MAFW and Anarchy

For some time now, it’s been no secret that there is an evil cabal of anarchists behind the MAFW page. While the various political positions, memes, and admissions of its moderators could leave no doubt about it, there has actually been very little in the way of explaining the “anarchism” that these anarchists are so […]

Intercorporeality as a theory of social cognition Intercorporeality as a theory of social cognition Shogo Tanaka 52-66 minutes This article has been cited by other articles in PMC. Abstract The main aim of this article is to revisit Merleau-Ponty’s notion of intercorporeality (intercorporéité) and elaborate it as a new theory of social cognition. As is well known, theory of mind has […]

Podcasts I have been featured on

  ANARCHIST NEWS PODCAST   01/11/2019: Anews Podcast 98 12/21/2018: Anews Podcast 95 11/23/2018: Anews Podcast 91     FREE RADICAL RADIO 05/31/2015: Episode 82 – On Dating, Death, and Hedonism 07/26/2015: Episode 85 – Hack the Planet!, Cheating, & Green Anarchism 08/19/2015: Episode 86 – On Avoiding Work, Post-left […]

Sartre, Group Formations, and Practical Freedom

A Chapter from Gavin Rae’s Realizing Freedom: Hegel, Sartre, and the Alienation of Human Being Abstract In this essay, I attempt to remedy the relative neglect that has befallen Sartre’s analysis of social relations in the Critique of Dialectical Reason. I show that, contrary to the interpretation of certain commentators, Sartre’s analysis of social relations […]

Summary of New Year Projects – 2019

2018 was a good year for me, but it wasn’t productive when it comes to my research and writing. And really, this lack of productivity goes back further than a year. At most, I’ve been able to write only a few things over the past 3-4 years. Some reviews for Anarchy A Journal Of Desire […]

The Cybernetics Question

  [NOTES] What is Cybernetics? [placeholder] History History of Cybernetics Theory Cybernetics as a discipline was firmly established by Norbert Wiener, McCulloch, Arturo Rosenblueth and others, such as W. Ross Ashby, mathematician Alan Turing, and W. Grey Walter (one of the first to build autonomous robots as an aid to the study of animal behaviour). […]

An Invitation to Desertion by Bellamy Fitzpatrick

From By Bellamy Fitzpatrick Spring 2018 The Crisis of Modern Civilization The Politics of “The End of History” The Failure of Alternative Political Ideologies The False Liberations of Minimalist Anarchism Leviathan and the Civitas Desertion Autarky Reinhabitation Our Invitation Backwoods is an invitation to those who can hear it, those who already know that […]

The Philosophy of Our Time by Ronald Aronson

Jean-Paul Sartre’s existential Marxism offers a radical philosophical foundation for today’s revitalized critiques of capitalism. Nearly forty years after his death in 1980, the French philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre is best remembered as the father of existentialism. We are most familiar with him as the theorist of freedom, authenticity, and bad faith in philosophical treatises such […]

Jean-Paul Sartre’s Anarchist Philosophy Reviewed by Steven Hendley

William L. Remley, Jean-Paul Sartre’s Anarchist Philosophy, Bloomsbury, 2018, 277 pp., $114.00, ISBN 9791350048249. Reviewed by Steven Hendley, Birmingham-Southern College Was Sartre an anarchist? William L. Remley attempts to convince us that he was, despite the pervasive tendency in the literature to see Sartre’s political philosophy, especially in his major opus, the Critique of Dialectical […]

A Country that Doesn’t Know Itself

Attempt to articulate these ideas #1 The United States is a country that doesn’t know itself, nor others. Last week I began listening to the most recent episode of This Is Hell. In the episode, Anna-Lisa Cox discusses some of the themes in her book about black settlers and frontier societies prior to the Civil […]

I’ve been thinking about..

I’ve had the urge to begin writing again, but I’m pulled in many directions and haven’t landed on any solid point to begin from. One essay would begin, “The United States is a country that doesn’t know itself, nor others.” Another would tell the story of the tensions between Existentialism, Marxism (including the Situationist International), […]

Existentialist Anarchism

Anarchist Essentialists and Anarchist Existentialists Sartre’s Self-Identification as an Anarchist Sartre’s Critique of Dialectical Reason as an Anarchist Social Theory more reference material Sartre’s analysis of “groups-in-fusion” (people brought together by common cause) resonated with the events of the May–June 1968 uprising in France and allowed him to sideline for a while the competing influence […]

Demographics of Trump Supporters Before the Election

The 2016 presidential electoral process has inspired many writers to examine the social-psychological factors of the US population’s candidate affinities. Some of the best analysis has taken up the challenge of comprehending the appeal of Donald Trump; unfortunately, even the best analysis of this kind is performed within the parameters of popular sociology. That is […]

Goodbye Free Radical Radio

I didn’t realize I had been building up some anticipation about my participation in Free Radical Radio; so, I won’t continue to. I am no longer working on the project because I moved back to Tempe, AZ. The story isn’t very interesting: I shattered my heel bone in September of ’15, lost my ability to […]

The Dilemma of Anarchist Practice

The ugly truth is that there is little evidence to suggest that we will ever be more than one of countless minority groups, competing with other minority groups for not only social influence, but for a share of the world that is adequate for an autonomous existence. We are left with two basic ends towards […]

EBAB Presentation Recap

On December 5th, I presented at the East Bay Anarchist Bookfair and Conversation Event because there were not as many presentation submissions as I had hoped for. During the initial organizational meetings for the event, we discussed what the theme would be, which became both the Inhuman and the Anthroposcene. Thinking about the question, “what […]

The Developmental Psychology of Identity

(for anarchists and others who are dealing with Identity debates) One of the standard theories of developmental psychology is Erik Erikson’s psychosocial stages of development. The theory consists of 8 sequential stages of development, each with specific existential crises preoccupying an individual’s overall goals at different points in their life. While the sequential aspect of […]

Presentation on Existentialism: Part 4 – Ludwig Binswanger

Tomorrow I’ll be conducting the final installment of a 4-part workshop series on Existentialism. The text I will be using is, Foucault and Binswanger: Beyond the Dream. There are a few motivations for using this text that I want to write about before giving the presentation. These include: post-structuralism’s relationship to existentialism, the usefulness of […]