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#Rigaer94, #Berlin: From the concrete desert – Solidarity with Danni

Berlin. Germany. Statement by Rigaer 94 on the ongoing eviction of the Dannenrod forest occupation.

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#Chiapas: We Will Break the Siege to Stop the War Against #Zapatista Communities

We will break the siege to demand a Stop to the war against the Zapatista communities and the National Indigenous Congress. Stop the narco-paramilitary war against CIPOG-EZ!

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Santiago López Petit: The political construction of the emergency

The social malaise spreads moment by moment. The endless sequence of confinement – de-confinement – re-confinement – is the rope that slowly asphyxiates us. It is the rope that a State, incapable and seized by panic, holds to, to try to impose its new normal. Now we know that the announced new normal is nothing more than the continuation of this nightmare. When it all started, it seemed that we were in a science fiction movie, and that we were masked protagonists. The contained emotion of the first month was made up of fear and relief; the fear of dying and the relief of not having to work. The balconies strove to open up to the sky. Now there are no songs. The slogan “Everything will be fine” sounds even more stupid, and we have learned that we are only the useful fools of a moment in the history of capitalism. The plot can be summed up in a few words: unbridled capitalism – what is usually known as neoliberalism – produces a virus that capitalism itself reuses to control us. In the silence of the night subjected to a curfew, the cry of “Enough!” is heard. We are tired, fed up with so much uncertainty, fed up with so many falsehoods and, above all, fed up with so much arbitrariness.

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Second Wave: Another Lockdown, Another Rebellion – What the Riots around Southern Europe Tell Us about the Pandemic and the State

In the United States, liberal opposition to Donald Trump’s bid for reelection crystalized around his response to the COVID-19 pandemic, with millions charging that his government has not done enough to contain the spread of the virus. Yet in Europe, where governments have taken a more hands-on approach, their efforts have also provoked popular unrest, as the vast majority of their interventions have focused on expanding the power of the police, not extending resources to those struggling to survive the virus and the economic crisis. On the eve of a Biden presidency, we should revisit the question of whether we can trust any government to prioritize human life over capitalism and how we can respond when the government uses the pretext of protecting our lives to intensify social control.

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Solidarity message by anarchist Abtin Parsa to anarchist Mikola Dedok

The purpose of writing this solidarity statement is to inform the comrades about the anarchist Mikola Dedok status and also to express our solidarity with him. As a former political prisoner and anarchist who has been politically active in Iran, I can understand that anarchist Mikola Dedok is through in what tortures and harassments by totalitarian regime of Belarus.

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#Germany: Ongoing Major Police Operation at Dannenrod Forest

Dannenrod, November 10, 2020. The conflict concerning the construction of the German highway A49 and the cutting of trees in the forest is reaching a new level of escalation. After the cutting of trees had been finished in Herrenwald Forest and Maubacher Forest recently, the police began today (November 10) at 07:30am its operation in Dannenrod Forest (“Dannenröder Wald”) in order to prepare the cutting of the forest for constructing the highway A49.

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South Africa: Capitalism, Anti-Capitalism and Popular Organisation Part 1 & 2 [Booklets]

In South Africa over the last few years we have seen many struggles within workplaces and communities. A feature of these struggles, however, has been the difficulty in maintaining and building organisations that are long-lasting and that are also inclusive and participatory. In these struggles, new layers of activists have emerged.

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16 Things You Can Do To Be Ungovernable. P.S. F*ck Biden

We are ungovernable on stolen land. F*ck Biden. Biden has replaced Trump. While some are celebrating a “safer” form of settler colonial violence, we have been bracing for the war to resume.

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#Athens: Riot cops entered #Polytechnio – Cop terror in #Exarcheia

Athens. Greece. Yesterday afternoon (November 12, 2020) , the Polytechnio in Athens was entered by anarchist and student groups and individuals to enforce an opening during the three-day commemoration of November 17, 1973. Prior to this, the planned lockout had been leaked by the university management starting today, November 13. De facto the Polytechnio has been closed for months for political activities and is often a checkpoint for OPKE (cops) jeeps. There are no more events taking place there.

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#Chile – On the situation of comrades Francisco Solar and Mónica Caballero

Chile. October 29. 2020. As you know, our comrades Francisco Solar and Mónica Caballero have been in jail since July, accused of various explosive attacks that took place between July 2019 and February 2020. Legal proceedings against them are still open and so are the terms of the investigation, and there are no significant news in this respect.

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