It’s always nice to see our zines out in the wild. These are available from @freelunchcollective. Thanks to @theothershiman for the pic.

You can download files of all our zines at

Police have always worked with vigilantes to ensure that racism determines who suffers worst from poverty and the legal system.

It's naïve to believe we can achieve equality in such a hierarchical system. If we really want it, we must change everything.

Over 40 million Americans have filed for unemployment during the pandemic—while the net worth of the class of billionaires has spiked by half a trillion dollars.

Remember that as you hear about in tonight.

And read:

If you thought we were exaggerating in calling Kyle Rittenhouse the face of the Republican Party, Ann Coulter explicitly wants to take leadership from a 17-year-old wanna-be cop with two murders already on his conscience.

"Fascist" is not too strong a word for this.

Seriously, there has never been a better time to take steps to protect yourself against doxxing.

Our new step-by-step guide spells out how to protect yourself from online stalkers, why it's important, and what to do if you are targeted for doxxing.

Trump's platform: cops kill freely, tear up the social contract, outright racist vigilante violence

Biden's platform: cops kill freely, a few concessions to pacify us, make sure all racist violence takes place through state institutions

Our alternative:

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Doing What State and Market Cannot: The Visible Hand

A mutual aid network in Poland named Widoczna Ręka, "Visible Hand," has provided for tens of thousands of people during the COVID-19 pandemic. Here's how—and what we can learn from them.

Solidarity to demonstrators in Kenosha, where this department of corrections building is on fire.

Our hearts go out to Jacob Blake and everyone targeted by police violence.

Cops—don't shoot people in the back. You tore up the social contract—don't complain there's no peace now.

Sooner or later, there are bound to be repercussions for blatantly imposing the burden of the economic crisis on those who are least capable of bearing it. Landlords, property speculators, judges, and sheriffs who ruthlessly evict people at a time like this deserve the worst possible consequences for their behavior.

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Around the United States, countless corporate franchises, corporate and law offices, and restaurants have arranged to have their rent suspended, but wealthy landlords are still demanding full payment from their poorest tenants—and, if they can’t pay, evicting them in the middle a pandemic.

The real issue is not the suppression a few hundred Facebook pages. Facebook has always been complicit in state surveillance. The real issue is that this is a step in a larger strategy.

They are shutting down our communications so the state can attack us.

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War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Anti-fascism is fascism.

In equating white supremacist militias with activists who defend communities against them, Facebook uses the threat posed by the former as an excuse to target the latter.


This is a brand new server run by the main developers of the project as a spin-off of 🐘 It is not focused on any particular niche interest - everyone is welcome as long as you follow our code of conduct!