How to get a job at a charity

How to get a job at a charity

Working for a charity is undeniably a brilliant way to give back and make a difference, as well as being a rewarding career with many different types of role. The following advice will give you a head start in your quest to work in the charity sector.

Flexibility and opportunity

In the charity sector it pays to be flexible and willing to muck in. For many charities, funding is crucial and some departments can be stretched both financially and in terms of people power. You may have to multi-task and stay on your toes! The charity sector opens up many diverse opportunities for career growth and personal development.

Fundraising in particular can offer clear paths for developing expertise. Your career path may begin as a support role to the fundraising team or chief executive, and then move into a specialism such as focusing on engaging individual donors and then onto management. A charity career will also give you the opportunity to work in very different organisations, satisfying your own interests and beliefs.

Tailor the cover letter

The majority of charities want to see how an applicant’s skills and experience correlates to their fundraising needs. Be specific and tailor the CV and cover letter or application form to the job spec. Think how to add value to the organisation, and give evidence. There are a multitude of roles in the charity sector, so it’s vital to adapt the application in line with the role, whether it covers HR, marketing or fundraising. The work could also be varied, too – so you may have to make it clear in your letter that you are flexible and willing to take on other roles if necessary. One day you might be helping out at a shelter or food bank for example, and the next you could be assisting in fundraising activities.

As charity roles usually receive a large response, it pays to be clear and concise. Showing how personal skills and experience relate to the job requirements is vital, as is using keywords included in the job description. Keep your letter brief and focused. Where do your abilities lie? Do any other charities compete with the one you are applying to? What kind of campaigns or projects have you been involved in that are similar to this charity's needs and fundraising goals?

Consider relocation

There are around 168,000 charities in England and Wales, but most UK charities (80%) are located in England, with the highest proportion in the south-east. Choosing not to relocate there doesn’t mean a charity job is out of the question. There are still plenty of opportunities around the country.

There are major differences between big and small charities, the latter often being more local and in smaller towns and cities than large organisations based in mega cities like London. Small, local charities are struggling amid cuts, with 20% of small charities reporting concerns about closure. Staff turnover in the sector is very fast as charities require people who can manage many tasks under pressure when resources are strained. Working for smaller charities can however be very rewarding and potentially rule out the need to relocate to find a job.

Many small and local charities have been forced to make changes to their services in order to match the funding conditions set by local authorities and councils – this also proves a challenge for the charities in meeting their goals.

It pays to network

It’s important to stay in tune with the charity sector. For example, on Guardian Jobs you can search by sector and function, meaning if you are looking for a specific role (such as marketing), it's much easier to find. Some charities recruit informally, so you should stay in touch with any organisation you really want to work for. Likewise, when charities receive extra funding, they often start recruiting – so staying ahead of developments stands you in good stead. Sign up for updates on charity jobs so you can see which ones are regularly posting positions.

Networking is invaluable for breaking into charity work – and social media opens doors, too. Make sure you're communicating and giving yourself lots of opportunities by getting to know people in the industry through social media channels and by attending fundraising events. People find success by reaching out through various channels, asking who’s best to contact for information and career guidance.

Don’t ask for a job straightaway; instead, ask for information: what does the charity look for in applicants? How often does it recruit? Does it have any advice? Once people recognise a name, they may look out for you – or at least remember you – during recruitment drives.

Consider volunteering

Show, don’t tell goes a long way when it comes to charities. Demonstrating commitment and passion for charity work is invaluable. Showing a history of volunteering for a charity or community project can even outweigh qualifications. Many charities would rather applicants have practical experience and skills rather than theoretical knowledge.

There are many ways to volunteer, from taking trips abroad to help in other countries to assisting with local projects. If you're passionate about a certain group or charity, try to get relevant experience. For example, if you want to work for an animal charity, contact local shelters to see if you can lend a hand.

Perseverance is vital

Landing a job in the charity sector isn't easy. It’s unlikely anyone will land their dream role on their first application, but it shouldn’t be disheartening. It’s a way to learn and improve: with each interview and application process comes a chance to get feedback from those in charge of recruitment.

A combination of passion, perseverance and precision is key to breaking into the charity sector. A can-do attitude is always highly valued, especially in smaller charities where employees might be expected to get stuck into a range of tasks and departments due to budget restraints. It’s hard work, but once an impression is made and the first role acquired, a lifetime of valuable, meaningful work follows.

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