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  1. 19 de mar.

    Ser pai é ter nas mãos a missão mais nobre do mundo: educar um filho com amor. Bom dia e dia feliz a todos os papás e em especial ao meu ❤

  2. 19 de mar.
  3. 19 de mar.

    Don't let unnecessary things clutter your mind, or your life. Stay focused on what matters most.

  4. 19 de mar.
  5. 20 de mar.

    Tips from your favorite trainer: Eat more veggies Drink water Lift weights Pass up one opportunity to be an asshole Be nice to a nerd (we know more than you) Relax & have the donut

  6. 19 de mar.

    For a and . Here's the clear differences. Share, Retweet and Save! Someone actually needs this today.

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  7. 19 de mar.

    As Supreme God Kabir came on the Earth before 600 years ago to give true worship. Likewise, Presently he is present in the form of True guru- Saint Rampal ji maharaj.

  8. 19 de mar.

    Inspire someone to pursue what they love. 🧡

  9. 19 de mar.

    4 Easy Steps to Get Pets: 1. Look pathetic 2. Flop 3. Curl up in a cute ball 4. Look longingly in an adorable way 😸 — Hazel

  10. 19 de mar.

    GOD is in form Holy Bible also proves that God made women being's, he made them like himself. It means that god is in form.

  11. 19 de mar.

    Why do people suffer❓ People suffer because of the sinful deeds. True worship of supreme God Kabir can destroy sins. True worship is available only with Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj. Please take refuge in Him.

  12. 19 de mar.
  13. 19 de mar.

    @# After going to satlok, the birth and death of the soul ends forever. Those who do not perform true worship keep wandering in the cycle of birth and death on earth, heaven and hell.

  14. 18 de mar.

    Ballat Kabir Bullah Ala Mahadakup Wala Alla Kum Tarkorun (1) And so that you can tell Kabir the praise of Allah, on the matter that you instructed and so that you may thank Allah. .

  15. 19 de mar.

    May every sunrise bring you hope. May every sunset bring you peace.

  16. 19 de mar.

    112:1 - Say, "He is Allah , [who is] One, . . 112:2 - Allah , the Eternal Refuge. . . 112:3 - He neither begets nor is born, . . . 112:4 - Nor is there to Him any equivalent." His name is Kabir.

  17. 19 de mar.

    The magnificen of God kabir to know more watch sadhna TV 7:30

  18. 19 de mar.

    Kabir Saheb appears with different name in different places and imparts true spiritual knowledge. He is the destroyer of sins. God is one

  19. 19 de mar.

    God Kabir Bhagavad Gita narrator says to Arjun you should go to the shelter of complete God kabir saheb. By His grace you will receive the ultimate peace and the imperishable SATLOK.....

  20. 19 de mar.

    Fazail e zikr ayat 1 proves Allah kabir to know more watch sadhna TV 7:30

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