
Online courses

An online course means you can fit study into your schedule — study when and where it suits you. You’ll get support as you study, and graduate with the same qualification as an on-campus student.

Is an online course right for me?

An online course might be right for you if you’re looking for the flexibility to fit study around your life, family, or work commitments.

Online study allows you to study from home —or wherever is convenient for you— so it can be a good option if you don’t live near a campus.

Most online courses don’t require you to be online at set times, but you will need to actively participate within the course duration and plan your study schedule.

Read more about online courses.

What types of courses can I study online?

You can study short courses, TAFE (or VET) courses, and university degrees online, across a range of industries. Depending on the industry, your chosen course may be offered fully online, or online with some practical or work placement components.

Find out more about careers you might not know you could study for online.

Will I get the same qualification if I study online?

When you study online, you’ll achieve the same qualification as someone studying on campus.

Depending on the course, you may be required to complete a work placement or practical component in addition to your online coursework in order to complete your qualification.

Will I get support if I study an online course?

Studying online doesn’t mean you’ll be studying alone. Online courses often have specialist online advisors who can assist you with your online studies, including discussing your course goals. Additional support services such as online tutors may be available to offer you personalised assistance, such as helping you develop academic skills.

If you’re studying with an education provider that offers both on-campus and online study, you can usually access the support services that are available to on-campus students.

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