StopHatingYourBody a place of encouragement, a place to discuss body image, insecurities, self-esteem, and everything under the umbrella of fighting self-hate and finding self-love.
We aspire to hold space for groups that are under/misrepresented in media, to uplift the narratives and give attention to body positive folx, women,LGBTQIA+, people of color, people of different sizes, and people with disabilities and/or chronic illnesses, mental illnesses. We aim to share images of non-photoshopped bodies, real images, real stories, real people.
To be body positive is a journey of self acceptance while advocating for and accepting our differences with others. Body positivity is for everyone; fighting self-hate and working towards self-love and acceptance of ourselves and others through resources, visibility, and discussion!


Submit a post

Rules for Submission (Updated 2/5/14)

Submission Captions: More than anything we try to talk about our minds, and then our bodies, this is about self-esteem, this is about confidence and loving yourself. This is about what we believe and why we believe it, what incited our negative body image and what steps are we taking to change it. I want to spread awareness of what it is that causes us to think so negatively about ourselves and what different ways there are to recover from that pattern of thought.

1) Check out our Body Peace Oath and FAQ before creating your submission (in submissions we ask that you avoid referring to BMI, more info in FAQ)

2) We encourage tasteful personal portraits of all kinds. Please avoid unrelated pictures (avatars, group shots, landscapes, etc), photos that include gore or blood, before and after weight loss photos, and photos of genitalia; these are typically discarded. *You may pose nude if you SUBMIT IT AS A LINK titled “NSFW 18+: [A title for your photo]” and in the descriptions any trigger warnings applicable. NO NUDE SUBMISSIONS FROM THOSE UNDER 18

3) Make trigger warnings when applicable. *For those unfamiliar with trigger warnings, they are a bold or all cap warning at the beginning of a post meant to warn readers that your post may have content involving sexual, emotional, mental, or physical trauma. When someone is ‘triggered’, it can invoke panic attacks, major anxiety, post traumatic stress disorder, and flashbacks. It can be crippling and traumatizing to some readers. Most commonly, trigger warnings are needed for mentions of self-hate, eating disorders (measurements are a trigger for those in recovery so please place a warning if you choose to include your measurements), cutting, depression, sexual or physical trauma, suicidal thoughts etc. IF THE PHOTO MAY BE TOO TRIGGERING SUBMIT AS A LINK

4) Tag as you see fit according to your submission. Only click the tags that are appropriate.

5) TRY POSITIVE LANGUAGE: You’re allowed to have bad days, I want you to know that, you’re allowed to be sad, angry, upset, but here at this blog we’re doing our best to practice not hating our bodies. So for your submission, instead of “I hate my” or “my… is so ugly” instead try, “I have an insecurity with my… “. Do not demean other body types or generalize, DO NOT say “all women have curves ”, “thin is gross”, “I felt fat and gross”. Neither body type is a negative. If anything say “I am insecure about my size (or other body part) because of my environment but I am working on changing the way I think” Your submission should to attempt to motivate others, in effect, motivate yourself.

6) Type up your submission in Microsoft Word or another software where you can spell check, save your work in case you forget to do the following rule. PROOF READ BEFORE YOU SUBMIT, MAKE SURE IT’S WHAT YOU WANT TO SAY.

7) Be sure to leave a link to your site if you want it known! If you don’t put it in your submission it will not be seen unless it is searched for

8) Copy/paste THIS link below (as seen on all submission, no html required, just copy/paste to the very bottom of your post


(IF YOU DON’T DO THIS: I will know you didn’t read the rules and your submission will be DELETED, if you forget, just re-submit and add the link)

WARNING ABOUT SUBMITTING : You are risking that anyone on this planet with a computer/tablet/phone can see your photo and what you have to say so make sure you are okay with that.

TO REPORT HARRASMENT OR AN OFFENSIVE POST: Submit the link as a link and write a caption about the offense and they will be blocked, this includes reblog /reply harassment, and inappropriate posts.