Posts Tagged ‘Minsk’

Атрад Супраціву (The Resistance group) claims responsibility for the attack on police car in Belarus

Tuesday, September 29th, 2020

Encouraging news from Belarus (received by mail). We urge our comrades and all who decide to follow their example – to use gloves. Do not leave any prints and DNA!

We, Атрад Супраціву (The Resistance group), declare war on the existing fascist government!

We don’t see another option apart from inflicting physical and material damage on all power structures – from district administrations and police stations to direct individual confrontation with Lukashenko’s followers.

We have nothing more to say about the current regime, it’s all obvious to everyone. The only possible sentence it deserves – death!

This night we tried to be with you. We visited some fascist police stations and have made our best to reduce the number of police vehicles that could get to the peaceful demonstrators.

We call upon the people of Belarus to use partisan tactics, that their ancestors are famous for!

Only self-organization, mutual support and direct action together with our resolute will can destroy this fascist infestation and break the yoke of Lukashism.

Together we will win!

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Posted in Direct Action

Anarchist group “Copless neighborhoods” destroyed 3 surveillance cameras – Minsk, Belarus

Tuesday, September 29th, 2020

Inspiring message from Minsk partisans:

On the night of September 21-22, Minsk anarchists from “Copless neighborhoods” initiative ripped off 3 surveillance cameras above communal entrance doors of residential buildings (6, Soltysa and 86, Soltysa).

Criminals in uniform have direct access to the resident’s records of movement and activities. Security forces have lost all credibility. They carry out violent raids on courtyards trying to strangle budding self-government at birth.

Won’t let them control our political activity which nowadays lives not only in the squares but also in courtyards. We urge you to organize people’s self-defense groups and self-governance assemblies. Our security and freedom is in our own hands.

All those who are struggling to bring about self-government should place a large level of importance to such actions: stay anonymous and don’t get caught by police cutthroats.

Hope we didn’t disturb local residents too much;) Yours truly, anarchists.

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Posted in Direct Action

Атрад Супраціву (The Resistance group) fired on Zavodskoy District Court in Minsk – Belarus

Tuesday, September 29th, 2020

Minsk anarchists continue to fight a battle against Lukashenko’s junta. Received this message via mail:

We, Атрад Супраціву (The Resistance group), continue our uncompromising war against fascism of Lukashenko’s police junta.
We take responsibility for the attack on Zavodskoy District Court in Minsk, which we see as an occupying part of the government.
We declare that, if mass repressions and forceful breaking up of demonstrations continues, our group will do everything we can so that not all of those helmeted bastards with batons will live to see the trial.

That’s not a threat, that’s a fact! We – among you, we know your addresses and positions, we have your photos.

Stop now or the end of you will be dreadful and inglorious!

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Posted in Direct Action

(A-Radio) Belarus: The August Rebellion

Thursday, September 3rd, 2020

Belarus: Rebellion Against Dictatorship

As the Anarchist Radio Berlin, we gladly present this interview with an anarchist in Belarus on the current situation in the country. Since weeks people are in the streets in the aftermath of the last election.

In the interview, recorded on the 31st of august 2020, we learn about underlying reasons and the built up to the current protest movement, as well as the role of alternative media and the current state repression.

Links mentioned in the interview:

ABC Belarus: ways to donate to support anarchists (add note “STREET FUND” to direct money towards actions instead of repression costs)
Pramen: news from an anarchist perspective (also in english)
Belarus97.org: support people detained in general
Support people who lost their job because of their political views (Caution: links to Facebook!) https://bit.ly/344ANgH

Length: 56 min

You can find other English audios as well as all issues of the monthly anarchist show “Bad News” here.

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Posted in Interviews

Uprising in Belarus against the dictatorship of Lukashenko

Tuesday, August 11th, 2020

Elephant in the room – Bringing down the dictatorship. Interview on protests in Belarus

Since Sunday streets in Belarus are filled with rage of protesters trying to bring down the dictatorship. People from all parts of the society have been clashing in the night of August 9 in 33 different cities around the country. They are fighting against president Lukashenko who is ruling the country for the last 26 years.

We got together with one of comrades from Belarus who is living in emigration and clarified some things that are happening in Belarus right now.

Lyapis Trubetskoy
Zdrada Pałki

How did the Belarusians come to rebellion against the dictatorship

[German], [Russian]

From Pramen:

If you had asked people in Belarus how long the dictatorship of Lukashenko was left in early 2020, they would have looked at you like a fool. In a respected dictatorship, such questions are not asked, because you know what can happen. And in general, it so happens that the reign of the great leader is timeless. But the situation has changed so radically over the last 8 months that Belarusians took to the streets and for the first time in the new history of Belarus they fought back the police in at least 33 different cities of the country.

Today Belarusians have woken up in a new country. In it, people openly talk about hatred for the government and prepare for a violent confrontation with the police and state. They discuss online and live effective methods of struggle. Several factories went on strike the day after the elections. (more…)

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Posted in Autonomy

Solidarity with imprisoned anarchist Nikita Emelyanov (Belarus)

Sunday, February 23rd, 2020

Yemelyanov studied at the Belarus National Technical University in the 3rd year, worked as a courier after study. He was detained on October 20, 2019, together with an accomplice on suspicion of an attempt to set fire to Minsk remand prison- SIZO1. The action was held in solidarity with political prisoners. He was convicted by judge Alexander Yakunchikhin for 7 years in a reinforced regime colony.

Yemelyanov came to anarchism gradually, having evolved from a social democrat with a brief stop on the left-leaning nationalist ideas. He was an administrator of the ”Chorny Supracivus” telegram channel.
“I didn’t want to communicate with leaders, I wanted to be autonomous”.

Realizing himself as an anarchist, Nikita made a wise decision not to join the existing organizations. Anarchist groups, which are under massive police surveillance, can only teach you intrigue and how not to go beyond the limits established by the system, thus turning the anarchist struggle into a farce. Instead of simulating activity, Nikita chose the path of direct attacks against the state.

Carrying out a fiery attack on the prison and having successfully escaped, the comrade came across the arrived patrol of the Department of Security and was detained along with an accomplice. (more…)

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Posted in Social Control

Two anarchists from Belarus sentenced to 7 years for series of direct actions

Saturday, February 22nd, 2020

On February 12, 2020, Mikita Yemelyanau and Ivan Komar were found guilty of intentional destruction of property on several accounts.

Activists were detained on October 20, 2019, just after an attack with a Molotov cocktail on the pre-trial detention facility in Minsk made in solidarity with another anarchist Dzmitry Paliyenka (who was kept there at the time) and other political prisoners in Belarus. From day one, Ivan Komar made a statement of Mikita Yemelyanau being guilty in it. He also talked about two other attacks – one similar attempt to attack the same pre-trial facility when Molotov didn’t start burning and an attack with light bulbs on the Minsk City Court as a protest against the judge who decided to hold a closed court hearing of Paliyenka’s case.

Mikita Emelyanau refused to make any statement, but some time later he talked to cops informally and confirmed his involvement in the attacks.

Although Mikita said in court he planned the attacks alone and Ivan Komar didn’t know about them and was just asked to film his action, they were considered as a group and both were sentenced to 7 years of prison.
The total damage made to both buildings amounts at 70 euros.

Belarusian human rights defenders issued a statement demanding reconsideration of sentences and called them political prisoners.

Independent journalists and photographers initiated an open letter in support of the activists.

ABC-Belarus refused to support Ivan Komar for his collaboration with the police. You can support Mikita Yemelyanau here.

via ABC Belarus.

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Posted in Social Control

Solidarity to Venezuelan people from Belarusian anarchists

Thursday, August 3rd, 2017

Belarusian anarchists informed Minsk residents about struggle of the people of Venezuela – the bus stop in the сenter of the city was covered by posters, describing the ongoing protests. Anarchists are sure that that Belarusians should learn from braveness and courage of the Venezuela protesters!


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Posted in Direct Action

Hundreds of protesters detained after massive wave of repressions in Belarus

Monday, March 27th, 2017

March 25 was planned by some liberal opposition leaders as the day of the biggest protest against Lukashenko’s policies this year. The biggest one on the wave of the recent anti-governmental demonstrations that started in February this year. It ended with the biggest police mobilization in years bringing thousands of riot cops to Minsk and detaining hundreds of people preventive and during the demonstration. This Saturday capital of Belarus looked like a war zone created by the police.

Campaign of disinformation

After March 15 the Belarusian government started working with double energy to bring in as much disinformation as they could: radioactive load on some plane, car full of explosives coming from Ukraine, old nationalist organization plotting riots, loads of weapons confiscated during raids. All of this has bombarded Belarusian society through governmental media in recent days, creating the atmosphere of terror from one side, but also the atmosphere of anger in society – “Do the president and his dogs think that we are so stupid to believe all of this crap?!”

However, the absurdity was never a reason to stop for the Belarusian state propagandists. As well as for Lukashenko who was giving speeches recently about planned provocations on the 25th and blaming the fifth column in trying to destabilize situation in the country and at the same time commenting that he is a big proponent of European values. (more…)

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Posted in Social Control

Call for solidarity with arrested activist of critical mass (Belarus)

Thursday, May 12th, 2016

Critical Mass on 29 April in Minsk ended up with 6 people detained and a criminal case against one of the participants. Dmitry Polienko is accused of violence against a policeman and others are charged with minor offences. The trials for minor offences are scheduled for 12 and 16 May. Dmitry is now in pre-trial prison and requires solidarity from comrades in form of solidarity actions and money for food parcels. The maximum penalty for the article he is accused of is 6 year in prison.

In social networks a flash mob was started
#iamcriticalmass / #якритическаямасса to show solidarity with arrested.
Apart from that you can send us your solidarity actions at belarus_abc@riseup.net.

You can also donate through paypal with the same address
belarus_abc@riseup.net. Please specify the cause for transfer –
“critical mass”

Till all are free!

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Posted in Social Control

Show your ass to the authorities: Call for solidarity with Belarusian anarchists from 25th February to 1st March (Belarus)

Monday, February 9th, 2015

The forth presidential term of Alexander Lukashenko will expire in 2015. In 21 years Lukashenko has managed to suppress almost all social struggles in the country, kill several political opponents in the 90s, and eradicate nearly all of the official opposition. Lukashenko didn’t allow Belarusian society to transcend the limits of Soviet mentality. Any complaint or criticism of the government are met with repression from the police or the KGB. Any attempts of organizing face with prosecution and hysteria from the state. The policy of the government can be described simply as follows: “Everything that cannot be controlled must be destroyed”. At this moment Belarusian state is slowly but steadily getting to the extermination of any dissent or independent thinking.

With the elections planned for November this year the pressure on social movements is increasing. Authorities are afraid of the Ukrainian scenario occurring in Belarus and do everything to fight “extremists”: all the people who are calling for the change of the current regime. (more…)

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Posted in Social Control

You suspect the wrong people: New wave of solidarity with detained anarchists in Minsk (Belarus)

Sunday, February 1st, 2015

Five actions in a row were organised on January 29 in support of anarchists, arrested in Minsk for alleged resistance to the police about a week ago. In fact all of them were detained on suspicion of participation in solidarity actions with other activists, who had been arrested at a punk concert and accused of distribution of extremist literature.

According to the activists, by these action they wanted to show that the 4 arrested people are not the ones who had organised the actions on January 16. The police and the judicial system don’t aim at detecting or preventing crimes, the strive to suppress any demonstration of nonconformity.

One of the groups visited the judge who decided on the anarchists’ cases and put leaflets around the house reading that he is wanted for unfair sentences and accusing a person known to be innocent. It’s common knowledge that judges in Belarus act in accordance with demands of the police. (more…)

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Posted in Social Control

Four people arrested after solidarity actions with arestees of New Year Punk Gig in Minsk (Belarus)

Thursday, January 22nd, 2015

On January 20-21 four activists were arrested in Minsk after solidarity
actions with people previously arrested at New Year Punk Party in Minsk.
One person was captured by the police at the prison gates, when people
came to meet their comrades, who were supposed to be released after 10
days of arrest they were sentenced to after the concert. (more…)

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Posted in Social Control

Riot cops raid punk concert in Minsk (Belarus)

Monday, January 12th, 2015

On January 10, 2015, in the club “Pirates” there was supposed to be a concert of several punk bands including Italian “Kalashnikov”.

However, on information received from witnesses, this never happened. Approximately during the middle of the set of the first band, the club was surrounded by police cars and “branded” vans of Riot police without numbers. Front doors were locked, people were banned to leave the building. After that riot police in masks broke into the building. Without explanations they put everyone face to the walls with hands behind the head. This was followed by ID check and control of personal belongings. The whole procedure took around one hour and a half with constant video recording from police. Distro with anarchist and other political literature was of particular interest for them – they were searching for owners of items without any success. However they confiscated all the items from distro including political books, musical CDs and Vinyls. The whole raided as abruptly as it had begun: after checking everyone they left the place without any explanations.

3 detainees reported after this. The concert just ended before it could even begin. Apparently the preparation for the elections of the President of the Republic of Belarus has already begun.

Update on yesterday’s raid on the concert:

3 people were detained who were selling items at the distro table. Initially, all of them were charged with distribution of extremist materials, later one of the detainees was released, but on Monday there will be court on minor Hooliganism. The trial of two other detainees will also be held on Monday in Minsk. Pre-court will be held at 11:00. Till the trial 2 people will stay in jail.

On January 12 in Minsk court have ruled on three cases of people detained on Saturday at New Year Punk Show. All the three people were charged with minor hooliganism, two of them were additionally charged with distribution of extremist materials. During the court the Judge have found violations in protocols on distribution of extremist materials so the documents were send back to police to fix the violations.

The Hearing started with Judge forbidding friends and comrades to enter the court room. However several people managed to go through and observe the process. All the detainees were accused of swearing at the moment of riot police entrance to the club. They all accepted the charges. The result was not so optimistic: the girl got around 100 euro fine, two guys were sentenced to 10 days in prison. It is still unclear when the hearing on distribution of extremist materials will be held.

One of the detainees reported that he was beaten up in police station.


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Posted in Social Control

Arrests, detentions and interrogations – World Hockey Championship 2014 in Minsk (Belarus)

Thursday, May 8th, 2014

Several hours left before the official start of the World Hockey Championship 2014 in Belarus. Event that was planned in 2009 during another political thaw between the West and Lukashenko was constantly criticized by human rights and political organizations for support of Lukashenko’s political regime. Many groups called national hockey teams to boycott the championship, however International Federation of Ice Hockey decided once again that sport is standing apart from politics and retained the right for hosting championship in Minsk. But it is impossible to keep sport business away from politics.

For Lukashenko this championship is a unique way to legitimize Belarusian political system on behalf of tournament participants. On the one hand, we see harsh critics of the regime from the West, on the other hand, Minsk today is full of national flags of teams participating in the show. In this atmosphere the political tensions seem to be gone and everyone is going to enjoy the truce. (more…)

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