August 2020

Indigenous Peoples and Human Rights

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Congressman says DAPL permit is imminent

By Brenda Norrell
Censored News

A North Dakota Congressman says the final easement for Dakota Access Pipeline is imminent, but the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe said it has received no notice.
Further, the tribe said it will challenge the decision legally, since an environmental impact statement is in progress.
Dakota, Lakota and Nakota Warriors have issued an urgent call for water protectors to return to camp.
LaDonna Allard, owner of the land where Sacred Stones Camp is located, urged people to come now and stand with them in prayer, and powerful direct action, for the sake of the next Seven Generations.
"This is the final hour," Allard said, urging all to share this message with the world.
"We will be standing because we are not afraid. Let the world know."

Montreal Rally -- TD Bank Divest in DAPL, Feb. 1, 2017

Media Advisory

MONTREAL, QUEBEC, February 1, Norman Bethune Square: In the wake of Trump's executive memorandum to allow construction of the Dakota Access pipeline to continue, community members will come together in Tio'tia:ke (Montreal) to support an Indigenous-led global coalition of over 500,000 people committed to stopping the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL) by shutting down funding from the 17 banks on the project loan. TD Bank is the leading Canadian financier of that pipeline project.

What: Together, people will deliver a petition of over 140,000 signatures to two Montreal TD bank locations asking for divestment from DAPL. This is part of a global week of action demanding that 17 banks discontinue DAPL loan disbursements until outstanding issues with the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe and the Seven Council Fires of the Great Sioux Nation - Oceti Sakowin are resolved, and that Free, Prior and Informed Consent from Indigenous peoples is upheld. The global week of action is part of a broader effort pressuring all the banks financing Energy Transfer Partners and Sunoco Logistics.

When: Wednesday, February 1 at 12pm

Where: Norman Bethune Square, corner of Maisonneuve and Guy at 12pm (noon).
Other events are planned in multiple additional cities, including New York City, Munich, Madrid, Tokyo, and San Francisco. Check this website for updated info and times.

For inquiries regarding the Montreal TD Bank Action, contact Kristen Perry (English), 438-888-9737, or Kristian Gareau (français), 514-991-6923

For inquiries to the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe, contact Nick Pelosi, Director Corporate Engagement, First Peoples Worldwide,, 540-899-6545

For inquiries to the Indigenous Coalition at Standing Rock, contact Tara Houska, National Campaign Director, Honor the Earth,, 612-226-9404

This is the English-language newswire for social justice groups in Montreal.

To subscribe to the French-language newswire, send a message to

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Video 'New Mexico Water Protectors at Standing Rock'

Watch for this film on an upcoming broadcast of KNME Albuquerque, New Mexico in Focus.

Directed and produced by Tony Estrada.
Editing by Brad Stoddard.

Taboo 'The Fight' Music Video

Published on Jan 19, 2017
The official music video for Taboo’s “The Fight“ supporting the American Cancer Society. Directed by Devinsupertramp, featuring choreography by Matt Steffanina. Get “The Fight”:

Photos Standing Rock Water Protectors Rally against Loan to Militarize Police

By Censored News
Today, Standing Rock Water Protectors rally, asking North Dakota Bank to halt loan for militarizing police against peaceful water protectors.
Read article:

Mohawk Nation News 'Trump, You're Fired'

Monday, January 30, 2017

Indigenous Women to Bank of North Dakota: Stop Loan to Militarize Police at Standing Rock

Militarized police pointing out journalists at Standing Rock. Photo copyright Rob Wilson

Press statement
Censored News

STANDING ROCK, North Dakota -- On Tuesday, January 31, a delegation of women who have been camping in Standing Rock, in peaceful protest against a water threatening pipeline, will deliver a letter to the president of the Bank of North Dakota asking him to stop a loan that would unjustifiably militarize police against peaceful and lawful protesters at Standing Rock. This letter is a response to North Dakota legislation that enables the state of North Dakota to borrow 8 million dollars to fight unarmed protesters and a peaceful prayer camp.
"We are not here to fight the police. We are here to protect the Missouri River from a harmful pipeline."
"As Indigenous women it is our duty to advocate for the Mother Earth, the elderly, infant, disabled, and those who can not speak for themselves."
"We ask Bank of North Dakota to Please stop funding police violence against First Nations people and Peaceful Americans exercising their first amendment right."

STANDING ROCK: New papers filed in case of excessive force at Backwater Bridge

Photo copyright Rob Wilson
Riot Police using OC Spray on Water Protectors without justification on the front line.

New Papers Filed in Dundon v. Kirchmeier Document Excessive Force at Backwater Bridge

WPLC cooperating attorneys filed new papers in our excessive force lawsuit today.
Dundon v. Kirchmeier was filed on November 28 in US District Court against Morton County, Morton County Sheriff Kyle Kirschmeier, and other law enforcement agencies for using excessive force against peaceful Water Protectors on the night of November 20, 2016.
The lawsuit seeks a preliminary injunction against further use of dangerous devices including SIM, explosive teargas grenades and canisters, water cannons and hoses, as a means of crowd dispersal. The government opposed this request, and today’s papers are our response.
Among the new documents filed is a Declaration by Thomas C. Frazier, a former Commissioner of the Baltimore Police Department who has also conducted independent investigations into law enforcement response to demonstrations in Ferguson, MO as well as having been involved in overseeing court supervision of three major city police departments. He confirmed that law enforcement’s characterization of the Water Protector’s actions that night as a riot is is overstated and inaccurate and that deployment of these so-called “less lethal” weapons in fact constituted an unnecessary and inappropriate use of force by law enforcement.

The Water Protector Legal Collective has been providing legal representation and coordination for Water Protectors engaged in resistance to the Dakota Access Pipeline including coordinating civil rights litigation

Sunday, January 29, 2017

Lakota Youth Locks Down, Temporarily Halts Trans-Pecos Pipeline

Standing Rock Water Protectors Rally at Sundance Film Festival -- Video by Earl Tulley, Dine'

Click arrow below to watch video.

Video by Earl Tulley, Dine', at Sundance Film Festival 2017

Listen to this dramatic video, words and songs, of Standing Rock Water Protectors at Sundance Film Festival. Youth talk about being shot with bean bags, rubber bullets, by Morton County. Water Protectors protested Chase Bank, a sponsor of the festival. A Censored News original video by Earl Tulley, Dine'. Thank you!

Thank you for sharing with Censored News!

Democracy Now! Standing Rock Water Protectors Live from Sundance Film Festival

Saturday, January 28, 2017

MONTREAL 'Open the Borders' Protest Trump and Far-Right

Emergency Demonstration against Donald Trump and the Far-Right
Open the Borders! Support Indigenous Sovereignty! No One Is Illegal!

Bethune Square, Guy De Maisonneuve West (métro Guy-Concordia)

Media Contact (including interviews):
Solidarity Across Borders

The following callout has been shared with the Montreal-area community by the migrant justice group, Solidarity Across Borders:
Donald Trump has announced, or is imminently planning, various executive measures that will attack refugees and migrants, increase violent and racist immigration enforcement, target sanctuary cities, and fund the extension of the Clinton-era wall at the US-Mexico border. His measures are racist, Islamophobic and violent. Earlier, Trump announced approval for the Keystone and the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL), despite sustained resistance from Indigenous communities, particularly at Standing Rock, North Dakota.

This a moment to take to the streets, to denounce Trump's actions, to show solidarity with communities under attack, and to articulate our radical alternatives, without compromise.

We will gather and march this Saturday in support of Open Borders, and for the regularization of all undocumented people. We declare: No One Is Illegal.

Solidarity Across Borders has campaigned for years to build, via our grassroots networks and communities, a Solidarity City in Montreal, inspired in part by sanctuary cities in the USA. Let's defend and build the vision of cities and communities that are welcome and open to all seeking justice and dignity. Let's build from Solidarity Cities into Rebel Cities. We need more defiance, disobedience and rebellion, in the streets and in our communities.

While we resist Trump's wall extension, we should organize to support all those who will tear down the existing walls and fences. We should take direct action ourselves, to make the more than thousand-mile borders between Canada and the USA, and Mexico and the USA, effectively open to migrants.

While we defend open borders, and support efforts to disobey border imperialism and to support people migrating, we also demand the immediate cancellation by Canada of the "Safe third country agreement" with the USA. Trump's recent measures make it clear that the USA is not a "safe third country" and migrants should be allowed to pass into Canada without impediment.

The actions of seemingly more "progressive" politicians needs to be denounced. The Trudeau government supports the Keystone Pipeline, and still refuses to regularize the close to 1 million undocumented migrants living on this side of the Canada-US border. Trump's US-Mexico border wall is a continuation of sections of wall already built during the Clinton-era.

Let's build our alternatives beyond the narrow scope of hypocritical politicians whose real allegiance is to the ruling class. Let's root our resistance in support of Indigenous sovereignty and self-determination.

We will gather at Bethune Square in downtown Montreal to hear speeches and music; we will then march in downtown Montreal. We encourage wide participation, including parents and kids. Bring placards, banners and noisemakers.

Initiated by Solidarity Across Borders. Supported by the Montreal Resist Trump Network.

Media Contact (including interviews):
Solidarity Across Borders


This is the English-language newswire for social justice groups in Montreal.

To subscribe to the French-language newswire, send a message to

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Friday, January 27, 2017

Tori Cress 'Don't You Mean, Why I Still Have to March'

Don’t You Mean, Why I Still Have to March

By Tori Cress/Negonzit Kwe
Anishinaabe Nation
Censored News
Dutch translation by Alice Holemans at:

Last Saturday during my participation in the Women’s March on Washington: Toronto I was asked many times “Why do you march?” My answer was the same every time, “First Nations women in so-called Canada do not have the same representation, rights, liberties and freedoms that Canadian women are entitled to, in abundance.”
I went there to tell my fellow marchers about the racist and patriarchal Indian Act policies forced upon Indigenous communities; policies that are currently used to govern the First Peoples of Canada. I was there to share my story of injustice and inequality with everyone. I was there to share this information on fliers I wrote up and printed, which tell of my experience with corrupt politics that will possibly dispossess me from the traditional territory of my ancestors. I went to let others know that I can potentially become a refugee from my own territory thanks to these archaic Canadian laws, which were not ever meant to help the Indigenous Peoples on this land we now share. These things are happening now, in real time, across the country.

The first thing that struck me as I walked towards the front of Queen’s Park was the very small numbers of Toronto police officers compared to their heavy presence I am accustomed to seeing at any of the rallies that POC have organized in the city of Toronto. The second thing that struck me was the enormity of the the crowd that had gathered together. It instantly overwhelmed me and, I won’t lie, the tears of sisterhood welled up in my eyes and for several moments I needed to stop and breathe just so I could regain my bearings. I wasn’t sure how I was going to find my Indigenous sisters and brothers in that massive crowd but I headed to where the march was beginning, knowing that was where I should find the Indigenous block and would soon be hearing their drums.

IMG_20170121_140415.jpgAlong the way I was stopped several times for some pics of my t-shirt and Thunderbird woman banner selection for the Women’s March by non-POC settlers. This picture taking soon started to make me feel as though they only wanted to show on social media exactly how “diverse” the crowd was that Saturday, instead of engaging with me in a meaningful way. By the time I had weaved through the crowd to the front of the march, I still hadn’t found any of the folks that I usually rally with around Indigenous rights issues and environmental issues. I began to feel isolated amongst all those women. The initial joy I had felt was quickly dissipating until I met up with other Anishinaabe Nation members, Peter and Ann, which really helped me stay focused on the reasons I was there in the first place.
I never did find the Indigenous block at the front of the march as I had expected. We ended up being but a handful of Indigenous women leading the march and we had to really hold our ground to maintain that physical position. I stayed and marched because all the women trying to take our space need to know that we do not have the same women’s liberation that they were feeling in that moment. Indigenous women like Darlene, like Marie, like myself are fighting against our own people who have now willingly become the Indian Agent, dealing out injustice, land theft, housing insecurity and ongoing human rights violations across Turtle Island. Many of us may have been on separate roads, but they all lead us to the same issue: our own folks are oppressing us using old Canadian laws. First Nations governments are accepting and embracing those governance laws that are not our own. They are not our laws developed for and by us. They are not our way of governance and never have been.
Another reason I came down from Muskoka for the march was to hold space for Indigenous women, whose voices are often forgotten about and left out of conversations about equal rights. Canadians believe that Indigenous people are making progress when they see women like Jody Wilson-Raybould appointed as justice minister by Justin Trudeau or former Liberal candidate and practicing lawyer Trisha Cowie as success stories to Canadians. They ask: How can Indigenous women not celebrate success when they have such successful women representing them in the state of Canada?
In my opinion, these women are not leaders that I would ever look up to. These are not Indigenous women who are helping other Indigenous women but women who work towards furthering the interests of Canada. When the “Hon.”Jody Wilson-Raybould announced the backing out of the Liberal campaign promise of full implementation of UNDRIP into Canadian law, although not a surprise, it still felt very treacherous to me. I needed to be at the Women’s March to educate Canadians that this is happening here and now to our people by our people. That campaign promise very likely secured many of those record numbers of Indigenous voters, many of who had historically never voted in Canadian elections. Those interests Canada has are not even remotely similar to the fight for self-determination that the grassroots people have been fighting for generation after generation.

IMG_20161124_163439.jpgIf these non-Native people at the march had the ability to look in closer within our communities, they would be able to see marginalized people like my family and I, who are current targets of our own successful people like Trisha Cowie. You would see those who use Canadian laws to perpetuate housing insecurity, land theft, suppression of the people’s voices and ejection from the communities where they have built their lives. The laws on reserve are not the same as in the rest of Canada and it is quite common for our folks in power to oppress and deny basic human rights from those without power. Maybe the Canadian government thought they were helping Indigenous families when they passed Bill-S2 into law but unfortunately the MRP laws have been absolutely inaccessible for the families those changes had been designed to protect. I was at the march to make this fact known to those who believe they are united in protecting women’s rights, while some of us are on decades-long lonely struggles for a small scrap of alleged equality.  Ask Sharon McIvor or Lynn Gehl about their struggles for equality for Indigenous women and their children. Ask me about about the inaccessibility of the matrimonial property rights on a reserve after the breakdown of your marriage, on a reserve that is not your own.

I was at the Women’s March because so many of us couldn’t be there because of the oppression Indigenous people are all facing both on and off the reserve. I was there because our Indigenous voices are left out of women’s liberation conversations time and time again. I was marching because after hundreds upon hundreds of years of assimilation and genocide policies created by dead white christian men, our communities still suffer together under the archaic Indian Act policies, which were meant to be the beginning of our end. Those laws are still in place but the only difference now is that they are being used by our own people to continue the oppression by many so-called community leaders, on the lands our ancestors tried so hard to protect for the future. I am that future. The fight passed on to me continues.

Women's March Photoby John Rieti.jpg
One of the biggest reasons I came to the march was to make sure the Indigenous Women’s voices were represented on this historic day. I came to counter the federal Liberals narrative of progress for Indigenous folks. I came because those same women politicians who were marching with me are telling Canadians untruths. I wanted their audience to realize that all is not well for Indigenous women, men, non-binary people, and children in the state of Canada and they need to ask us what is really happening to us. I went to let Canadian women know that within the laws of the Canada, I am not their equal. Our children are not their children’s equal in the eyes of the federal government. We are still fighting for equality in your systems.

As I sit here I keep wondering, will you all still be there for the 27th Annual February 14th Women Memorial rallies and marches being planned across the country? I know we cannot expect all of you, but I hope to see many more of you representing your sisterhood in solidarity, like we did for you on the January 21st Women’s March. Whether you show up or not, I will continue to march on towards a just future for my descendants even when I have to do it almost alone at the front line, at my front door.

Tori Cress/Negonzit Kwe
Anishinaabe Nation

Last Photo Credit: Women's March Photo by John Rieti of CBC

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Message Alert Standing Rock Camp -- From Lakota, Dakota and Nakota Jan. 26, 2017

Lakota, Dakota and Nakota at Standing Rock Camp call for mass civil disobedience where you are, and welcome people who are mobile and self-sufficient to the camp

From Lakota, Dakota and Nakota at Standing Rock Camp
Censored News
French translation by Christine Prat:
Dutch translation by Alice Holemans
Today, Thursday, Jan. 26, 2017

We are putting a call out immediately for allies and people to stand up where they are, mass civil disobedience as a showing of solidarity for Standing Rock, the fire exists within them and now is the time to let them reignite.
The heart of standing rock beats everywhere, the fire has been taken by 10,000 potential organizers nationwide and we need you to hit the ground immediately. Demand people Divest from big banks and help us Defund DAPL!
We are the revolution and the resistance continues."

-Oceti Sakowin Camp Leadership
Received just now from Dakota, Nakota and Lakota in camp: So they ask that people take the cry of Mni Wiconi to their backyards, to resist and be creative in their resistance using NVDA (non violence civil disobedience.) We trained thousands.
Shield the people, the KXL camp in Rosebud, is planning to re-open. So is Pte Ospaye, the frontlines camp against KXL in Bridger.
The call has been put out to return to Cannonball River. However, people must understand we are in transition at the camps.
If they come, they should first come knowing -- absolutely no alcohol or drugs, including no drinking at the casino.
No weapons.
This is indigenous led, and ALL actions and daily life will be led through prayer, and be indigenous led.
Prayer first and foremost in all things.
They should be self sufficient. Be able to take care of yourself or bring helpers to help you do that, these are harsh living conditions.
We will live by the Lakota values, under traditional law, which can seem archaic and harsh to some, but it must be done. Living as a Lakota, Dakota  Nakota and going back to traditional ways is important.
We are moving on to higher ground.
Some people undoubtedly will remain in the flood zone, we hope they reconsider but cannot force people to move.
The Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe has leased land for a winter camp.

The grassroots group has been given use of private land to use for a winter camp.
Sacred Stone is open.
All of these camps stand in unity with regards to no tolerance for alcohol or drugs, non violence, prayer first and foremost, and no weapons.
Traditionally camps moved, especially during winter. Do not think in terms of permanent camping.
Anyone caught agitating or creating situations that are harmful to the movement, the people or the camps, will be asked to leave.

SEATTLE -- Rapid Response to Trump's DAPL and Keystone -- Photos by Matt Remle

Photos copyright Matt Remle

Article and Photos by Matt Remle
Censored News
Last night, we held a rapid response to Trump's executive actions to complete the Dakota Access pipeline and bring back the Keystone XL pipeline. Not only was it amazing to witness such quick last minute organizing, but there was a phenomenal turnout of people. It is a blessing to be around such loving and committed people willing to come together for our mother, Ina Maka, and the welfare of all creation. Wopila tanka to all the organizers, singers, speakers, volunteers, MCs, attendees, medics, amd more. This is what love looks like. #NoDAPL #NoKXL
Thank you Matt for sharing with Censored News!

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Border Wall, Pipelines -- Trump Reign of Terror Endangers Indigenous Peoples

Trump reign of terror endangers U.S. and world

White Supremacist President Takes Control of United States

Article and photo by Brenda Norrell
Photo O'odham land
Censored News

President Trump intensified his reign of terror on Wednesday, as Trump ordered a border wall, which will separate Indigenous communities in the borderzone -- from California to Texas -- including the Kumeyaay, Cocopah, Tohono O'odham, Yaqui, Apache, Kickapoo and others whose communities are dissected by the international border.
Further, the wall would place Indigenous at risk, including O'odham, who must reach hospitals in the United States to survive.
Today's order follows Trump's orders on Tuesday of expediting the Dakota Access Pipeline -- which endangers the water source of millions who depend on the Missouri River -- and reviving the Keystone XL pipeline, which threatens the water source of those who depend on the Oglalla Aquifer.
Hundreds of Native American water protectors and their allies remain camped in the bitter cold and snow at Standing Rock, ready to defend the water from the Dakota Access pipeline which plans to drill beneath the Missouri River to construct a crude oil pipeline.
Further, today's action by Trump targets sanctuary cities, and ensures more Border Patrol agents who will continue unbridled abuse on the border.
Hundreds of Border Patrol agents, and ICE agents, have been convicted in recent years for drug smuggling and serving as "spotters" for cartels to bring their drug loads into the U.S. according to testimony before Congress.
Further, Border Patrol agents have acted with impunity and murdered, raped, and beat Indigenous Peoples and others in the borderzone, even murdering a teen in Mexico by shooting through the border in Nogales, Arizona.
The Border Wall will serve no purpose except to enrich the favored corporations and send a message to the world that the United States has fallen prey to a white supremacist president and his regime, endangering the lives of U.S. citizens and people around the world.
In the news today:
Trump moving forward with border wall, weighs refugee cuts
"Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto, who has insisted his country will not pay for a wall, is to meet with Trump at the White House next week.
The orders Trump signed Wednesday also increase the number of border patrol and Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents to be hired. And the president ordered the end of what Republicans have labeled a catch-and-release system at the border. Currently, some immigrants caught crossing the border illegally are released and given notices to report back to immigration officials at a later date."

Trump orders construction of border wall and targets sanctuary cities
Fox News

Trump Blocks Syrian Refugees and Orders Mexican Border Wall to Be Built
The refugee policies are part of an executive order he is expected to issue as soon as Thursday, according to an eight-page document, a copy of which was obtained by The New York Times.
The order would require tougher vetting of foreigners fleeing persecution and place a monthlong ban on allowing any person into the United States from Iraq, Syria, Iran, Sudan, Libya, Somalia or Yemen. Refugee admissions would be halted for 120 days while a review of screening procedures is completed. When it resumes, the program would be far smaller, with the total number of refugees resettled in the United States this year more than halved, to 50,000 from 110,000.

Mohawk Nation News 'USA Pirate Ship Sinking'


Please post & distribute.
MNN. Jan. 24, 2017. onkwe’hon:weh does not mean sovereignty. It means we are the natural people who follow the original way and are placed on this land by creation. Everyone else is an invader. 
Donald Trump is the president/CEO of a bankrupt private corporation, the ‘United States of America’ [US incorporated ISO #3166-2:US [Feb. 21, 1871]. U.S.A. is like a pirate ship. When the pirates raid another vessel, they take all the stolen loot and stash it on one of their secret islands. Maps are secreted for future pirates to find the booty.
If any holders of the US debt demand payment, the corporation called the United States of America will be forced to file for bankruptcy.
Trump is experienced with bankruptcies, which makes him an ideal president for the shareholders of the corporation. Those private shareholders will be absolutely liable for the debt of the corporation. They have names and addresses.
U.S.A. has no gold to back their money. Federal Reserve Bank notes are worth as much as the paper they are printed on. Their only valuable assets are the military hardware [aircraft carriers, missiles, guns, ammunition, bombs, planes, etc.] These will be turned over to all their creditors. Once U.S.A. is out of the game, there will be no more war problem on earth. 
Trump plans to terminate the corporate INDIANS tribal councils starting with Alaska. All the Western Hemisphere belongs to the onkwe’hon:weh, the natural people. We never surrendered or sold any to U.S.A. or anybody else. Peace treaties allowed them to stay on our land. They violated every peace treaty with the onkwe’hon:weh, which are now null and void. Everything goes back to one day before the treaty was signed.

Trump and Trudeau plan to terminate us. They will be terminated. We will be where we belong, on our land. [Canada incorporated ISO #1366-2: CA [1867].
The corporate tribal and band councils do not represent us. They are deck hands on the ship. They have to obey the Captain or he can make them walk the plank.
The settlers have always had an option to join with the onkwe’hon:weh. [Article 3, Jay Treaty of Trade & Commerce 1794] and follow the Red Road [great peace].
Trump ordered the Dakota and XL Pipelines to immediately steal our resources to squeeze every drop of oil from great turtle island to pay their debt.
It was the veterans and the large numbers of supporters who stood and fought with us that stopped the pipeline.
U.S.A. is desperate. Removing the US from the UN will makes them a rogue state in the world.
The women of the world displayed their awesome power as we saw on January 21, 2017. Stand now to protect the water of mother earth.
Jimi Hendrix could be singing about Standing Rock: “Water, don’t ever change your ways. Fall with me a million days. Oh, my water fall”.

Mohawk Nation News for more news, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to More stories at MNN Archives.  Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 or original Mohawk music visit
Joe Oliver: How Trudeau got mugged by reality as his economic strategy crumbled
STANDING ROCK STANDING Standing Rock letter.
Donald Trump Disaster. CBC.
Trump on DAPL.
Trump first exec order to stop hiring of federal employee but not military.
Federally recognized tribes should brace for possible termination policy under Trump
fed recognized tribes face ermination to privatize and ransack our lands. Our people are pursuing privatixzation headed up by ‘pretendians’.

terminate Indian tribes.
Every major city had womens march.

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Trump Executive Orders Expedite Keystone and DAPL Pipelines


Resistance continues at the water protector camps at Standing Rock
Native Americans vow immediately to resist as Trump signs executive orders advancing Keystone XL and Dakota Access pipelines

By Brenda Norrell
Censored News

President Donald Trump issued executive orders removing obstacles to the construction of both the Keystone XL and Dakota Access pipelines on Tuesday morning.
"The construction will be 'subject to terms and conditions to be negotiated by us,'” Trump said, citing as an example the need for pipe components to be built in the US. More at RT:

Standing Rock Oceti Sakowin Camp Calls for Mass Civil Disobedience:

The Medic Healer Council at Standing Rock Camp responded immediately to Trump signing the executive orders to push through DAPL and KXL, issuing a call for more volunteers for the Medic Healer Council at the camp of water protectors. Hundreds of water protectors remain at the camp, and continue to resist the Dakota Access pipeline from a crude oil pipeline under the Missouri River, which could poison the water source of millions.
The Medic Healer Council said, "The Trump administration’s decision to push forward with KXL and DAPL is disheartening but expected in light of the months of militarized oppression that Standing Rock and the NoDAPL movement has faced, even under a progressive president. We will continue to stand with Water Protectors locally and globally in the intersectional fight for our waters, our lands, and our people."

"The Medic Healer Council remains committed to protecting the protectors. We call on this administration to stop permitting and perpetuating this systemic violence against us and those who stand with us. We call on our relations to join us in our stand with the Water Protectors and against DAPL."
The Women's Earth and Climate Action Network said immediately, "Donald Trump signed an executive order pushing forward the Dakota Access pipeline and Keystone XL pipeline.
We are devastated, but not surprised by this news, and stand ready to take action with all of our allies standing with great strength and courage on the frontline of this vital struggle."

At approximately 11am EST, President Trump signed five executive actions in Washington, two of which will advance construction of the controversial Keystone XL and Dakota Access pipelines. The other three memorandums will serve to expedite environmental reviews for high priority projects.
Tom BK Goldtooth, Executive Director of the Indigenous Environmental Network issued the following statement immediately:
“The Indigenous Environmental Network is extremely alarmed with President Donald Trump’s announcement of the two Executive Orders setting the stage for approving the dirty energy pipeline projects of the TransCanada Keystone XL pipeline and the Dakota Access Pipeline.
"The Standing Rock Sioux Tribe and other Sioux Tribes, as sovereign Native nations, were never consulted by Trump or his Administration on this decision that further violates the treaty rights of the Lakota, Nakota, Dakota people. Trump is portraying his true self by joining forces with the darkness of the Black Snake pipelines crossing across the culturally and environmentally rich landscape of the prairie lands of America," Goldtooth said.
"These actions by President Trump are insane and extreme, and nothing short of attacks on our ancestral homelands as Indigenous peoples. The actions by the president today demonstrate that this Administration is more than willing to violate federal law that is meant to protect Indigenous rights, human rights, the environment and the overall safety of communities for the benefit of the fossil fuel industry.

"These attacks will not be ignored, our resistance is stronger now than ever before and we are prepared to push back at any reckless decision made by this administration.  If Trump does not pull back from implementing these orders, it will only result in more massive mobilization and civil disobedience on a scale never seen of a newly seated President of the United States," Goldtooth said.
The news video of Trump signing bills to expedite Keystone and DAPL pipelines can be viewed at.

Check back for updates at Censored News.

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