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(Image: Unsplash/Zbynek Burival)

A scandal in Zambia and the Australian company at its centre

Despite overwhelming opposition, including from 17 chieftains, this mining project looks to be going ahead. This leaves us asking one question: why?

Former Senator Nick Xenophon

Xenophon just the latest addition to Huawei's eternal PR conga line

Former senator Nick Xenophon has drawn heat after it was announced that his legal and advisory firm brought in Huawei as a client. But he's hardly the first Australian to take a job spruiking for the Chinese technology giant.

Pro-China protesters gesture towards Hong Kong democracy demonstrators in Melbourne (Image: AAP/Erik Anderson)

How Hong Kong is forcing Australia's hand on China

Protests and counter-protests across the country have proven the CCP has more internal support than Australia bargained for.

Scott Morrison attends a Chinese New Year ceremony in 2019. (Image: AAP/Ellen Smith)

A lesson for the PM: speak up, but stick to English

Things have gone badly awry between Australia and China. Was it something we said? 

Look at it from South Africa’s point of view ...

Debate in South Africa around Australia's obsession with the "plight" of white farmers has revealed that it's nobody's problem but Australia's.

Queue-jumping South Africans should wait their turn

Efforts by Western Australian Liberals to flood Australia with white South African "refugees" would undo the Coalition's good work of taking back control of our humanitarian visa program.

The Oz's innumerate obsession with South African white farmers

Caring more about the suffering of white farmers than that of brown people is pretty much the definition of racism.

Politicians show their true colours over South African farmer fiasco

The real ugliness of the South African farmer question, built on spurious figures and indifference to non-white suffering, is that its cynical explanation is better than its ideological explanation.

Dutton's white farmer campaign represents a vicious factional play

The overt racism of this campaign is a new low, but will it help keep Dutton in his seat at the next federal election?

Dutton fundamentally misunderstands the 'plight' of white farmers in South Africa

White farmers in South Africa have been pretty bemused by Peter Dutton's recent comments. Here's why.

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