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Studies in propaganda, US – and now post-truth

Strikes me as I come to the last paras of « Studies in Radio and Film Propaganda » by Merton and Lazarsfeld (exact date to be checked but during the war is likely) : . that this new field – constitutive for the concurrently institutionalizing social science – of propaganda,…

Secret practices, public threats: Colonial fears and Afro-Brazilian traditions in the 18th century

Nuno Marques Pereira, a Portuguese priest, wrote about his pilgrimage to Brazil in a book published in 1728. As he was staying in a slave owner’s farm, Pereira was shocked by the sounds of the calundu, an African-Brazilian rite that incorporated dances and prayers. Pereira found it unacceptable that his…

Scholar-led open access book publishing in Linguistics – an interview with Language Science Press

Language Science Press (LangSci) is a scholarly-led open access book publisher in Linguistics. Initiated in 2012 by academics for academics, the press fully embraces new publishing possibilities and offers open access book publishing to its authors, free of any charges. Rooted within the field and with an active and involved…

Around the Table: Celebrating Our Contributors

By Sarah Peters Kernan As the new academic year begins, the Recipes Project would like to celebrate the accomplishments of our contributors from this most unusual past year. Our community has been busy completing PhDs, publishing, securing new fellowships, enjoying promotions, and more. We heartily congratulate all of you for…

Why You Need Soft and Non-Technical Skills for Successful Data Librarianship

This article was originally published in the « Journal of eScience Librarianship » by Margaret Henderson : Henderson M. Why You Need Soft and Non-Technical Skills for Successful Data Librarianship. Journal of eScience Librarianship 2020;9(1): e1183. https://doi.org/10.7191/jeslib.2020.1183. Retrieved from https://escholarship.umassmed.edu/jeslib/vol9/iss1/2 Margaret Henderson is Health Sciences Librarian, and chair of the research data…

Hello? How Can I Help You Today? : Mental Health Concerns for LGBTQIA+ People During Covid-19

By Joshua Muyiwa While the common global refrain has been that we live in unprecedented times, it shouldn’t be remembered to mean the worst alone. It has also engendered the exposure of the egregious systemic violence faced by many, many communities across the world. Speaking from the context of India,…

On Matthew Spike’s comments on comparative concepts in linguistics

Since the early 20th century, linguists have generally recognized that different languages are different not only historically (with different genealogical origins) and culturally (with different words reflecting their speakers’ cultural needs), but also structurally: The meanings of words cut up reality in different ways, and grammatical categories in different languages…

An exhibition in three acts

How do curatorial practice and artworks influence how we perceive what we see? Can they work together to form new ways of exhibiting? The group exhibition side by side, which took place in the fffriedrich gallery in Frankfurt explores this notion of collaboration.  The Protagonists: The Artists: Lydia Ericsson Wärn,…

Who Saw the Ghosts?

The Family Reunion had a successful London revival in 2008. Part of a “T. S. Eliot Festival,” it was directed by Jeremy Herrin, staged at the Donmar Warehouse and performed by an attractive cast – among them, Samuel West as Harry, Penelope Wilton as Agatha and Gemma Jones as Amy.…

The RIP package for working with IP addresses in R

I’ve just committed a package for working with IP addresses in R on github. It’s called RIP and you can get it here. The RIP package is based on on the ip4r PostgreSQL extension. It provides a wide array of methods for working with both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses and…

Human Rights are not a Pie: against the Antinomical Vision of ‘Women’s Rights’ versus ‘Trans Rights’

Dr. Francesca Romana Ammaturo is Senior Lecturer in Sociology and human rights at the University of Roehampton. Her expertise is in the field of LGBTQI issues and human rights, LGBTQI social movements, European human rights, and European Citizenship.  During the last few years, she has been contributing to the field of LGBTQI+…

Twin-stick shooters, and videogame history

The history of videogames cannot be told without taking technology into account. This does not mean, however, that the history of videogames can be confused with a chronicle of technological progress, tempting as that perspective may be for enthusiasts and for the industry itself.

How the “King of Swing” Became my Pilot Study for Commissioning Classical Music

Some years ago, when I more often played the clarinet myself, I put Aaron Copland’s clarinet concerto on my music stand. “For Benny Goodman,” it read on the top of the first page. What hasn’t really attracted my attention before, now distracted me from practicing the challenging cadenza: When, how,…

…and It Made Zoom! How the Corona Pandemic Enforces New Forms of Television Entertainment.

One of the most important effects of the Covid-19 pandemic from the perspective of media and cultural studies is the exposure and visualization of all processes that show that culture is a result of complex collective, i.e. social processes. On the one hand, this becomes apparent on a large scale…

Epistemic clashes in network science

5 min read – cross-posted on Big Data & Society’s blog. This post presents the paper Epistemic clashes in network science: Mapping the tensions between idiographic and nomothetic subcultures (45 min read). My interest for networks was passed to me by one of my teachers, Franck Ghitalla, who had just…

Visibility, Respectability, and Privacy: Black and White in 17th Century Amsterdam

Privacy involves the ability of regulating access to oneself: this is the working definition that I have been using in my historical research when I focus on bodily integrity, especially when my interest is a question of sexual, reproductive, or bodily privacy more in general. I am inspired by Margulis…
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