Posts Tagged ‘Anahi Salcedo’

Berlin, Germany: For a Black May – Attack Against Securitas by ‘Free Foxes’ FAI-FRI

Saturday, June 1st, 2019

“Burn all prisons, with or without walls!” – The call for a Subversive May, as an extension of the proposal for an Anarchist May 1st in Berlin, is understood by us as a call to extend the attack on different levels. We agree with the idea not to confine ourselves to one day but to constantly and unpredictably attack the functioning of existing society and prove that its security is an illusion.

The apparatus of power includes not only the murderers of the State, but also the mercenaries of the private security companies. Securitas vehicles once parked undisturbed in the GESOBAG housing estate where they act as security guards to prevent the intervention of cops during conflicts with tenants or tensions with the property management. Securitas is also engaged in surveillance work in prisons and public spaces worldwide. (more…)

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Posted in Direct Action

Collection of direct actions in solidarity with imprisoned comrade Dimitris Koufontinas (Greece)

Saturday, June 1st, 2019

[Hunger Strike By Prisoner Dimitris Koufontinas Ends in Success – AMW]

Athens, Greece: Responsibility Claim for the Arson Attack against Eurobank branch

We were taught that everything is commodity, everything can be exchanged. We didn’t understand the small print of history: that we are commodity too; working power that is exchanged with peanuts, prayers and curses, and a daily reverence to alienation, to the shattering of every human dignity. We referred to the wage slavery as our highest value and intention. We didn’t feel the waves of history carving our skin, we didn’t feel the razor blades of political economy chiseling our motion.

We ‘ve shown discipline to our times’ teachings, which are nothing more than the dominant narrative that wants us producing and consuming machines, that wants for itself the monopoly of the decision about what is included and what is excluded by its normativity. A dominant narrative by a dominant world that leaves its bloody marks on us everyday, fracturing the individual, feeding it with oppression and neuroses, killing every desire for experimentation and vitality and replacing them with miserable micro-rivalries and intrigue, disguising the emptiness. (more…)

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Posted in Direct Action

Solidarity to imprisoned comrade Anahi Salcedo, wounded after the detonation of an explosive device (Argentina)

Friday, May 3rd, 2019

Note from Anarquia: As mentioned in November 2018, Anahí Salcedo detonated an explosive device in the region of Argentina. Since then this individual has been in prison and has been denied medical attention. We do not want to give more information at the request of the support group and affinities. The situation has not changed, but in front of the scenario that this individual is living, its diffusion is necessary.

Three months after being transferred to Ezeiza prison from the Fernández hospital, Anahí was taken out for studies, kinesiology and general medical consultations, some inside the prison and others in different hospitals, with secret shifts and transfers guarded by anti-“terrorist” special forces. Although we know that the Terrorist is the State.

It was not due to the humane treatment of the Federal Penitentiary Service or to the will of Judge Ercolini or due to the Courts 1 and 2 of Lomas de Zamora, who delayed all this time denying Anahi the exits, so impeding the treatment, kicking habeas corpus from one court to another; (one presented collectively, that not only claimed for the medical attention but also for the nefarious conditions of the module suffered by Anahí and the compañeras) doing its fundamental part of the work for this system of torture. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Argentina: Update on the Cruel and Inhumane Treatment of Anarchist Prisoner Anahi Salcedo

Tuesday, March 26th, 2019

Anahi Salcedo has been held in Ezeiza Prison since January 10th. She is on remand accused of the explosive attack against the tomb of the infamous, genocidal torturer, Commissioner Ramón Falcón, Chief of the Argentine Federal Police that took place on November 14th, 2018 – 109 years since Falcón was executed by Anarchist comrade Simón Radowitzky.

Anahi received serious injuries to her hand and face, allegedly following the premature detonation of a homemade explosive device at the tomb. At the time of her arrest, Anahi lost three fingers on one hand and suffered serious injuries to the rest of her body including a fracture of the clavicle on her other arm. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Argentina: All 12 Anarchist Comrades Detained in November Are Being Held in Preventive Detention

Thursday, December 13th, 2018

Note from the Chilean blog Publicacion Refractario: Despite the continuous contradictory information that has come to us from different factions regarding the detained comrades on the other side of the mountain range, which is related to the fact that their situation is not being publicized- their names, the charges, everything that happened has been silenced. We prefer to publish the communique from the ‘Union of Lawyers and Attorneys’ who are quite clear about the recent events that have taken place in the Argentine territory… Against silence and indifference: To spread the insurrectionist anti-prison solidarity.

All the detained anarchists defended by our union have been processed and placed in preventive detention.

In total there are 12 anarchist political prisoners.

One is accused of throwing an explosive device at Judge Bonadio’s car. His name is Marco Viola.

Two others are accused of having attacked the tomb of the criminal chief of the Federal Police Colonel Ramón Falcón. Their names are Anahi Salcedo and Hugo Rodriguez.

There was a raid on a social center in the Barrio of Constitución, in CABA (Autonomous City of Buenos Aires) and all they detained everybody who was meeting in this place, some with more permanence, others circumstantially.

ALL OF THEM have been accused of EVERYTHING.

They are all under investigation for being part of an organized structure established and created to commit offences among which are those that we have already mentioned.

Bail was refused for all of the detainees.

Now Judge Ercolini has indicted all of the accused.

The prosecution ruling for PREVENTIVE DETENTION was passed.

They have ordered that ALL the anarchist detainees remain imprisoned for their trial.

The Union will appeal the resolution.

Union of Lawyers and Attorneys.

December 2018

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Posted in Social Control

Argentina: Without Fear & With Perseverance Let’s Extend the Offensive! Information About the Recent Repressive Blow of the Argentine State

Wednesday, November 21st, 2018

On November 14th, two specific events took place in the city of Buenos Aires, with media coverage and a rapid police / judicial response.

During the afternoon, in the Recoleta cemetry, at the mausoleum dedicated to Colonel Ramon Falcon (assassinated by comrade Simón Radowitzky) – a bomb explodes leaving the comrade Anahi Salcedo wounded, she is transferred to Fernandez hospital and detained with wounds to her face and skull as well as the loss of three fingers on one of her hands. She is currently in an induced coma. At the same place, comrade Hugo Rodriguez was arrested.

Hours later, outside the home of Judge Bonadio (famous for his hard line, his indelible past with the youth of the iron guard- a Peronist fascist group, and his current practice and discourse against anti-conservatism and repression of dissenting sectors and individuals opposed to the current order), comrade Marco Viola is arrested, accused of throwing an explosive device at the magistrate’s car.

At dawn, and throughout the following days, various spaces of the anarchic environment including squats, neighborhood centers and private homes are searched, resulting in the arrests of another 12 people.

The detainees were transferred to 2200 Cavia street where the anti-terrorist unit works, then to the police superintendence on Madariaga street, and then finally on Saturday morning they were taken to the Comodoro Py courts to testify in front of judge Ercollini and the public prosecutor Di Lello, following 72 hours of uncertainty, isolation and being subjected to who knows what by the eternally miserable wretches.

After this, two people are released, leaving a total of 10 imprisoned comrades charged with illegal association, public intimidation and possession of explosive material. The two actions unified under the same cause.

At the moment it is all prudential what can be transmitted, we know that other places are under surveillance, as well as specific people, since the government itself have confirmed the seizure of more than 100 private phones belonging to activists, and they have reopened investigations into direct actions that were carried out in the city from 2005 until the present (some claimed by anarchists and others not).

The call is clear and leaves no room for double interpretations.

Every gesture of concrete solidarity is welcome and desirable.

Do not leave the comrades kidnapped by the Argentine State alone, without fear and with perseverance extend the offensive.





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Posted in Social Control