'My path to becoming sober-ish began with a close call'

By Shelly Horton|

I've decided I want to be sober-ish for summer. Not completely "on the wagon", but at least driving the wagon and not steering it blindly into a ditch.

Hats off to those who embrace the completely sober life, but it's just not for me. I want to cut back, not give up totally. I know I'm not perfect. I will ebb, drinks will flow.

But as I wrote recently, I had a stack of overdue health checks, and after a close call with bowel cancer, my gastroenterologist asked how much I drink each week.

I told her I drank 10 alcoholic drinks a week. I lied. Does anyone actually tell the truth about how much they drink? Do you take notice of how many drinks you're having?

RELATED: 'My drinking has spiralled out of control during lockdown'

Shelly Horton
"Hats off to those who embrace the completely sober life, but it's just not for me." (Supplied)

Thanks to COVID, I was drinking every single night of the week, and I'm sure a lot of people had also fallen into that camp. It didn't worry me too much because it was scary and stressful and I wasn't out socialising and binge drinking, which was my old drinking habit.

However, now I'm feeling safer about COVID and my work, my new and old drinking habits have merged into a dangerous cocktail.

I was drinking every night at home and then going out and binge drinking, too.

So if I'm really honest with myself, I've been having 30 drinks a week. I feel embarrassed and ashamed even admitting that. It is so much — but if you think about it, the drinks add up.

If my husband and I have one bottle of wine per night, that's two-and-a-half drinks each (even though I pour it into massive glasses so it only looks like 1-1.5 drinks). Multiply that by five and you've got 12.5 drinks.

Shelly Horton
Shelly Horton pictured at the time of her "close call" with bowel cancer. (Supplied)

Then add Friday night drinks, which go down so easily. One Margarita, two Negronis — three drinks, right? Nope, that's eight drinks, because Negronis have three shots in them and there are two in a Margarita. Then Saturday might be a dinner with friends, maybe an Aperol Spritz to start, wine with dinner, then Espresso Martinis instead of dessert. That's 10 drinks, easy.

Total for the week: 30 standard alcoholic drinks. Holy hell.

My gastroenterologist must have known I was lying, because she simply asked me to halve my alcohol intake. She meant five. I've compromised the lie and reality and decided to cut back to 10 a week.

According to Australia's Department of Health, "To reduce the risk of harm from alcohol-related disease or injury for healthy men and women, drink no more than 10 standard drinks per week and no more than four standard drinks on any one day." Yikes.

RELATED: 'I went out drinking for the first time in 20 years'

Shelly Horton with her husband Darren.
"If I'm really honest with myself, I've been having 30 drinks a week." (Supplied)

I was nervous about even cutting back to 10. The fact I felt nervous seemed really interesting to me. I mentioned cutting back my booze intake on social media and got some really incredible support from people who have also cut back their drinking, plus a lot also pushing me to jump on the sober wagon. Baby steps, people!

I didn't want to feel pressured or shamed about what I'm doing, because I'm doing it for me, not for anyone else.

The first week, like any diet or a health kick, I was highly motivated.

I actually only had one alcoholic drink for the entire week. Cheers to me (actually, hold the cheers — just high five). I felt really empowered.

The next week I kept going and I only had three drinks. Then the following week, I only had two drinks. Huzzah!

Wine glass and bottle at bedside
"My new and old drinking habits have merged into a dangerous cocktail." (iStock)

But then I had a weekend away with friends. I knew it was coming so I planned it. I didn't drink anything during the week, but on the two nights I was away I had 10 drinks each night — and I had so much fun so I don't regret them at all. But that's back up to 20. When I got back to Sydney I got back on track and I only had three drinks. Then last week I had 10 drinks (damn you, Melbourne Cup).

So, that's 39 drinks in six weeks. Still sounds a lot but it's a huge reduction from the 180 it might have been.

A friend who is also cutting back on the booze suggested I read a book called The Unexpected Joy of Being Sober by Catherine Gray. It's a fantastic read. Obviously, Gray was a full-blown alcoholic, with morning drinking and the shakes, but her sober journey still helped me a lot.

What I took away from that book was there are so many ways you can just reduce your drinking. For me, a lot of it is deciding if I'm thirsty versus if I want an alcoholic drink. Asking myself why I want an alcoholic drink before I pour it. Acknowledging that I use alcohol as a reward system; if I've had a really hard day at work, then I think I deserve a drink.

RELATED: 'Not drinking is ruining my social life'

Shelly Horton
"I'm surprised at the amount of peer group pressure in Australian society to drink." (Supplied)

Now, I have cuddle of the couch with my puppies. Or if it's good news, we must celebrate with drinks. I still like that, so I'm trying to plan the reward drinks rather than haphazardly fall into a bottle. In fact, just keeping track of the number of drinks helps me realise what I'm consuming, because I used to just drink without thinking.

I want to try and find that switch that just says, "Hey, get tipsy and then have a soda water". I'm just not sure where to locate that switch yet, but I'm trying.

I've had some really interesting reactions from people. I'm surprised at the amount of peer group pressure in Australian society to drink. I've said to good friends of mine, "Hey, I'm going sober-ish" and they've responded, "Oh, okay but not with me. When you come out for dinner with me, make sure you've saved your drinks to have drinks with me."

It's almost like by me not drinking, they're feeling offended, but it's not about them. I need to remind myself that it was because of my colonoscopy that I've decided to cut back on my drinking — not because I want to lose weight (that hasn't happened, damnit), not because I feel shamed into it, but simply because I want to get my health back on track. That seems like the best motivator for me.

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