Posts Tagged ‘Turkey’

Letter box of arms company Thales blown up – Zurich (Switzerland)

Sunday, November 8th, 2020

In the night of November 6th we blew up the mailbox of the local Defence Department of the Thales Group, the 8th largest armaments company in the world, at Binzstrasse 18 in Zurich. With our action we join the manifold activities around the internationalist week of action against Turkish fascism and its European sponsors.

Thales, and with it the French state as the main shareholder, plays a central role in the modernization efforts of the Turkish arms industry. Strategically invested in Turkey for more than 25 years, Thales has made a decisive contribution to various projects aimed at supporting the Turkish army in its numerous wars of aggression. To this end, Thales works closely with the largest Turkish defense companies, such as Aselsan in the development and production of rocket launcher systems and infantry helmet cameras, or TAI for the Göktürk satellite system. Both companies are closely linked symbiotically with the gang around dictator Erdogan. (more…)

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Posted in Direct Action

Osman Aslan captured in Slovenia and threatened with extradition

Friday, October 30th, 2020

Osman Aslan has been in extradition custody in Slovenia since June this year. He was arrested by police officers because of a Red Notice entry at Interpol. The Turkish regime uses this controversial instrument to be able to harass opposition members who have fled Turkey, even after decades.

Aslan is 50 years old and lives with his family in Bergkamen (NRW, Germany). The 50 year old Kurd has an unlimited residence permit. The permit threatens to expire because he has been in Slovenian detention for over six months now. Since his court hearing on July 30th, he has had to wait for a Slovenian court to examine the documents so he can finally return to Germany.

This is not the first case in which the Slovenian authorities have delayed such a process for months. Last year, Ismet Kilic from Duisburg was arrested and detained at the border. After 80 days and massive protests in Germany and Slovenia the persecuted unionist got released from extradition.

Anja Sommerfeld, member of the federal executive board of Rote Hilfe e.V.=:

Hardly a day goes by without reports of repression against opposition members and refugees from Turkey, even across the European Union. Once again we are dealing with a procedure in which the regime in Ankara exploits the means of Interpol searches to pursue and arrest those who think differently. Mr. Aslan has lived in Germany as a political refugee since 1994 and has a regular residence. The responsible authorities in both countries must deal with the matter immediately. The deportation of Mr Aslan to Turkey must be prevented, as he is threatened with political persecution and imprisonment there. He must be released from prison and be allowed to return to Germany.

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Posted in Social Control

B(A)D NEWS – Angry voices from around the world – Episode 38

Friday, October 2nd, 2020

Episode number 38 (09/2020) of “B(A)D NEWS – Angry voices from around the world”, a monthly news program from the international network of anarchist and anti-authoritarian radios, consisting of short news segments from different parts of the world, is now online.

Length: 49:03 min

In this episode you will hear contributions from:

1. Radiofragmata (Athens, Greece) on direct actions, environmental struggles and the upcoming anniversary of the death of Pavlos Fyssas. One of his songs is featured at the end of their segment. Rest In Power Killah P!
2. The Anarchist Radio Berlin in conversation with comrades from the “Burning Arks” collective, discussing solidarity work around a police operation not so well known outside of Spain, called “Operation Ark”, which took place in May of 2019.
3. Dissident Island Radio from London with a short roundup of union wins, animal action, eco-wars and acab ammo from a largely wet august on the steadily sinking ship that is the so called United Kingdom.
4. Radiozones of Subversive Expression contribute reports about the fire that recently devastated the Moria refugee camp and the evacuation of the Rosa Nera squat.
5. Frequenz A with a short report about the ongoing struggle against gentrification in Leipzig (Germoney).
6. Free Social Radio 1431AM from Thessaloniki with updates about the eviction of Terra Incognita squat, the invasion of cops in Libertatia squat and comrades in hunger strike and the martyr Ebru Timtik in Turkey.

Or visit the anarchist 24/7 online stream from the Channel Zero Network:


A-Radio Berlin

ps1.: We are on Twitter and Mastodon! Please feel welcome to follow us at @aradio_berlin!
ps2.: Please note: We are always looking for people willing to lend us a hand with transcriptions and translations from Spanish or German into English as well as people able to do voice recordings – in order to amplify our international radio work. You can contact us at

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Posted in Interviews

Berlin: Solidarität – Jetzt erst recht! Samstag 15 Uhr Kundgebung Oranienplatz (Germany)

Wednesday, June 17th, 2020

Liebe Freundi*nnen und Genoss*innen,

nachdem die Polizei am letzten Samstag eine Solidaritätskundgebung für Gefangene in der Türkei willkürlich unterbunden hat, wollen wir auf diesen Termin nochmal besonders aufmerksam machen und euch einladen, am wöchentlichen Protest, teilzunehmen.

(jeden) Samstag, 15 Uhr Oranienplatz (Berlin-Kreuzberg)

Der Kampf der Gefangenen in der Türkei, ob der der revolutionären Anwälte, der Mitglieder von Grup Yorum oder den politischen Gefangenen, steht im Allgemeinen für den Kampf um Gerechtigkeit für alle Menschen und den Widerstand gegen Faschismus.

— Hier ein Bericht der letzten Woche —

Quelle: https://de.indymedia.org/node/88799

[B] Polizei verhindert Solidaritätskundgebung

Eine für Samstag den 13. Juni geplante Kundgebung in Berlin-Kreuzberg konnte nicht statt finden.

Seit mehreren Wochen findet jeden Samstag um 15 Uhr auf dem Oranienplatz in Berlin-Kreuzberg eine Solidaritätskundgebung für Gefangene in der Türkei statt.

Worum geht es bei der dieser Kundgebung? (more…)

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Posted in Autonomy

Berlin, Deutschland: Info & Konzert – Solidarität mit den Kämpfenden in der Türkei

Friday, March 13th, 2020

Liebe Freund*innen und Genoss*innen,

Wir möchten euch herzlich zu der folgenden Veranstaltung unter dem Titel “Solidarität mit den Kämpfenden in der Türkei” einladen.

Freitag, 20. März ab 18 Uhr,
Jockel Ratiborstr. 14c, 10997 Berlin


An dem Abend wird es um die Frage gehen “Wer sind die Hungerstreikenden in der Türkei, die seit dem 17. Mai 2019 für ihre Rechte kämpfen und warum tun sie dies?” Dazu Informationen über den Kampf des politischen Gefangenen Mustafa Koçak, der seit 2 Jahren in der Türkei inhaftiert ist und zu lebenslanger Haft verurteilt wurde.


Im Anschuss an den informativen Teil der Veranstaltung wollen wir mit Euch bei einem Konzert verschiedener Musiker*innen den Abend
kulturpolitisch abschließen.


Außerdem die Vorstellung der neuen Broschüre “Repression gegen revolutionäre Kunst und Kultur”, die Interviews, Texte und Materialien
von und zu Grup Yorum enthält.

Die Band “Grup Yorum” ist ein revolutionäres Musikkollektiv, welches in der Türkei massivster Repression ausgesetzt ist und ebenfalls seit einigen Jahren vermehrt in Deutschland Probleme bekommt, z.B. durch die Unterbindung von Konzerten. In der Türkei wurde ihr Kulturzentrum Idil mehrere Male von der Polizei gestürmt.

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Istanbul, Turkey: Revenge Units Arson Attacks Against Factories Supplying the Turkish Military

Thursday, January 16th, 2020

13.01.2020: The Şehit Sorxwin Roboskî and the Şehit Soro Amed Revenge Units carried out actions against factories in Başakşehir, Istanbul that supply clothing and equipment to the Turkish military. The Revenge Units issued a written statement explaining their actions that took place on January 11th, 2020:

“On January 11th, our members organized an action against a factory that makes military clothing for the occupying Turkish army. The factory is located in the PİK Dökümcüler Industrial Estate in the Başakşehir district of Istanbul. 8 minibuses owned by the factory were destroyed as a result of this action. At the same time as this action was carried out, members of our unit also sabotaged a factory on another block located in the same industrial estate. This factory manufactures equipment for military vehicles belonging to the occupying Turkish army. (more…)

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Posted in Direct Action

Thessaloniki, Greece: Turkish Diplomatic Vehicle Torched by Revolutionary Solidarity Commando Haukur Hilmarsson

Monday, December 30th, 2019

The genocide in Syrian territory since the invasion of the fascist Turkish state, with the agreement and complicity of the international community, continues. Day by day hundreds of civilians find themselves on the agonizing receiving end of the bombings and attacks carried out Erdogan’s fascist army and ISIS’s reemerging Islamist terrorism. For 2.5 months the revolutionary forces of rebel militias intensify defensive confrontation with every means against the imperialist international monopolies, which attempt to occupy the Syrian territories, displacing thousands of civilians with their military operations.

The NATO summit in London at the beginning of December ended with a pervasive sense of unity and an exchange of guarantees between the member states, despite superficial disagreements over the fascist Turkish state’s invasion of Syria. The constant arrests and interrogations of militants in various states on suspicion of supporting the Kurdish rebels are proof of this. The latest anti-terrorist operation in the UK against the family environment of a YPG volunteer has led to his father being arrested on charges of supporting a terrorist organization.

The fascist Turkish state builds rivalry in the areas of security and energy in the eastern Mediterranean as it chooses to seal the alliance with Libya on the same day as the slaughterer of the Palestinians, Netanyahu is in Athens for the trilateral agreement between Greece, Cyprus and Israel for the EastMed pipeline. They also called for NATO’s support, demanding that alliance members officially declare the YPG and the YPJ as terrorist organizations. A prime example is Erdogan’s message to the Greek government amid transnational shocks and destabilization in relations between the two states on the basis of the disputed agreement with Libya: power relations and instability can change for the benefit of the Greek state with the precondition that the YPG/YPJ and DHKP-C Kurdish and Turkish fighters are extradited as terrorists. (more…)

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Posted in Direct Action

“From Baghdad to Beirut, we shall continue. No Sunni, no Shia…” – Internationalist text from the Middle East

Tuesday, December 17th, 2019

بەکوردى بۆ بڵاو کردنەوە [ku]
“From Baghdad to Beirut, we shall continue. No Sunni, no Shia…” [ar]

The Iraqi government is made up of all bourgeois factions in Iraq, and it is accepted by regional forces and the world bourgeoisie, but the proletariat tried to bring it down…

The “Green Zone” in Baghdad is a centre of the world’s capitalism; the proletariat tried to occupy it and lost a lot of lives for it…

The port of Basra is a global corridor for oil exports and international trade and the proletariat blocked it, and tried to control it.

The Iraqi police, security forces, special forces and military forces are forces of global capitalism (with the participation of Shia, Sunni, Christian, Kurdish, and Turkmen bourgeoisie, with a large numbers of regional and international forces, including troops of America and Europe, Turkey, Iran, etc.), but the proletariat attacked them, their centres and detachments in the streets, and as many as 650 proletarians have been killed by them and more than 20 thousand wounded (this is not to mention the number of abducted and imprisoned…).

The proletariat in all rebellious areas of Iraq burned down the headquarters of the political parties (religious and national without exception), they burned down the houses of members of parliament and State officials and they also attacked security and police stations, media, judicial institutions and the Ministry of Justice, newspapers and television stations… By doing this, the proletariat attacked the whole State.

According to the prime minister Adel Abd al-Mahdi, this movement destroyed the national economy (capitalism) in all its aspects. The proletariat in its struggle attacked without exception everything, any symbol, any person, any base attached to the history of the authority and repression including military, diplomatic institutions, trade centres and secret services, internal as well as external. All the attacks on the repressive forces of Pasdaran in the city of Karbala are not really anti-Iranian as the media said, but it is a part of the class action against the repressive forces and centres in all their forms just like the attack on the Green Zone and the other places. (more…)

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Posted in Autonomy

Letter from an anarchist internationalist in Rojava

Wednesday, November 20th, 2019

نامه ای از جانب یک آنارشیست انترناسیونالیست در روژاوا
Translation to Persian: Hasse Golkar

via barrikade:


I think it is important now that our voices of Rojava, out of the heart of that battle, are being heard. A fight for the life, for an existence in dignity, for real democracy and for the freedom of all women. I want to tell how the resistance of Serekaniye went on, how the beginning was, how the end was and also what happened in between. Serekaniye right now is in the hands of jihadist groups that are being supported by Turkey, upon approval by the United States. At a time they said there would be a five-day firearm rest…. we didn’t believe it for one second. And that’s how it was – the attacks didn’t stop, maybe they’ve been reduced, but they continued attacking us with heavy artillery, bombings and airplanes. When there are bombings, there is not much that can be done; hide behind a tree and hope, that they didn’t see you running or that they found your place.

Those five days of supposed firearm rest actually have been decisive for the United States and Turkey, to redefine the conflict, to realign the situation of war, confrontation and resistance against our forced withdrawal that no one expected. No one could believe it, after 11 days of resistance, beautiful and very hard at the same time. Leaving the city. The Turkish invasion of Serekaniye did start some days before, 8th of October, with a bombing of our military post that hasn’t been answered, for not to unleash what happened later anyway. It was an attempt of the friends to protect the people and the society. But the next day, about 3 to 4 pm, another bombing of a post of the YPG took place, where 5 friends have fallen, and since then they bombed the whole border. (more…)

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Posted in Autonomy

Solidarität mit Grup Yorum – Veranstaltung am Freitag in Berlin (Germany)

Wednesday, November 20th, 2019

Solidarität mit Grup Yorum

Eine Infoveranstaltung mit Solikonzert
Freitag, 22. November 2019, ab 19 Uhr
Jockel, Ratiborstr. 14C, 10999 Berlin

The band Grup Yorum is facing massive repression in Turkey. Their cultural association Idil has been the target of state attacks multiple times in the last few years and several of their members have been placed on so-called terror lists, imprisoned, or are living in exile. In protest of these measures, members of the band have been on hunger strike for over 150 days.

This event will provide current information on the band’s situation, followed by a soli concert with bands, choirs and surprise guests.

Die Band Grup Yorum ist in der Türkei massivster Repression ausgesetzt. Ihr Kulturverein Idil ist in den vergangenen Jahren etliche Male zur Zielscheibe staatlicher Angriffe ausgesetzt gewesen und mehrere ihrer Mitglieder wurden auf sogenannte Terrorlisten gesetzt, befinden sich im Gefängnis und im Exil. Um sich gegen diese Maßnahmen zur Wehr zu setzen, haben sich Mitglieder der Band vor rund 150 Tagen in einen Hungerstreik begeben.

Auf unserer Veranstaltung möchten wir aktuelle Infos zur Situation der Band geben und anschließend ein Solikonzert machen, wo Bands, Chöre und Überraschungsgäste auftreten werden.

Grup Yorum, Türkiye’de yoğun baskılara maruz kalmaktadır. Grubun da içinde bulunduğu İdil Kültür Merkezi son yıllarda defalarca kez devlet saldırılarının hedefinde oldu ve grubun birçok üyesi sözde terör listelerine konuldu. Grubun bir kısmı hapiste ve bir kısmı sürgünde. Bu uygulamalara karşı direnerek Grup Yorum üyeleri yaklaşık 150 gün önce açlık grevine başladı.

Etkinliğimizde Grup Yorum’la ilgili güncel gelişmeleri aktarıp ardından da değişik müzik gruplarının, koroların ve sürpriz misafirlerin yer alacağı bir dayanışma konseri düzenleyeceğiz.

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Posted in Social Control

Ukraine: Two cell towers of Life/Turk-cell destroyed in Kyiv region – Solidarity with struggle in Kurdistan

Thursday, November 14th, 2019

In October 2019 the Turkish state invaded Northern Syria. The target of their aggression was Democratic Federation of Northern and Eastern Syria (Rojava). By the fault of rulers blood is being shed again and peacful people are suffering and dying. The goal of the president of Turkey Erdogan is to destroy revolutionary Autonomy of Syrian Kurds. Revolutionaries of Kurdistan build a society of stateless popular self-management. And Rojava became an example and model for Kurds in Turkey. That is why «Turkish sultan» started a war.

In the night of November 11 we destroyed two cell phone network towers of the Lifecell company settled by the Zahaltsy and Piskivka settlements in Kyiv region. Lifecell is fully owned by Turkish giant TURKCELL, the largest mobile provider of the State of Turkey. As a large corporate tax payer Turkcell appears as the indirect sponsor of the aggression of Erdogan`s regime. There are also widely known connections of the provider with the ruling «Justice and Development Party» which construct the basis of the current system in the country. These are the reasons why we consider the property of Lifecell as a legitimate target for the sabotage.

We stay in solidarity with revolutionaries and people of Kurdistan. They fight the occupation and oppression — for the liberty and social justice. We call to everyone who cares about the situation to participate in the resistance in a manner according to their abilities.

Freedom to the peoples — death to the Empires!

Сell of Revolutionary Solidarity

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Posted in Direct Action

Turkey: Bomb Threats Against Istanbul Airport & MKEK Corporation in Solidarity with Rojava

Saturday, October 26th, 2019

On Monday, October 21nd, we send a message to several world media. We wrote an e-mail, that the bomb is in Istanbul Airport (Turkish Airlines company) and in MKEK – Mechanical and Chemical Industry company in Ankara.

There was no bomb. We just wanted to start a evacuation. When the police evacuate some place, they block production in this place.

This is sabotage of Turkish economy!

This is sabotage of Turkish army!

This is our support for revolutionary fighters in Rojava!

# Anarchists

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Posted in Direct Action

European-wide bomb threats against Turkish Bank (Işbank)

Saturday, October 26th, 2019

Branches of Turkish banks was attacked

Berlin, London, Sofia, Amsterdam, Paris. In these cities was attacked branches of Turkish bank (Işbank). For actions we used manual from the Network of Revolutionary Cells (SRB): “How to start evacuation”

Money from Turkish bank support terrorism of Turkish state. Turkish army killing civil people. For example, they killing a child named Sara Yusuf Hüseyin. Turkish army also killing revolutionary fighters in Rojava. We have to stop it!

Fight against Turkish bank is fight against terrorism!

Commando Sara Yusuf Hüseyin

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Posted in Direct Action

International call to action by Militant Campaign ‘Fight4Rojava’ (Kurdistan, Syria, Turkey)

Friday, October 11th, 2019

In the afternoon of 9 October the fascist Turkish occupation army and its Islamist murder gangs started their war of aggression against the liberated areas of Rojava. With massive artillery fire and widespread air raids on towns and villages along the Syrian-Turkish border, the front was opened and ground invasion began.

The fascist AKP-MHP regime is turning its threats into reality and under the cynical name ‘Operation Sources of Peace’ has launched a new campaign of extermination against the people of the region. From the North, jihadist gangs try to advance to the cities and settlements along the border and the villages in the vicinity have become the scene of fierce battles between the self-defence forces of the population and the invading troops. While the fascist invaders attack the civilian population of Rojava under the protection of their heavy weapons, artillery and the bombardment of their war planes, sleeper cells of the Islamic state carry out coordinated attacks in the interior and spread fear and terror. (more…)

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Posted in Anti-Fascist

Sabotage of Aydin Hunter Association by Animal Liberation Front (Turkey)

Sunday, September 15th, 2019

In Turkey, Aydin Hunter Association (Aegean Region) was attacked by ALF. The locks of the association were glued, slogans were painted to the doors. The signboards were destroyed.

Hunting is murder!

Until all are free.

The action was dedicated to the vegan anarchist prisoner Marius Mason.

Aydın’daki avcılık derneğine ALF tarafından saldırı düzenlendi. Derneğin kapısı yapıştırıcı ile kullanılamaz hale getirildi, derneğin tabelaları parcalandı, kapılara yazılamalar yapıldı.

Av, cinayettir!

Tüm hayvanlar özgür olana kadar!

Eylem, vegan anarşist tutsak Marius Mason’e adandı.

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Posted in Eco Struggle