising our services for you (for example, so you can sign in), remembering your settings, displaying personalised ads, recognising you when you sign in on different devices and tailoring your recommended jobs or similar jobs shown to you based on what you view on the Jobs website.

  • To sell advertising space on the Jobs website. This helps keep our services free for you.

  • For statistical purposes, such as analysing the performance of the Jobs website and app and to understand how visitors use them.

  • For security and fraud prevention and to ensure that the Jobs website and app are safe and secure and used in line with our terms of use.

  • To comply with applicable laws and regulations.

Access permissions that we ask from users of the Jobs app

When you use the Jobs app, we will also ask for the following permissions to access particular functions of your mobile device:

  • We ask for permission to use your location, so that we can show you jobs nearby.

  • We ask for permission to access iCloud/files provided by the iOS Files app, so that you can upload your CV from your mobile device.

Legal grounds for using your personal data

We will only use your personal data where we have a legal ground to do so. We determine the legal grounds based on the purposes for which we have collected and use your personal data. In every case, the legal ground will be one of the following:

  • Consent: For example, where you have provided your consent that your CV can be viewed by recruiters when you have added it to your database. You can withdraw your consent at any time in your Jobs account, by choosing “Who can view your profile” in the section “edit your profile”.

  • Our legitimate interests: Where it is necessary for us to understand how our services are used, promote our services and operate the Jobs website and app efficiently for the provision of our services. For example, we will rely on our legitimate interest when we carry out marketing analysis to understand our customers to determine what marketing communications may be relevant to them. It is also in our legitimate interest to analyse what content has been viewed on the Jobs website and app, so that we can understand how they are used.

  • Performance of a contract with you (or in order to take steps prior to entering into a contract with you: For example, where you have signed up for a Guardian Jobs account, we will need to collect your account details and profile information.

  • Compliance with law: In some cases, we may have a legal obligation to use or keep your personal data.

We do not aim any of our services directly at children under the age of 13 and we do not knowingly collect personal data about children under 13. Some of our services may have a higher age restriction and this will be shown at the point of registration.

We have implemented appropriate technical and organisational controls to protect your personal data against unauthorised processing and against accidental loss, damage or destruction. You are responsible for choosing a secure password when we ask you to set up a password to access parts of the Jobs website or app. You should keep this password confidential and you should choose a password that you do not use on any other site. You should not share your password with anyone else, including anyone who works for us. Unfortunately, sending information via the internet is not completely secure. Although we will do our best to protect your personal data once with us, we cannot guarantee the security of any personal data sent to our site while still in transit and so you provide it at your own risk.

Never disclose any private information in response to a job advertisement or include on your CV any of the following: National Insurance number, driving licence number, passport number, bank/credit card details and date of birth. If you are ever asked to do this by a recruiter please contact us. For more information about secure job searching click here.

One-off job applications

When you apply for jobs on the Jobs website and upload your CV, a copy is stored on the CV database. This database can only be searched by recruiters if you allow this in your settings. To control whether recruiters (or what particular recruiters) can see your CV on the database, you need to create a Jobs website profile and click on the settings that apply.

If you choose to share your CV or personal details with recruiters, we ask them not to hold your CV for longer than is necessary and not to use your CV for purposes other than recruitment.

CV database

When you submit a one-off application through the Jobs website, we share it directly with the company who advertised the position. We will keep a copy of your CV for six months. However, sometimes you can also submit your CV directly to the company. In this case we do not receive a copy of your CV. When applying without a Jobs website profile, you have the option to store a copy of your CV on the main CV database. Recruiters can search the main CV database depending on your settings as explained above.

We do not share your personal data with other people or companies that are not directly linked to us except under the following circumstances:

  • We use other service providers who provide services on our behalf such as managing the platform.

  • We may reveal your personal data to any law enforcement agency, court, regulator, government authority or other organisation if we believe we need to do so to keep to a legal or regulatory obligation, or otherwise to protect our rights or the rights of anyone else.

  • We may reveal your personal data to any other organisation that buys, or to which we transfer all, or substantially all, of our assets and business. If this sale or transfer takes place, we will use reasonable efforts to try to make sure that the organisation we transfer your personal data to uses it in line with our privacy policy.

Any other organisations that access your personal data in the course of providing services on our behalf will be governed by strict contractual restrictions to make sure they protect your personal data and keep to all data privacy laws that apply. We may also independently audit these service providers to make sure that they meet our standards.

We will not share your personal data with anyone else for their own marketing purposes unless we have your permission to do this.

Some of our webpages use plug-ins from other organisations (such as the “Facebook Recommend”function, retweet function, Google+ function). These other organisations may use personal data about your visit to our site. If you browse the Jobs website, information they collect may be connected to your account on their site. For more information on how these organisations use personal data, please read their privacy policies.

Data we collect may be transferred to, stored and processed in any country or territory where one or more of our Guardian group companies or service providers are based or have facilities. While other countries or territories may not have the same standards of data protection as those in your home country, we will continue to protect personal data that we transfer in line with this privacy policy.

Whenever we transfer your personal data out of the European Economic Area (EEA), we ensure similar protection and put in place at least one of these safeguards:

  • We will only transfer your personal data to countries that have been found to provide an adequate level of protection for personal data.

  • We may also use specific approved contracts with our service providers that are based in countries outside the EEA. These contracts give your personal data the same protection it has in the EEA.

  • Where we use service providers in the United States, we may transfer personal data to them if they are part of the Privacy Shield scheme, which requires them to provide a similar level of protection of your personal data to what is required in the EEA.

If you are located in the EEA, you may contact us for a copy of the safeguards which we have put in place for the transfer of your personal data outside the EEA.

We keep your personal data for only as long as we need it. How long we need you personal data depends on what we are using it for. For example, if you have applied for a particular job using the Guardian Jobs website and submitted your CV, we keep your CV on our database for six months. For some jobs advertised on Guardian Jobs, you will be redirected directly to the recruiter or employer and we will not receive your CV or application. We are not responsible for how recruiters or employers who have received your CV store your details or CV.

We will delete your Guardian Jobs profile and any remaining CV after 30 months of inactivity or make it anonymous by removing all your details that identify you. If we asked for your permission to process your personal data and we have no other lawful grounds to continue with that processing, and you withdraw your permission, we will delete your personal data. However, when you unsubscribe from marketing communications, we will keep your email address to ensure that we will not send you any marketing in future.

You can delete your Guardian Jobs account by using the “Delete” button at the bottom of your account page when you have signed in to the Jobs website.

Marketing communications

When you have a Jobs website profile and/or added your CV to our searchable database you can choose to receive Job match emails that are tailored to your job preferences, for example, sector and location. If you no longer want to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe by clicking the link at the bottom of each email.

If you have opted in for marketing emails or signed up for Job Match emails through the Jobs website, you can receive general jobs newsletter emails/ Job match emails suggesting new vacancies. These may be based on your Guardian Job profile. You can unsubscribe from these emails by clicking the link at the bottom of each email.

Notifications in the Guardian Jobs app

If you have agreed to receive notifications on your mobile device via the Jobs app, we will use these to tell you about relevant job matches. You can turn off notifications any time in your app settings.

Responding to your queries or complaints

If you have raised a query or a complaint with our support teams, we may contact you about this to answer your query or to resolve your complaint.

Online advertising on Guardian Jobs

On Guardian Jobs we use personalised online advertising. This which allows us to deliver more relevant advertising to people who visit the Jobs website. It works by showing you adverts that are based on your browsing patterns and the way you have interacted with our website. It then shows you adverts which we believe may interest you.

As you browse our site, some of the cookies and similar technology we place on your device will be advertising cookies, so we can understand what sort of pages you are interested in. We can then display advertising on your browser based on these interests. For instance if you have been reading a lot about a specific job field, we may show you advertising for jobs in this field.

We do not collect or use information such as your name, email address, postal address or phone number for personalised online advertising.

We may also share online data collected through cookies and similar technology with our advertising partners. This means that when you are on another website, you may be shown advertising based on your browsing patterns on the Jobs website. We may also show you advertising on the Jobs website based on your browsing patterns on other sites that we have obtained from our advertising partners.

Online retargeting is another form of online advertising that allows us and some of our advertising partners to show you adverts based on your browsing patterns and interactions with a site away from our sites.

For example, if you have visited the website of an online clothes shop, you may start seeing adverts from that same shopping site displaying special offers or showing you the products you were browsing. This allows companies to advertise to you if you leave their website without making a purchase.

Advertising that we place on our site or on other sites

We also use personalised online advertising to promote our own products and services. This means that you may see personalised online advertising for our own products and services on our sites (and our other platforms, such as and when you are on other, third party websites, including social media platforms.

When you visit our site, we may also collect information from you automatically by using cookies or similar technologies (“cookies”). A cookie is a small file of letters and numbers that we may set on your device and that transfers information to your device. Other organisations may also set their own cookies on our site. Because of how cookies work, our website cannot access these cookies, nor can the other organisation access the data in cookies we use on our website.

We use the following types of cookies on this site:

  • Essential - These cookies are essential for the operation of our site. This includes cookies that we use so that you can stay logged into your account. If you set your browser to block these cookies, some parts of our site will not work.

  • Performance - These cookies are used to count how often you visit our site and understand how you use our site. We use this information to measure the performance of our site, which allows us to get a better sense of how our users engage with our service and to improve our site and apps so that users have a better experiences. For example, we collect information about which of our pages are most frequently visited, and by which types of users. We use Google analytics on our site to report site usage. If you want to opt out, please click this link. Scorecard research (Comscore) is used on our site and you can take part in market research. Please click this link to opt out.

  • Functionality - These cookies are used to recognise you and remember your preferences or settings when you return to our site so that we can provide a more personalised experience for you. For example, they remember your search criteria.

  • Advertising - These cookies are used to collect information about your visit to our site, the content you have viewed, the links you have followed and information about your browser, device and your IP address. We use this information to show you relevant advertising on our other sites (this includes We may also share this information with third parties for this purpose (you may then also see more relevant advertising on other websites) or we may allow third parties to use their advertising cookies on our site. We also use a cookie that collects data for our data management platform. This allows us to create groups of people with similar interests to make advertising shown on more relevant. Please click here to opt out.

The Jobs app integrates third-party software, which gives us information about how the Jobs apps is used and what content you have viewed for the purposes of analytics and advertising, in a way similar to the Jobs website. Advertising on mobile devices may mean collecting and sharing the unique device ID with advertising partners.

How you can manage cookies and similar technology

You can manage how cookies are used. You can block cookies by activating the setting on your browser that allows you to refuse all or some cookies. However, if you use your browser settings to block all cookies (including essential cookies) you may not be able to access all or parts of our site.

You can usually find these settings in the “options” or “preferences” menu of your browser. To understand these settings, the following links may be helpful, or you can use the “Help” option in your browser.

Cookie settings in Internet Explorer

Cookie settings in Firefox

Cookie settings in Chrome

Cookie settings in Safari web and iOS

Opt out of personalised advertising for web browsing and mobile devices

You can opt out of receiving personalised advertising. However, this does not mean that you will no longer receive advertising when you are using our site. It just means that the advertising you will see will not be customised to your interests and preferences. You will also have to opt out again if you use a different web browser.

If you would like more information about personalised advertising and how to opt out when using a web browser, please visit

You can also opt out of receiving personalised advertising on the mobile application in the settings of your mobile device. Please visit or for more information.

You may need to do this again each time you use a different IP address or device.

You can contact us with regard to the following rights in relation to your person data:

  • If you would like to have a copy of the personal data we hold on you or if you think that we hold incorrect personal data about you, please write to the Data Protection Officer at Guardian News & Media Limited, Kings Place, 90 York Way, London N1 9GU or email We will deal with requests for copies of your personal data or for correction of your personal data within one month. If your request is complicated or if you have made a large number of requests, it may take us longer. We will let you know if we need longer than one month to respond. You will not have to pay a fee to obtain a copy of your personal data (or to exercise any of the other rights). However, we may charge a reasonable fee if your request is clearly unfounded, repetitive or excessive.

  • Where you have provided us with consent to use your personal data, you can withdraw this at any time.

  • Where applicable, you may also have a right to receive a machine-readable copy of your personal data.

  • You also have the right to ask us to delete your personal data or restrict how it is used. There may be exceptions to the right to erasure for specific legal reasons which, if applicable, we will set out for you in response to your request. Where applicable, you have the right to object to processing of your personal data for certain purposes, including marketing purposes.
  • If you want to make any of these requests, please contact

    We may need to request specific information from you to help us confirm your identity.

If you have any questions about how we use your personal data or if you have a concern about how your personal data is used, please contact the Data Protection Officer at Guardian News & Media Limited, Kings Place, 90 York Way, London N1 9GU. Or, email

Complaints will be dealt with by the Data Protection Manager, and will be responded to within 30 days.

If you are not satisfied with the way your concern has been handled, you can refer your complaint to the Information Commissioner’s Office.

If you have a question about anything else, please see our contact us page here.

If we decide to change our privacy policy we will post the changes here. If the changes are significant, we may also choose to email all our registered users with the new details. If required by law, we will get your permission or give you the opportunity to opt out of any new uses of your data.

January 2016: changes to reflect an update to the CV database

May 2016: changes to include information on sharing data with service providers

July 2016: changes to include reference to the Guardian Jobs app

Dec 2016: changes to include information on Google Analytics

May 2018: changes to reflect the General Data Protection Regulation

September 2018: removal of reference to Guardian Courses