Family ties: Surrogate grandmother gives birth to own granddaughter

Picture: Instagram
Picture: Instagram 

It's often said parents will do anything for their children.

Perhaps none more so than a grandmother in Illinois, who has just given birth to her own granddaughter after agreeing to be a surrogate for her daughter.

At 51, Julie Loving, thought her child-bearing days were long behind her.

But after watching her daughter, 29-year-old Breanna Lockwood and her husband Aaron struggle with infertility, miscarriages and failed embryo transfers for years, she made an incredible offer.

When the couple from began exploring the idea of using a gestational carrier, Loving gave the pair a huge gift in offering to carry the child herself.

By being a gestational surrogate, Loving only carried the child, who was 100 per cent biologically the couple's. Had the couple gone through a stranger for the pregnancy, it would likely have cost upwards of $100,000. 

After conceiving with their first embryo, she successfully delivered the baby girl on November 2, who the couple have named Briar Juliette Lockwood, in a nod to her generous grandmother.

Lockwood, who has been documenting the family's journey on Instagram, announced the news saying Briar had 'filled our hearts with so much joy!' and said both her mum and daughter were doing well.


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"My mom was an absolute rockstar through a difficult delivery. The sacrifices she took to bring this little slice of heaven into our world takes my breath away," she wrote.

"Holding my daughter in my arms my heart is bursting. The feeling of how I would do absolutely anything needed for this child is radiating through me when I look at her, and reflects back on what my mom did for me."

"Every move and decision I make for my daughter, I'm finding the answers through how my mom raised me. The way she loves and the selflessness she exudes is pure, genuine and kind."

In an interview with Today Parents, Loving had earlier told of how, despite her age, she had enjoyed a comfortable pregnancy.

"It's been a textbook pregnancy," she said, "Everything's been perfect."

However, many doctors had been sceptical about the idea of Loving becoming a surrogate. According to the couple's fertility specialist, Dr. Brian Kaplan, told Today he was initially against the idea but agreed after "rigorous" testing.

"My immediate reaction was, 'This is not a good thing','" he said.

"Normally a gestational carrier should be under 40 years, but in medicine you have to look at an individual and personalise it."