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    SADC African Migratory Locust Appeal.pdf

    The African Migratory Locust (AML) was first reported in the region in February 2020 in eight Member States: (Botswana, Eswatini, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Tanzania and Zambia). This outbreak was fully controlled through the application of synthetic pesticides by March 2020. The February outbreak coincided with crop maturity and harvesting, resulting in minimum damages. In early June 2020, four Member States (Botswana, Namibia, Zambia and Zimbabwe) reported a resurgence of the AML.


    Consolidated Text of the Treaty of the Southern African Development Community

    The Consolidated Treaty of the Southern African Development Community is a consolidation of the following texts: - The Treaty of the Southern African Development Community, 1992 - The Agreement Amending the Treaty, 2001 - The Agreement Amending Article 22 of the the Treaty, 2007 - The Agreement Amending the Treaty, 2008 - The Agreement Amending Article 10A of the Treaty, 2009 and - The Agreement Amending Articles 10 and 14 of the Treaty, 2009. This edition of the Consolidated text of the Treat replaces the 2011 edition. Done by the Legal Affairs Unit of the Secretariat.


    Regional Indicative Strategic Development Plan

    The Regional Indicative Strategic Development Plan of SADC is a comprehensive 15–year strategic roadmap, which provides the strategic direction for achieving SADC’s long term social and economic goals. It also provides the SADC Secretariat and other SADC institutions with clear guidelines on SADC’s approved social and economic priorities and policies and therefore, enhancing their effectiveness in discharging their facilitating and coordinating role. It was approved by SADC Summit in 2003 and its effective implementation began in 2005.


    SADC SIPO II (English)

    The Revised Edition of the Strategic Indicative Plan for the Organ (SIPO II) provides a review of the first edition of the Plan. Based on the objectives and common agenda of SADC, the Strategic Indicative Plan for the Organ, first signed in 2004, provided general guidelines that spelt out specific implementation activities, in accordance with the objectives of the Protocol on Defense, Politics and Security Cooperation, and the strategies for their realisation, covering the Public Security, Political, Defence, and State security sectors.
