November 17, 2020
by actforfreedom
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Anathema Volume 6 Issue 7

A Philadelphia Anarchist Periodical

Volume 6 Issue 7 (PDF for reading 8.5 x 11)
Volume 6 Issue 7 (PDF for printing 11 x 17)
In this issue:
  • What Went Down
  • Repression Update
  • White Supremacy & The World’s Destruction
  • Heating Up & Cooling Down
  • Balancing & Burning Out
  • Armed Struggle
  • Living In Fast Times
  • Decentralized Action
  • Nigerian Revolt
  • West Philly Vs The Proud Boys
  • Sick Ass Poster

November 15, 2020
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Hamburg,Germany: utility vehicle of prison construction company destroyed by flames

Hamburg,Germany: utility vehicle of prison construction company destroyed by flames

via: sansnom
 Hamburg: against jails, motorways and those who profit from them
In the night of November 3 to 4, we destroyed a STRABAG utility vehicle on the Sievekingsallee with fire to express our anger against one of the largest construction companies in Europe.
There are many reasons to hate and attack Strabag.
Strabag offers a wide variety of construction services and is one of the leading and largest construction companies in Europe. For example, you can find their logo on every street corner in Hamburg, reminding us that a new office building or other luxury hotel is to be built. We are increasingly suffocated by buildings that make the city even more attractive to financial sharks  and business leaders and thus increasingly transform the city into a city of the rich.

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November 15, 2020
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Chile: One year after the popular revolt, the anarchist fire is gaining strength

Chile: One year after the popular revolt, the anarchist fire is gaining strength

via:  Attaque
“…when you look for alliances, you end up modifying your objectives in the name of the political justification of the struggle: a “better future”. Not realizing that faith in the future is essential for the perpetuation of domination. Always living in the future is precisely the traditional method for not living here and now, moving away from the permanent conflict implicit in the anarchist war for ever …
Basically, behind this positioning are concealed outdated instituting positions. True to the echo of the siren song, some have heard verses of praise to freedom – which resonate at the dawn of every revolution – without knowing that in reality they are just hymns to the new constituent Power.
Then come the naive explanations, the search for motivations and causes of “deviations”, “betrayals”, the old story of the “betrayed revolution” will be repeated ad nauseam, instead of seeing that a Revolution has never been (nor ever will be) on the side of freedom, but always in the service of power, because any revolution is intrinsically instituting… ”Gustavo Rodriguez, « Letter to a Chilean about the current situation », November 2019.
After a year of paralysis, because of the health measures imposed by the Piñera government thousands of people came out into the streets to “celebrate” the first anniversary of the popular demonstrations that shook the Chilean region last October. Today, in a context of popular revolt, the left parties and the scourge of the avant-garde aim, as always, to control the masses, with their multiform “struggle” strategy.

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November 15, 2020
by actforfreedom
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(Chile) Nuevo número de CONFRONTACIÓN


A un año del inicio de la revuelta desatada en Chile
desde el 18 de octubre de 2019, seguimos propagando CONFRONTACIÓN.

Saludando a todxs quienes se han mantenido activxs en la lucha contra el orden establecido antes, durante y después del llamado “estallido
social” continuamos en la calle con un nuevo numero impreso.

Estamos en los días en que se cumple un año desde el 18 de octubre y
traemos con nosotrxs la rabia anárquica hacia este sistema opresor con el calor de los momentos de lucha que seguimos compartiendo entre compañerxs y con cómplices circunstanciales y solidarixs al calor de la revuelta.

Tenemos también la memoria fresca de cada escena de represión
y violencia estatal sobre nuestrxs cuerpxs/mentes y lxs de tantxs
asesinadxs, torturadxs, agredidxs y mutiladxs. Agregamos al contexto
actual el plebiscito del día 25 de octubre para un posible cambio en la
Constitución, una trampa institucional que no nos convoca ni nos

Como cada momento en la historia, nuestro contexto tiene sus propias
posibilidades, dificultades y desafíos que configuran el escenario de
lucha. Acá queremos compartir algunas reflexiones, interrogantes e ideas prácticas que sirvan para conectarnos con las inquitudes y deseos de aquellxs que se niegan a permitir el triunfo de la normalidad impuesta por Poder y de las ilusiones democráticas puestas hoy a la orden del día.


Para quienes desde hace años hemos propagado la revuelta en palabra y acción contra toda autoridad, la lucha no pasa por los cambios en el
aparato del Estado. Llevamos un año ya de una revuelta que posee
componentes variados y cuyo horizonte de ruptura con el orden
establecido logró  lamentablemente ser entrampado por la ilusión de
supuestos cambios estructurales a partir de la posibilidad de una
modificación constitucional, solución reformista pactada por la clase
política en noviembre de 2019 ante la imposibilidad de detener el avance infrenable de una revuelta violenta sin lideres ni dirigentes.

Con mayor o menor desconfianza hacia el proceso electoral constituyente, amplios sectores se han plegado a las soluciones ofrecidas por la institucionalidad, canalizando las energías y debates hacia ese escenario, con lógicas similares al plebisicito realizado en 1988 para retornar a la democracia por la vía pacífica luego de casi una década de protestas masivas y accionar subversivo antidictatorial. Ese plebiscito -como experiencia que traemos hasta el presente- surgió también del pacto entre la dictadura y una clase política dispuesta a asegurar la pacificación social y la continuidad del regimen económico y político imperante.


La historia demuestra que toda ilusión y cambio parcial vale para el
poder si se trata de de poner freno a las rupturas que permitan
imaginar/construir formas de vida y de acción opuestas al Estado y la

La experiencia histórica entrega variados ejemplos que demuestran
que quienes administran el orden social buscan siempre proteger su
sistema y, de ser necesario, se abren a la posibilidad de reinventar las
páginas de sus propias constituciones escritas con sangre, represión y
fórmulas autoritarias que garantizan la continuidad y dependencia con el Estado. Pero no les daremos en el gusto.

La legalidad, la justicia estatal y las soluciones insitucionales
siempre han buscado perpetuar el orden social contra el cual nos
levantamos en CONFRONTACIÓN con lo existente. Por eso los reclamos
ciudadanos para que haya justicia en contra de los agentes que llevan a
cabo la represión o los llamados a “abolir” las intituciones policiales
y penintenciaras no tienen sentido real si no se plantean desde la
destrucción del poder, del Estado y la sociedad carcelaria en la que


Siendo parte de los hechos actuales, sabemos que la vigilancia y la
represión están literalmente a la vuelta de la esquina. Sabemos que el
paso de la pandemia no solo trajo una crisis socioeconómica y sanitaria
producto de la evidente opción estatal por proteger al modelo
empresarial -opción que nada de nuevo tiene-, sino que también hemos
visto cómo ha aumentado la instalación de cámaras, el uso de drones y la normalización de una vida cotidiana marcada por la presencia militar, el toque de queda, el monitoreo tecnológico a los desplazamientos y las restricciones de movilidad.

Sabemos también lo que sienten, piensan y viven lxs compañerxs que aun en prisión mantienen viva la llama de la revuelta, a quienes no dejamos a su suerte en las jaulas del poder.

Por todo esto, asumimos la importancia de cuidarnos y conocernos entre nosotrxs mismxs, de afilar nuestras prácticas e ideas, de conocer cada vez más al enemigo y cómo funciona su represión, no para quedarnos en la denuncia de las injusticias, al contrario, para continuar luchando aun a pesar de la sofisticación del control social.


Nuestra lucha no tiene que ver con hacer del Estado un enemigo más
sensible e inclusivo. Las leyes, donde quiera que aparezcan, solo son un
instrumento para la represión y la pacificación social. La libertad no
se encuentra en las jaulas de la autoridad y por eso la insurrección
anárquica arrasa con toda idea de mejorar las cárceles o de tomar el

Por eso, desde este espacio – uno más dentro de muchos-, invitamos al
encuentro con otrxs individuxs en lucha sin tranzar nuestro
posicionamiento anárquico/anti-autoritario y también al fortalecimiento de lazos de compañerismo y compicidad con nuestrxs afines, alejandonos de toda influencia autoritaria e izquierdista que busque instrumentalizar
nuestra pasión destructora/creadora.

Porque solo en el ataque a la dominación, en la destrucción de toda
forma de poder y en la propagación de relaciones libres de autoridad,
encontramos la real libertad. La agitación y la violencia de la revuelta
no son “etapas” para presionar y mejorar al Estado sino que una
permanente ofensiva contra todo poder y autoridad.

Con agitación y acción multiforme,
seguimos en CONFRONTACIÓN.

$hile, octubre-noviembre 2020.

November 13, 2020
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Brussels – Verdict of the Court of Appeal

Brussels – Verdict of the Court of Appeal

On Thursday, November 12th, the judge of the Appeals Court in Brussels made its decision public concerning the case against anarchists accused of criminal association and various crimes;
2 persons got 10 months of probation (during 5 years)
1 person got 8 months of probation (during 5 years)
1 person got 6 months of probation (during 3 years)
5 persons got a suspension of sentencing (during 3 years)
1 person got acquitted
(2 persons got acquitted in first instance and were not part of the
appeal) people also got sentenced to paying fines and a part of the
investigative and juridical costs, but the state will have to pay the
bill for the phone taps (by far the biggest amount)
(a suspension of sentencing means the judge finds you guilty and doesn’t set a sentence, but leaves this up to the next judge if you get caughtin a certain period of time for a similar crime – not very different from probation)
From 2008, the Belgian State started a large investigation aiming at
different struggles – but always without concessions – against
deportation centers, borders, prisons and the world of authority and
exploitation. This investigation is led by the Brussels’ anti-terrorist
branch of the police backed by the State Security and the intelligence
agency of the army as well as various anti-terrorist branches of other
European countries. The investigation is closed in 2014, culminating in
the referral of 12 anarchists to the courts under the accusation of
“terrorist organization” and more specific charges such as participation in a non-authorized demonstration outside the detention center 127bis in Steenokkerzeel (transformed into “attempted arson” by the prosecutor), participation in a fight with two limousine drivers and damaging their vehicles (with the aggravating circumstance of “being motivated by hate”), having insulted European Union civil servants (with the aggravating circumstance of “being motivated by hate”), assault and wounding of police officers on several occasions, obstruction of the public road, damage in various forms, etc.

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November 13, 2020
by actforfreedom
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Chile – On the situation of comrades Francisco Solar and Mónica Caballero

29th October 2020
As you know, our comrades Francisco Solar and Mónica Caballero have been in jail since July, accused of various explosive attacks that took place between July 2019 and February 2020. Legal proceedings against them are still open and so are the terms of the investigation, and there are no significant news in this respect.
As for the situation of each of them, we have the following news:
Francisco Solar is still being held in the Maximum Security Unit of Prison (CAS), and he was recently inflicted two searches, carried out by police intelligence services in collaboration with the guards. Notes of the comrade’s defence case were seized as well as drafts of texts, and he is also being inflicted continuous abuse by the prosecutor, who demanded these searches.
Mónica Caballero, on her part, is being held in a Module for public crimes in the prison of San Miguel, where for weeks she had to face total censorship on communication. No letter, it doesn’t matter of what sort, could get in or out; at last, after repeated pressure, the prison administration established a protocol to allow the comrade to send out letters, but at the same time it forbids letters to be send directly from the prison by post. Considering the situation, we have temporarily set up the following address, so that comrades from other countries can send their letters to us, and we’ll then have them delivered to the comrade:
Santa Isabel 0151
Locale 6
Santiago (Chile)
In spite of openings and the end of isolation, there are no visiting rooms in prisons, but only the possibility to make phone calls and video calls, which are however monitored by the guards.
Solidarity with Mónica and Francisco!
Traduzione (dallo spagnolo): Inferno Urbano
Translated to english by act for freedom now!

November 13, 2020
by actforfreedom
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Montgiscard, France: It happened near you
We receive and spread the translation of the claim for an attack in Montgiscard (France) and relative translator’s notes
Montgiscard (France): It happened near you 
 To all repressed amish* !
We are bringing out oil lamps to illuminate the darkness of a dystopian world.
A phone repeater in flames illuminated a dark night of curfew**, on 23rd October near Montgiscard, in the department of Haute-Garonne.
There is one near your home – goodnight, amish!!!
Translators notes:
*In a speech on 14th September in support of 5G technology, the French president Emmanuel Macron compared the (institutional) opponents of the latter to amish who want to go back to oil lamps… here “repressed” is to be understood in a psychoanalytic sense.
** A curfew (from 9pm to 6am) was imposed on 14th October in the region of Paris and in another 8 urban areas, including Toulouse, where the village of Montgiscard is to be found. The curfew was extended to 54 departments, more than half France, on 24th October.
Translated by act for freedom now!

November 13, 2020
by actforfreedom
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GREECE : 2 Εβδομάδες κινητοποιήσεων για τη συμπαράσταση στους αναρχικούς και τις αναρχικές που δικάζονται, στην Ιταλία

Greek poster , in solidarity on  for 9th-24th November, 2 weeks of mobilization in solidarity with the anarchists on trial  in Italy, 
2 Εβδομάδες κινητοποιήσεων για τη συμπαράσταση στους αναρχικούς και τις αναρχικές που δικάζονται.
Σήμερα αντιμετωπίζουμε μια όξυνση της καταστολής που διευκολύνεται από την υγειονομική έκτακτη ανάγκη του COVID-19, και επακόλουθα μια επίθεση ενάντια σε όλες τις μορφές συγκρουσιακότητας, περιλαμβανομένων εκείνων του αναρχικού κινήματος.
Εκατοντάδες σύντροφοι και συντρόφισσες βρίσκονται ήδη σε δίκη ή σύντομα θα δικαστούν, σε κάποια από τις διάφορες κατασταλτικές επιχειρήσεις που βρίσκονται σε εξέλιξη από τις διάφορες Εισαγγελίες: δηλαδή στις επιχειρήσεις Scripta Manent, Panico, Ritrovo, Bialystok, Lince, Renata, Scintilla και Prometeo, στη δίκη στο Brennero και στη δίκη για την επίθεση στα γραφεία της Λέγκας στο Treviso.
Εκ των πραγμάτων, αυτοί που μοιάζουν να κυβερνάνε είναι ο ΣΕΒ [Confindustria] και τα διευθυντήρια της Αντιτρομοκρατίας και της Αντιμαφίας, με το Κράτος να επικεντρώνεται στην εξάλειψη της πρακτικής της άμεσης δράσης, ακόμα και της ανατρεπτικής σκέψης.
Έτσι, η σύνδεση των επιδημιών με την καπιταλιστική λεηλασία του πλανήτη μετατρέπεται σε ζήτημα “τρομοκρατίας”, όπως επίσης και κάθε μορφή κινητοποίησης μπορεί να μετατραπεί σε “αδίκημα οργάνωσης”. Όταν η σύγκρουση αντλεί δύναμη από την εξέγερση -όπως συνέβη το Μάρτη στις φυλακές-, η απάντηση του Κράτους θυμίζει τους καιρούς του Dalla Chiesa: ένοπλες εισβολές δεσμοφυλάκων και καραμπινιέρων, συστηματικοί ξυλοδαρμοί και μια κυριολεκτική σφαγή με το θάνατο δεκαπέντε κρατουμένων.
Η Σωφρονιστική Διεύθυνση διασκορπίζει και απομονώνει επαναστάτες και εξεγερμένους στις διάφορες πτέρυγες του συστήματος των φυλακών, παρεμποδίζει οποιαδήποτε επαφή με τον έξω κόσμο καθώς και τη φυσική παρουσία των κατηγορούμενων κατά τη διάρκεια των δικών τους, μέσω της χρήσης της βίντεο-διάσκεψης. Επίσης, διευρύνει σε όλους τους φυλακισμένους μερικές πρακτικές κράτησης που χαρακτηρίζουν το [ειδικό] καθεστώς του άρθρου 41 bis, ανάμεσα τους τα μειωμένα επισκεπτήρια με τα διαχωριστικά τζάμια, λογοκρισία της αλληλογραφίας, κλείδωμα των κελιών. Από τη δική τους πλευρά, οι εισαγγελίες κατασκευάζουν την ιστορία του αναρχικού κινήματος διαχωρίζουντας τις επαναστατικές πρακτικές ανάμεσα σε “αποδεκτές” και “τρομοκρατικές”.
Η δύναμη του καθεστώτος είναι η αδυναμία των αγώνων. Ένα σύστημα που παράγει μονάχα κοινωνικές, οικονομικές, περιβαλλοντικές καταστροφές και βασίζεται στο φόβο, καταφεύγοντας κάθε μέρα και περισσότερο στη γλώσσα του πολέμου.
Επομένως, καλούμε σε δυο εβδομάδες κινητοποίησεων από τις 9 ως τις 24 Νοέμβρη 2020.
Έτσι ώστε η φλόγα της εξέγερσης να μη σβήσει ποτέ και πάντοτε νέα χέρια να είναι έτοιμα να την αδράξουν. Μέσα σε ένα αβέβαιο παρόν -για εμάς, αλλά και για τα αφεντικά- η μοναδική βεβαιότητα είναι πως είναι δίκαιο να αντιστεκόμαστε και ν’ αντεπιτεθόμαστε.

November 13, 2020
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Italien: Zwei Wochen Mobilität zur Unterstützung von angeklagten Anarchisten und Anarchistinnen

Italien: Zwei Wochen Mobilität zur Unterstützung von angeklagten Anarchisten und Anarchistinnen


Zwei Wochen Mobilität zur Unterstützung von angeklagten Anarchisten und Anarchistinnen

Heute erleben wir eine Verschärfung der Repression, die durch den Gesundheitsnotstand COVID-19 erleichtert wurde, und folglich eines Angriffs gegen alle Formen von Konflikten, einschließlich der anarchistischen Bewegung. In Italien werden bald Hunderte von Genossen und Genossinnen wegen verschiedener repressiver Operationen der Staatsanwaltschaft vor Gericht gestellt: “Op. Scripta Manent”, “Op. Panico”, “Op. Ritrovo”, “Op. Bialystok”, “Op. Lince”, “Op.Renata”, “Op. Scintilla”, “Op. Prometeo”, der Brenner-Prozess, der Prozess wegen des Angriffs auf den Sitz der “Lega Nord” in Treviso.

Industrie- und Finanzlobbys und Repressionsapparate scheinen zu regieren, und der Staat konzentriert sich darauf, die Praktik des direkten Handelns und sogar subversives Denken abzuschaffen. Und so wird die Verbindung von Epidemien mit der kapitalistischen Ausplünderung des Planeten zu einer Prämisse des “Terrorismus”, so wie jede Form der Mobilisierung zu einem “assoziativen Verbrechen” werden kann.
Als der Konflikt die Stärke der Revolte annahm – wie im März in den Gefängnissen – lautete die Antwort des Staates: bewaffnete Überfälle durch Schließer und Carabinieri, systematische Schlägereien und ein Massaker mit dem Tod von 15 Gefangenen.

Die Strafvollzugsverwaltung verbreitet und isoliert revolutionäre und Rebellen in den verschiedenen Kreisen des Gefängnissystems, sie verhindert jeglichen Kontakt zur Außenwelt und die physische Anwesenheit der Angeklagten in den Prozessen mit dem Einsatz von Videokonferenzen. Sie dehnt auf alle Gefangenen einige Inhaftierungspraktiken aus, die das “41 bis” Regime kennzeichnen, einschließlich die Reduzierung der Besuche (und nur mit Plexiglastrennwänden), Zensur der Korrespondenz, Zellensperrung.
Die Staatsanwälte zugleich rekonstruieren die Geschichte der anarchistischen Bewegung, indem sie revolutionäre Praktiken in
“akzeptable” und “terroristisch” trennen.

Ein System, das nur soziale, wirtschaftliche und ökologische Katastrophen hervorruft, ist auf Angst gegründet und benutzt jeden Tag mehr und mehr die Sprache des Krieges.
Wir fordern daher eine zweiwöchige Mobilisierung vom 9. bis 24. November.


Damit die Fackel der Revolte niemals erlischt und immer neue Hände bereit sind, sie zu ergreifen.
In einer unsicheren Zeit, für uns, aber auch für die Herren, ist die einzige Gewissheit, dass Widerstand und Gegenangriff richtig sind.


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November 13, 2020
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on A GPS tracker and a microphone found in a car in Berlin (Germany)

A GPS tracker and a microphone found in a car in Berlin (Germany)


(translated from the french translation at
As mentioned in the article “Some concrete elements on the searches of Berlin and Athens for a criminal association case” (, in german), a GPS tracker and a listening device were found in a vehicle shortly before the searches.
Unfortunately, the cops prevented a quick publication, and this must now be made up for.
These devices were obviously installed by the federal criminal police (BKA) in order to retrieve information on the persons accused in the present “criminal association” proceedings. In general, it is very important not to keep such things to oneself, but to reveal these occult methods.
According to what is currently known, the GPS tracker was installed in august 2019 and the listening device intended for “internal surveillance of a vehicle” during or after september 2019.
The two devices were installed separately, each in one of the front seat headrests.
The headrests were opened and glued back together after the bugs were installed.
Both devices were equipped with two batteries each (object n°2 in the overview photos).
The first device, which is apparently the control unit (1), is equipped with a GSM module to send GPS data and recorded audio files to the cops via the SIM card (5).
On the control unit itself, there was a GPS/GSM antenna (3), the connection to the batteries and a microphone (4). Inside the device, a SIM card from “Deutsche Telekom” was found.
The second device (6) seems to be the actual audio monitoring device. It also has a battery connection, a smaller antenna and two microphones (4), which have been glued into the holes for the seat support, with anti-vibration padding. This device was equipped with an SD card (7), but there were no more audio files stored in it. Apparently, the SD card was used as a storage medium for the operating system data and for temporary storage of the recorded data.
Note the large size of the batteries.
Overall, the assembly technique gives an amateurish impression, while the devices themselves appear to be professional.
Installation, assembly and other technical details can be seen in the attached pictures. Further information, such as the company that manufactured the devices or how the communication between the two devices works, is not yet available.
If you have more information about this, you can add it (with documents and/or explanations) in the comments to this article!
Listening to and spying on anti-authoritarian circles are not new, but this state terror and also this obsession for specific people are another sign of the means the State uses to fight against our circles.
These devices are for the moment in a safe place to be inspected and worked on. If more information is found, it will be presented in a future report.
The headrests that we had emptied were replaced by the BKA during the search in september, so that now in the car the headrests are still empty, but new…
Already in other cases, BKA cops have taken part in debates among radical groups [1]; in the past it has also been discovered that they hold their devices [2]. By the way, we say hi to the two of the Muppet Show: if you want your stuff back, you can buy it back in due time.
Anna and Arthur keep their mouths shut* – for every repressive move there is an answer!
Solidarity with all people affected by repression!
Explanations of the pictures :
1st overview photo:
1 – control unit
2 – batteries
3 – GPS antenna
4 – microphone
5 – Sim card
2nd overview photo:
2 – two batteries of the listening device
4 – microphones connected to the listening device
6 – dismantled listening device
7 – SD card
Notes :
[1] In 2005, federal criminal police officers wrote a contribution to the debate, signed “the two from The Muppet Show”, for the “militancy debate” in Interim magazine. In this contribution, there was an internet link and from that point on, all persons who clicked on that link were checked. The objective of their action was to identify the members of the group militante gruppe (mg), who started the debate. (
[2] On may 12, 2007, a GPS tracker was found in a car. It turned out that the person was under investigation for a criminal association case (section 129 of the german criminal code). Later, the device was publicly auctioned off at a gala “I don’t rat, I can’t do anything – give me a uniform”. The nice sum of 3800€ was collected for the solidarity costs. Afterwards, it was suggested to the cops to conduct searches in apartments to find the tracker, but this was refused and the device was never found by the cops.

Notes from Attaque:
The nice German title “Auf der Mauer auf der Lauer sitzt ‘ne kleine Wanze” (On the wall is waiting a little stink bug), coming from the title of a song for children, plays on the fact that Wanze means both stink bug and bug/microphone…
* named after a campaign carried out in the 80s and 90s among the autonomous movement, to urge people not to talk to cops and justice.

November 13, 2020
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on PDF: Against the Technology of Control – EN/FR

PDF: Against the Technology of Control – EN/FR

4 PDF to download and print out, photocopy and flypost, leave in places, hand out
PDF: Against the Technology of Control
PDF: Contre la technologie du contrôle
Against the Technology of Control
Face the Fear – Fight the Future
The COVID-19 pandemic is part of the techno-prison world known as the Fourth Industrial Revolution. The lockdowns and the quarantine laws are designed to intimidate people into obeying, Let’s break the rules, riot in the streets and attack the Technocratic State that will use 5G to build this matrix.
Fascism as a political project has always looked like this:
‘State of Emergency’ laws suspending any granted ‘rights’
Control of the media and censorship
Personal relationships recorded and controlled
Protests banned
Local and international movement restricted
Snitching encouraged
Police control of everyday life
Necessities dictated and controlled
Behaviour modification on mass scale
Sudden, arbitrary and ambiguous legislation to wear down population
Using the fear of endangering others to control individuals (collective punishment)
Party members immune from rule of law
Technological innovation
Our enslavement relies on our compliance.
via: 325
Contre la technologie du contrôle
Affronter la peur – combattre le futur
La pandémie de COVID-19 fait partie du monde/prison technologique connu sous le nom de Quatrième révolution industrielle. Les confinements et les lois instituant la quarantaine sont conçues pour intimider les gens et les pousser à l’obéissance.
Brisons les règles, révoltons nous dans les rues et attaquons l’État technocratique qui utilisera la 5G pour construire cette matrice.
Le fascisme en tant que projet politique a toujours ressemblé à ça :
Des « lois d’état d’urgence » qui suspendent tous les « droits » octroyés.
Le contrôle des médias et la censure.
L’enregistrement et le contrôle des relations personnelles
L’interdiction des protestations.
Les restriction de déplacement, au niveau national et international.
L’encouragement à la délation.
Le contrôle policier de la vie de tous les jours.
Des besoins dictés et contrôlés.
La modification du comportement à une échelle de masse.
Une législation soudaine, arbitraire et ambiguë, pour épuiser la population.
L’utilisation de la peur de mettre les autres en danger pour contrôler les individus (punition collective).
Les membres d’un parti sont à l’abri des lois.
L’innovation technologique.
Notre asservissement repose sur notre respect des règles.
via Attaque.

November 13, 2020
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Charles Fourier, Il nuovo mondo amoroso (It)

Charles Fourier, Il nuovo mondo amoroso (It)

i-x-fourier.pngQui è dell’amore che si parla, qualsiasi aspetto di questo sentimento viene preso in considerazione, senza ombre e senza pudori. E l’amore, se ben si considera, è l’espressione primaria della vita, la più radicale espressione di libertà, l’unica forza che spinge ad andare oltre, sempre più oltre, senza limiti e senza contrassegni, senza connotazioni identificative e senza garanzie.

Se c’è una cosa che Fourier ha capito più di qualsiasi altro teorico che si è inoltrato in questo territorio disagevole, è che non ci sono schemi possibili che si possano giustificare al di là della libera accettazione di tutti coloro che desiderano, liberamente, entrare in gioco. Ecco il termine esatto. In fondo l’amore, la passione, la vita – quindi per molti altri aspetti anche il lavoro – devono essere visti come elementi di un gioco, devono basarsi su di una attrazione passionata, per usare le parole di Fourier, altrimenti si costruiscono bordelli e campi di concentramento, prigioni e governi più o meno illuminati.

Ottobre 2020, 392 pagine, prezzo di copertina euro 15,00

November 13, 2020
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Franchir le seuil (Alfredo M. Bonanno)

Franchir le seuil (Alfredo M. Bonanno)

« Le problème de la qualité n’est pas une question philosophique, il relève de la vie et, partant de là et du fourmillement sauvage de tourments urticants qui l’accompagne, il trouve ensuite une systématisation et un apaisement dans la réflexion. Vivre est donc un problème qualitatif. Quel sens aurait la vie en dehors de cette perspective ? Elle ne serait qu’une mort à crédit, le cheminement vers une chose considérée comme future, bien que déjà arrivée sans presque provoquer la moindre sensation. Celui qui reste immergé dans la quotidienneté du quantitatif, surmontant les uns après les autres les divers problèmes qui le font paraître vivant, celui-là est un fantôme qui s’ignore. »

Comment se retrouver au milieu de la tempête ? Voilà la question cruciale. Quels que soient les efforts qui nous faisons, nous sommes toujours en approche, nous nous approchons. Le véritable saut est trop traumatique pour en parler. Nous sommes persuadés que la vérité dont nous sommes fermement convaincus jettera sa lumière sur le chemin. Les illusions tardent à mourir.
180 pages // 5 euros
Franchissement et dépassement
Individualisme et communisme : une réalite et deux faux problèmes
Contribution à une lecture critique de l’Unique
Max Stirner : le philosophe de l’Unique
Une pensée sauvage

November 12, 2020
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Fantasma Number 4, November 2020

Fantasma Number 4, November 2020

Once a again darkness soaks a new day. I open my eyes and see the past
years in fast motion: the the jungle with its trees, its undergrowths
and its branches which scratched my legs. These one liana which dangled not far from me while i was lost sitting on the ground. I remember like it was yesterday how I reached for it, straightened myself up and took heart again. There was wide green, high rocks, dark caves and deep canyons long after I blazed myself a trail out of the covert. All of a sudden I stepped in front of a gigantic waterfall with its tempting song of deadly maelstrom. Vainly it tried to attraced me from the waterside to ruin me. I walked on. Today the sky is cloudless and it seems to become a good day. I rub the sleep out of my eyes, listen shortly to the busy stillness and then get up from my way too soft mattress. My feet are hurting, they got sore from the long marches through the mist. But it is a good pain because it tells me that I left tracks behind. For all of those, which their life will bring on the same path. I arrived the city now, a new phase of life begins.
Another year past since the last issue of Fantasma got published.
Another year in clandestinity that hold ready lots of lessons.
Exhausting lessons. Inside us there were two wolves fighting for
dominance and the self-flagellation became a permanent background music.

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November 12, 2020
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Italy: Anarchist comrade Francesca continues the food trolley strike in solidarity with Natascia

Italy: Anarchist comrade Francesca continues the food trolley strike in solidarity with Natascia

Update from imprisoned comrade Francesca
Francesca tells us from the prison in Latina that the food trolley strike will continue (started on October 19) in solidarity with Natascia in hunger strike against censorship and the blocking of correspondence in the prison of Piacenza.
Break the isolation
Francesca continua sciopero del carrello in solidarietà a Natascia
Francesca ci comunica dal carcere di Latina che continuerà lo sciopero del carrello (iniziato il 19 ottobre) in solidarietà a Natascia in sciopero della fame contro la censura e il blocco della corrispondenza nel carcere di Piacenza.
Received by email: 6/11/20

November 12, 2020
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on International Call for Actions in Solidarity with Djab Wurrung Resistance in So-Called Australia

International Call for Actions in Solidarity with Djab Wurrung Resistance in So-Called Australia

The Djab Wurrung people of so-called Victoria, Australia are calling on our comrades across the world to stage actions, occupations and demonstrations at Australian embassies and consulates, in solidarity with First Nations people’s continued resistance of the white supremacist colonial project known as Australia, and more specifically in retaliation for the recent acts of cultural genocide committed by the state of Victoria.
For over two years Djab Wurrung people have maintained a camp resisting the extension of a main arterial highway between two capital cities. The highway extension will slice through the heart of Djab Wurrung country and will take with it 700 year old trees sacred to the Djab Wurrung people. Trees grown from the placentas of their ancestors. The highway will save drivers 2 minutes.
On Monday 26th of October MRPV (Major Roads Projects Victoria) and Victoria Police staged an operation to evict all camps of the Djab Wurrung Embassy. By the middle of the day they had cut down the sacred marker tree known as the Directions Tree.

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November 11, 2020
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Italy: A communique from Sardinian anarchist Davide Delogu (October 2020)

Italy: A communique from Sardinian anarchist Davide Delogu (October 2020)

29th October 2020
It’s a pity not to be able to read your communiques. Unfortunately, blocked by the wall of censorship I am unable to write a contribution to the struggle so in these few minutes I am letting out my joyful words of complicity and tenacity between us prisoners in struggle. In fact I believe that cohesion is an important factor of growth in the revolutionary component against the attack being carried out by the prison system in its logic of burying, controlling and harassing. A logic being put forward with totalitarian abusive methods through an infamous policy of aggression with several authoritarian forces acting as one single body so as to strike harder and attempt to destroy us. Against the annihilation of the human and of my principles through the application of isolation within isolation of 41bis in which I find myself, my response is «war».

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November 10, 2020
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Trieste, Italy: AGAINST THE STATE – Anarchist talk in piazza

Trieste, Italy: AGAINST THE STATE – Anarchist talk in piazza



Because it defends the interests of those who exploit
because we want to destroy injustice
because it is poisoning, starving and killing us
because we want to build a society free of authority and its violence.
That is why anarchists are attacking, that is why they are being arrested.
of Alfredo M. Bonanno

November 9, 2020
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Italy: Updates re anti-anarchist repression and solidarity initiatives (October-November 2020)

Italy: Updates re anti-anarchist repression and solidarity initiatives (October-November 2020)
Here are updates and texts on anti-anarchist repression and solidarity initiatives published between 22nd October and 6th November.
Operation «Prometeo» – Updates on Natascia, on hunger strike since 24th October 2020
Tomorrow (Friday 6th November) Natascia will end the hunger strike she started on 24th October in protest against a new order for censorship of her correspondence. Delays and lack of regularity in controlling her mail by those in charge have resulted in both her incoming and outgoing mail piling up on the censors’ desks, isolating her even more.
In spite of the fact that she herself had to urge the health personnel of the prison to monitor her during the hunger strike, only today –  two weeks on and a dozen kilos less – the prison direction informed her through an educator that they were aware of the protest and recognised it, but that the duration of censorship is not stipulated by law, so there are no legal time limits on censured mail reaching the recipient. Meanwhile, it seems that something has unblocked as recent incoming letters have been delivered more quickly (when not seized), but this is not happening for the older ones that have been blocked by censorship for some time. All things considered, however, Nat has decided that tomorrow she will end the hunger strike, which she started two weeks ago. She thanks everyone for their solidarity: it has been incredibly warm, strong and present all along and has never abandoned her for one moment.
Last Sunday she heard the solidarity gathering outside the prison, even if she couldn’t distinguish individual voices: the section she is held in is located in a part of the structure opposite to where the gathering was held, too far for her to really hear anything, but the response from the male section was very loud and reached her very well.
She also sends thanks for the avalanche of letters she’s received. Let’s carry on, let’s make guards and censors work hard!
To write to Natascia:
Natascia Savio
C.C. di Piacenza
Strada delle Novate 65
29122 Piacenza
To write to Beppe:
Giuseppe Bruna
C.C. di Pavia
Via Vigentina 85
27100 Pavia
To support Beppe and Natascia two accounts were set up. Details of the one account: postepay card number 5333 1710 9103 5440 — Account name: Vanessa Ferrara — IBAN: IT89U3608105138251086351095 in the same name | Details of the other account: postepay card number 5333 1710 8931 9699 — Account name: Ilaria Benedetta Pasini — IBAN: IT43K3608105138213368613377 in the same name
The first hearing of the trial against Juan has been postponed
The hearing due on 23rd November at the court in Treviso has been postponed to 28th November. On this day a gathering in solidarity with the comrade will be held from 9am at the start of the trial.
Vincenzo Vecchi won’t be extradited from France to Italy
On Wednesday 4th November the appeal court in Angers refused to extradite anarchist Vincenzo Vecchi to Italy for the main sentence of approximately 10 years in prison pronounced against him at the trial that followed the days of revolt during the G8 in Genoa in July 2001, demanding further information for the rest of his sentence. The judges refused to enforce a sentence for «devastation and looting» in France, considering that this crime of the Italian penal code doesn’t have a precise equivalent in the French territory.

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November 9, 2020
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Barcelona, Spain: Solidarity fire against Securitas

Barcelona, Spain: Solidarity fire against Securitas

via: contramadriz.
Incendiary attack against a Securitas Direct van
At the beginning of October a van belonging to the Securitas Direct company dies in flames during an act of vengeance.
We refuse to remain passive before the life of shit they are imposing on us, that’s why we are attacking everything we hate.
The machinery responsible for social control is everywhere, just look around you.
With love and rage, combative solidarity with Mónica Caballero, Francisco Solar and all those in struggle.
Autumn 2020, Barcelona
Translated by Act for freedom now!