


It’s actually kind of fascinating to watch the sort of obtrusive, privacy-violating, actively misleading online advertising practices that twenty years ago were the exclusive domain of porn sites gradually being “discovered” by mainstream advertisers as the Web 2.0 continues its long slide into comprehensive user hostility. I just saw a banner ad visually designed to trick you into clicking it by masquerading as part of the hosting site’s UI, and its was for Sears.

Turn everything into a questionable torrent site 2020

Given the increasing number of ostensibly respectable websites that are running banner ads for anime ninjas with huge boobs, we’re halfway there already!

(via theodericc)


i feel like tumblr would really benefit using tone indicators. a lot of people may use them, but i havent seen a lot of it! as a neurodivergent, it helps us understand the tone of what you’re saying. sometimes it’s hard to tell whether you’re actually mad, or it’s just lighthearted, or if you’re being sarcastic!

here’s a chart of tone indicators if you’re interested in using them:


also: please do not use any of these as a joke. do not put /srs if you are not being serious. these tone indicators are supposed to be helping neurodivergents and neurotypicals alike.

(via diamondwerewolf)

tumblr culture

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