
Anti-Poverty Network QLD

Anti-Poverty Network QLD is an alliance of people against poverty, including workers, students, job-seekers, aged and disability pensioners, as well as people who’ve been or are affected by poverty.

About Us

Our Beliefs

Poverty is not the fault of the individual, but the fault of the system. We’re constantly attacked by the government’s neoliberal agenda for being on welfare, for not having enough money, and for being in poverty. Since 2017, we’ve been standing up together as people in poverty, for people in poverty, and fighting back wherever possible for the rights and dignity we deserve.

How You Can Help

Send Donation

We are not an NGO or charity, we receive no corporate or government support. We rely on the generosity of our members and supporters to continue our work. We can accept one-off on ongoing donations.

Join Us

You can get involved today! The only way to eradicate poverty is through the collective power of the masses, meaning each and every one of us has a role in making change. Sign up and you will be joining a group of radical change-makers fighting for a better world.

Follow us on social media

We cannot achieve our goals if no one can find us! Please like, follow and share on our social media.

Recent Causes

  • Advocacy – We believe mutual aid is the most effective way to get ourselves and each other out of poverty. The most common way we do this is through advocacy where one of us will attend peoples Centrelink or JobActive appointments and help them access their payments or if they are being mistreated, step in and help them.
  • Boycott Sarina Russo – We know the whole JobActive system needs to go, but for now we need to use what power we have. Sarina Russo stands out amongst the job agencies as the worst, with a long history of corruption, mistreatment and negligence. By transferring away from the worst offender we are sending a message to all these companies – stop treating us like shit or we’ll take away your profit.
  • Against the Cashless Welfare Card – We believe compulsory income management is humiliating, unfair and unlikely to improve quality of life for recipients or their children.
  • Raise the Rate – APN QLD has been campaigning for years for a permanent raise to the Jobseeker allowance. We welcomed the doubling of this allowance thanks to the COVID supplement but firmly condemn the governments plans to reduce it back to previous levels.

Join Us!

With the aim of helping as many people as possible, we always need enthusiastic volunteers. Please contact us for more info.