Anews Podcast 187 – 11.6.20
From Anews Podcast
Welcome to the anews podcast. This podcast is on anarchist activity, ideas, and conversations from the previous week on
From Anews Podcast
Welcome to the anews podcast. This podcast is on anarchist activity, ideas, and conversations from the previous week on
2020 was the year when anarchist started to mean riots and fires again. This was good news, because for a while there it started to feel like it meant bitcoin and free markets. Some anarchists really love money, apparently. Some even seem to prefer black Friday to black November. I'm talking, of course, about anarchist-capitalists...
via Center for a Stateless Society
hiS LAwYeRS SaY tHey wILl trY to aPPeaL. tHE CHARGES for wHICH uLbRiCHt wILL LIkelY spEND his liFE iN PRiSon AlL CeNter aRoUND ThE sIlK ROad mARketPlacE, wHiCh aLLoWEd uSErS to PeacEFULLY TRaDE iLLEgaL druGs OVer THe INTeRnet. tHouGH hE aDmITTED TO OrIGINALlY CReATing thE SITE, ulBricHt hAS mAINtAiNed That HE qUiCKLy handeD IT OFF to oThErs. RatHeR Than dWElliNG oN tHE dETaIlS OF The case, tHOuGh, I wAnt TO FOCuS on soMethInG elsE – rOsS uLbRICht is A hEro, WORTHy of Our praisE, wHosE vIRtueS WE OUGhT To cuLtIVATE IN oUrsELvES. he DesERves our respecT foR hIs CoURage TO BreaK the LAw.
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From autonmies dot org via (24/10/2020) …
The Latin expression is a biblical quotation that Pierre-Joseph Proudhon put on the cover of his fundamental work, The System of Economic Contradictions, or The Philosophy of Poverty (1846), and it reflects very well the dual approach that anarchism has given to the struggle against domination and oppression. On the one hand, the clear understanding that key aspects of the dominant system cannot be recovered, but rather have to be radically confronted. It is the radicalism that is also shown in successive confrontational tactics at different times in anarchism’s history, in which destruam has been used in a literal sense, with a propaganda of the deed that smelled more of gunpowder and death than of the construction of a new world. It is the one that is still present in slogans that we can hear in a demonstration, such as “A fired worker, a hung employer”. In this case, it has more of an innocuous bravado than a serious threat, but in other cases it is clear that violent opposition is needed at a certain moment, a position that the Black Bloc consistently picks up, or that Peter Gelderloos supports in his essay against of non-violence as a priority strategy. Domination and oppression will not fall without a serious “push” to bring them down.
Thessaloniki,Greece: In the early hours of October 12th we set fire to 2 security vehicles by Incendiary cell of solidarity
Now, you can listen to p.m.'s analysis in podcast form. These episodes include their essays on The Planetary Work Machine, the economic deals it has with various workers, and what to do as the Machine's cracks increasingly become apparent. Also included are the author's extensive additional and updated analysis at 10 years and 30 years after publication, which make some of the best listening.
via:, translated by Act for freedom now!
Aubenas, France – Incendiary attack on the Office National des Forêts [National Forestry Office] in Aubenas in the Ardèche, in the night of 5 to 6 October
I have learned that I don’t just love forests for their wealth of life, death and what’s in between, for what they are, that my repulsion for their fate isn’t just empathy but that my own possibilities are also restricted, controlled, rigged, destroyed. Then I remembered the acts of sabotage against the destruction of forests. Machinery vandalized, sawmills burned down, humans attacked. I remembered that I could act and not just go deaf and blind to protect myself. So I took part in an incendiary attack on the National Forestry Office, in Aubenas, in the night between 5th and 6th October.
via Facebook
Hello everyone
First off, we just wanted to offer a massive thank you to everyone who contributed to the 2020 Anarchist Bookfair in London, all of you who contributed lives panels, talks and pre-recorded media regardless of whether it was made for the bookfair or not, thank you for making take part and sharing your knowledge, information and skills with us all.
"I am not aiming for relationships that always exclude any degree of sedentariness any more than I am aiming for an obligatory sedentariness.... The village isn't a stage on a downhill momentum toward urban life. The net and song and mask aren't first steps on a path toward rank and privilege, environmental degradation or ever increasing degrees of mediated lives. They are merely the outcome of sensual wisdom, of embeddedness, of organic life ways. In this sense my destination is primarily toward small villages and seasonal camps." ~Seaweed in Permanent Subsistence Zones
From Coffee with Comrades
"Through Kinship, We are Strong" ft. the K’é Infoshop
This week, I sat down with Brandon, Jaiden, and Koi from the K’é Infoshop to talk about indigenous mutual aid, moving beyond anarchism, and kinship.
October 28, 2020
Philippines: Spreading Kapwa-Tulungan - An Interview with the Etniko Bandido Infoshop
The Etniko Bandido workshop is a community centre and anarchist space in Pasig, the Philippines, and whose volunteers are dedicated to the spreading of anarchist ideals and practises. Aside from publishing their own printed materials, and hosting a blog and news site online, the infoshop provides a space free for anyone in the local community to use for workshops, film screenings, study circles, or whatever else takes their fancy. In this interview we had the pleasure of speaking to Cris, who enlightens us as to their recent activities, how the infoshop is run, and how they adapt anarchism's western roots for a Filipino audience.
via Conta Info translated by Anarchist News
Maipo Province, Chile: Barricades in solidarity with political prisoners at war and in memory of the comrade Kevin Garrido Fernández
Communique received along with pictures 11/3/2020:
from Anarchist Black Cross Belarus
We express our full support to the imprisoned anarchists and all Belarus people who have rebelled against the dictatorship and police violence and call for struggle for immediate release of IharAlinevich, Dzmitry Dubouski, Dzmitry Rezanovich, Siarhei Ramanau, as well as all political prisoners in Belarus. We call on all people who are not indifferent to spread information, organize actions of solidarity and resistance, any kind of pressure on all structures of Lukashenko’s regime, both in Belarus and abroad. Remember that the best support is to continue the struggle to which the arrested comrades devoted their lives.