Hamilton: John A MacDonald Statue Painted Red

Early in the morning on November 9th, a few of us tread into the night to pay visit to Sir John A Macdonald in Gore park downtown Hamilton. With a loaded fire extinguisher, we painted him red, symbolizing his blood-soaked legacy. We did this in solidarity with the land defenders out 1492 Landback Lane, our neighbors from Six Nations, who are facing intense police violence in their attempt to save their land from another cheap and hollow suburban development. Read More …

Hamilton: Anti-Choice Billboards Paintbombed

MISSED CONNECTION: u were out in the middle of the nite painting over gross anti-choice ads all over town, probably wearing all black, being a total babe. i drove by your handiwork hours or maybe days l8tr. i feel like were into the same kinda stuff, maybe we could grab some coffee or go for a late nite stroll? looking for friendship, a bit of mischief, or undying, everlasting love (im flexible). dtf obvi lol. Read More …

OPP collaborators, we see you!

UAV Tower Innovations is a drone company that is being paid by the OPP to spy on indigenous land defenders. Their publicly listed address is 403138 Grey Rd 4, Durham. Last night we spraypainted a message on their driveway:

This is a warning, keep your drones away from the front lines.

Love and solidarity to indigenous people taking back their land! Read More …

You Blew it, Hewitt: Details of Haldimand Mayor’s Financial Ties to Developers

Under capitalism, it is money that often makes the election.

If someone receive lots of donations for their mayoral candidacy, they get to dominate the airwaves and the lawn signs and have schmoozy events.

We also know incumbents have the advantages of visibility and stability.

Stability in the sense that people don’t need to take a risk; they can choose the known evil and see it as lesser because, mostly, change is scary.

And of course, money and position equals power, and power corrupts.

With the racist shit the Haldimand mayor has been spouting off lately about Indigenous people at the Six Nations landback reclamation site, it really shouldn’t be a surprise that Ken Hewitt is somehow personally invested in this project.

What is surprising is how invested he is in the development of Six Nations territory as a whole. Read More …

Old Myths, New Peoples: The “Eastern Métis” and Indigenous Erasure

The era of Justin Trudeau’s state-led reconciliation is desperately trying to keep itself alive. As it crumbles, something raw and real is laid bare (again): how desperate many white settlers are to get on the right side of history by telling and collecting stories about how different things are “now” from “back then”. One of these stories has always been about a romanticized, state-led version of reconciliation. Read More …

Seeds of Resistance: a new resource for land defense

Anonymous submission to North Shore

As the world falls apart around us we turn to the land more than ever.

This site is meant as a resource for resisting pipelines and other exploitative industrial projects. It is full of information for ideas and action when the process has failed, when permits have been granted, and there is nothing left but our own selves to protect the land.

Visit https://seedsofresistance.noblogs.org/ (with TOR or a safe VPN/browser combo!) and find all the things you’ve been looking for to ignite ideas and action. Read More …

Barrie: Mi’kmaq Solidarity Rally

In response to the increasingly violent attacks against the Mi’kmaq by settler fishermen, dozens of people in “Barrie” converged at Meridian Place, downtown, on Saturday October 24th to stand in Solidarity. Speeches were made explaining the ongoing struggles faced by indigenous peoples across so-called “Canada”; flags were flown and signs held for passing traffic to see. Many of the passing cars and trucks honked their horns, proudly, in support.
From the crises in Wet’suwet’en, the LandBack campaign in “Caledonia”, and of course, Mi’kmaq; Indigenous peoples and their ways of life are once again under attack by the colonial Canadian state. Nevertheless, the people of so-called “Barrie” stand strong in opposition to these terroristic attacks! Read More …

A Call to Shut Down Canada Again

Right now in Mi’kma’ki, commercial fishermen are physically threatening, intimidating and harassing Indigenous people over their livelihood catch of lobster. The violence has escalated in the past few days, and seems likely to continue to escalate. The RCMP have been filmed allowing commercial fishermen to steal and poison lobster, burn vehicles, smash windows, throw rocks at Mi’kmaq people and attack chiefs and women.

What’s happening in Mi’kma’ki is a prime example of how race operates in so-called Canada, with the state protecting the side of big business and using white working-class people to project their force onto the non-white population. Examples of this can be found all over the country. Read More …

Into the Second Wave: Barton Prisoners on past rounds of struggle and the challenges ahead

It’s been two months now since the last hunger strike at the Barton Jail. To end it, the administration made a slew of promises, but have they been kept? This past week, we had long conversations with several prisoners who participated in the strike and in negotiations with the admin, and they expressed deep disappointment at the Barton Jail’s failure to follow through on even basic promises. As well, there has been a steep increase in lockdowns in recent weeks, rolling back a gain from a previous round of struggle that saw an end to rotating lockdowns. And finally, as the second wave of covid hits, we talked with prisoners about masks, soap, and healthcare. Read More …

Hamilton & St Catharines: Liberal MP Offices Redecorated to Demand Status for All

On September 20, migrant workers and supporters covered liberal MPs offices with STATUS FOR ALL messages in Hamilton and St. Catharines as part of the Migrant Rights Network’s national day of action.

We demand a single-tier immigration system, where everyone in the country has the same rights. All migrants, refugees and undocumented people in the country must be regularized and given full immigration status now without exception. All migrants arriving in the future must do so with full and permanent immigration status. Read More …