August 2020

Indigenous Peoples and Human Rights

Monday, June 30, 2008

Longest Walk Northern Route at Pennsylvania Capitol

Watch You Tube Video from today:
Thank you Roxbury News!
By Brenda Norrell
HARRISBURG, PA -- The Longest Walk Northern Route held a rally on the steps of the Pennsylvania capitol today in Harrisburg. Walkers sang traditional songs and spoke on the purpose of the walk, with special songs and prayers offered by Jerry McDonald, Mohawk, and Art Greene, Tuscarora, and the Longest Walk Northern Route singers. Gov. Edward Rendell's Special Assistant Lance Simmens read the governor's proclamation. (Please double click to enlarge.) Photos by Brenda Norrell
Northern Route on Pennsylvania TV, Sage at Cowan's Gap:
Watch brief video

Video by Brenda Norrell

Listen to Earthcycles Longest Walk Talk Radio on the steps of the Pennsylvania Capitol in Harrisburg on Monday:
56:4151.91 Mb

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Longest Walk, prayer walk for Native prisoners in Lewisburg, Pennsylvania

(Photo: Longest Walk Northern Route carries the prayer to the US Penitentiary in Lewisburg, where Leonard Peltier is imprisoned, remembering all Native prisoners. Walkers are shown across from the 24-hour prayer vigil. Please double click to enlarge. Photo Brenda Norrell)

By Brenda Norrell

LEWISBURG, Penn. -- The Longest Walk Northern Route carried the prayer walk to the U.S. Penitentiary in Lewisburg, Pennsylvania, Saturday, June 28, 2008. Walkers remembered Leonard Peltier, and Native prisoners everywhere, during the walk and 24-hour prayer vigil, held on a grassy mound at a busy intersection on the route to the prison. Although walkers had hoped that some walkers would be able to visit Peltier and other prisoners, prison officials said the prisoner visit request forms were not submitted. Still, walkers held their prayer walk and vigil, praying for Native prisoners and other inmates, offering special prayers for the victims of injustice and oppression. Walkers carried their prayer to the gates of the prison. Earthcycles' Longest Walk Talk Radio broadcast live from the vigil site, with interviews with walkers.
The walk, which left Alcatraz Island in California on Feb. 11, offered prayers and ceremonial songs for Native prisoners, praying for family members and friends during the walk and vigil. The walkers were camped at McCall's Dam State Park for two nights.
On the first night, the walkers' support truck carrying the food, sleeping bags and tents ran out of gas on the way here from south central Pennsylvania. Many of the walkers, numbering about 50, slept on the damp ground with no sleeping bag or tents. There was no food for dinner and breakfast was a few cans of Vienna Sausage, a can of fruit cocktail and a package of tofu hot dogs scrounged from support vehicles.
The next morning, Jerry Thunder Cloud McDonald, St. Regis Mohawk, and his wife Jeannie McDonald, Taino, rounded up donations from local stores. (If you would like to donate to the northern route for emergency gas and food, please give donations directly to the on site accountant, Sharon Heta, as this is the only way to ensure funds will reach the northern route walkers. To send funds, Sharon Heta: 650-417-4389.)
At McCall's Dam, walkers enjoyed a flowing creek and warm fires, with Navajo stew and fry bread on Saturday night, thanks to the family of walker Craig Luther, Navajo, who arrived from Richfield, Utah. The state parks of Pennsylvania are free for the walkers, following support and a proclamation from Gov. Edward Rendell. The parks have all been beautiful, in the lush woods with lakes for swimming. A couple of bears have even wandered by.
On the Longest Walk Northern Route, Brenda Norrell

Message from Leonard Peltier
June 26, 2008 Greetings my relatives, I say relatives because you are all my family. I am honored, greatly honored today that you would listen to my words and come together in this way so that our future generations’ will not forget what happened here in this land. You can't imagine how much I miss walking on the bare earth. Or brushing against a tree branch or hearing birds in the morning or seeing an antelope or deer cross my path. I have been here in federal prison for 32 years; if you could imagine being in your own home stuck in one room for one year without leaving it, multiply that by 32 and you might have some idea of how imprisonment plays on your feelings. I really get tired sometimes living here in this cell, this prison. Yet at times I feel really good because for some reason I know that there are those out there who have prayed for me in some way. And it helps me because there are moments when a peaceful feeling will wash over me in my solitude. I try to keep up with world events like the war in Iraq, where those people are going through the same thing our Indian people went through and over the same things. The US wants their resources and they have divided those people against each other. Those children over there and families for generations will still feel the effects of that onslaught of destruction. When I look at our own people’s situation I see a people who have not recovered from the destruction put upon them in the past. Today, the greater society of America doesn't want to accept us for who we are because we will always stand as a reminder of the immoral wrongs that they do and have done all over the world, all in the name of technology and progress. Our people have told them from the very beginning about the consequences of mistreatment of individuals and mistreatment of Mother Earth. There are history books that quote our chief headmen and medicine people cautioning them about there destruction of the earth and nature. We know the first concentration camps America ever had held Indian prisoners. The first biological warfare was used on our people with poisonous blankets. The first atomic bomb dropped was dropped on Indian land in Nevada. Today there are abandoned uranium quarries in Navajo country that cause genetic defects on a lot of their people. When you look into the past, America has used us Indians as their social experiment. They tried to destroy us with boarding schools, relocation, and even the first slavery practice was with American people. However Indian people would fight or commit suicide than to become slaves, and so they imported Africans. Forgive me if I am repeating things you already know, but I just wanted to bring these things up because these are the reasons behind the Wounded Knee takeover in 73 happened and the shootout at Oglala happened. Our people were not just taking a stand against this government for themselves; they in essence represented Indian people all across the Americas. Our resistance wasn't to kill anyone; our resistance was to remain alive while we let the world know what had been and what was being done to us, the Indigenous people. I know for a fact from communication all around the world, that we Indian people inspired many other indigenous people to stand up and defend themselves because of our actions. I have gotten letters from all over the world where people said “if the native Americans can stand up to people like that being in the belly of the beast, surely we can do likewise in some way. I recognize that my being here isn't all about me; my continued imprisonment in essence serves as a warning to others willing to stand up for their people. The US has violated their own constitution they violated the treaties we had with them, they violated all kinds of moralities to bring about my conviction. The average non Indian American either doesn't know or couldn't care less. As long as they can keep their high standard of living our struggles mean nothing to them. Most recently other nations have raised the issues of America’s mistreatment of the people in the concentration camp in Guantanamo; issues of lack of a fair trial, issues of physical, mental abuse and of sanctioned torture of prisoners. I want to also mention that our people were the first to be tortured by this government and we were the first to be victims of scalping by the Europeans. The colonizers were paying for our men, woman and children’s scalps. I may sound angry in what I am saying, but all this goes back to why we are here today. We must not forget what has happened in the past but we must also find a way to heal from those things that have happened and be stronger in the future. We need to heal our families; we need to heal our family’s structures so that what happened to our people in the past can't happen to us again. For several generations our children were shipped off to boarding schools which destroyed their understanding of family and family responsibilities, and you think of the statistics today facing this, they don't have to kill us anymore with guns, our children and adults both are killing themselves. Again, like I said before we have not healed from the destruction that was put upon us, I know each one of us can be better than what we are, it takes effort, it takes getting back to our ceremonies, it takes getting back to our respect for one another, the earth, the Creator and our respect for our brothers’ and sisters’ vision. It takes men being men and being strong fathers and uncles and grandfathers and brothers, not just as a matter of birth but as a matter of responsible behavior. It also takes our women to stand as the strong mothers they were meant to be and the sisters, grandmothers and aunties. We need to repair ourselves and not wait for some grant from the government to tell us or guide us in our recovery. We need to take that responsibility ourselves and mend the sacred hoop. Again I want to say as I have said many times in the past, though my body is locked into this cell, my heart and soul is with you today. In closing I would like to acknowledge the great loss of my brother Floyd Westerman, a tireless advocate for Indigenous rights I’m sure that he as well as many others, who like him devoted their time and energies to better the conditions our people face, are here with us today in spirit. We have no guarantees of the time of our own passing but until that time or my time I will miss them greatly as I miss you my family. Be kind to one another, and remember my words; for I have spoken to you from my heart of hearts. And you will always be in my prayers. In the spirit of Crazy Horse and every Indian man or person that stood for their people, Doksha Leonard Peltier # 89637-132 USP Lewisburg US Penitentiary P.O. Box 1000 Lewisburg, PA 17837-1000

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Longest Walk, Prayer Walk for Leonard Peltier

The Longest Walk Northern Route walked to the United States Penitentiary in Lewisburg, Penn., to offer prayers for Leonard Peltier and all American Indian prisoners today. The Longest Walk 24-hour prayer vigil continues at Hwy 15 and Wm Penn St. through tonight, Saturday, June 28, 2008. Listen live or to recorded audios at:
Photo Brenda Norrell

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Mohawk Nation News: The Devil's Strategy, Abu Ghraib to Akwesasne

by Iako’ha:kowa of Sharbot Lake
Haudenosaunee Territory
Mohawk Nation News
June 21, 2008. The leather gloved goons who beat two Mohawk grandmothers at Cornwall Border Crossing in Akwesasne on Saturday, June 14 looked like "special agents" trained in the macabre arts of psychological warfare and state brutality. They didn’t appear to be “rogue” officers. They were dressed in fully equipped black fascist uniforms with Kevlar Vests. Their actions were not random. These “operatives” were functioning at all times under the direction of an officer who was talking to someone who was on a cell phone. He directed the attack to try to humiliate, demoralize and kill anyone who would speak out against mistreatment. These state agents can attack Indigenous grandmothers practically on their own doorsteps. Katenies was minutes away from home when four gloved agents dragged her out of the car, handcuffed her and smashed her face into the pavement. Many horrified witnesses, including children, watched in shocked disbelief.
The CBSA (Canadian Border Security Agency) goons used a strategy known as PRC (population and resource control) methods devised by the U.S. Their “out-of-control” behavior was well rehearsed and contrived to confuse, destroy and terminate. “Low level psychological warfare” is interspersed with doses of high tech violence on target groups like the Mohawks first because they think we’re helpless. Later, it will be the homeless, welfare, pensioners and then leached out to the general population.
The attack on Kahentinetha and Katenies was like an out-of-control feeding frenzy of sharks. It’s known as “swarming”. They knew what they were doing, from the numbers of heavy-set porkies who attacked the two dignified Mohawk grandmothers, to the constant loud, bellowing verbal abuse to the blatant public display of brutality. Video cameras filmed the entire sequence, like the U.S. military and mercenary records of prisoner abuse taken at Abu Ghraib in Iraq and Bagram in Afghanistan. The PRC manual describes some of the carefully developed tactics of the fascists. [See wikileaks). The mainstream media is in collusion with the fascists by their silence. So far they have not informed the public about the outrageous criminal attack on these two women. There is nothing on the “public record” about the alleged incident according to the Cornwall Standard Freeholder about this June 14th attack. If they destroyed the evidence, witnesses know more about what happened than the officers that were there.
The Canadian Border Security Agency CBSA has no record of this attack on June 14th. On Saturday, June 21, the Ontario Provincial Police OPP Corporate Communications Commander, Angie Howe, denied they had anything to do with the attack, saying the communiqué posted last week accusing OPP of involvement, "creates difficulties for the OPP in maintaining positive relationships with Ontario's First Nations communities." Especially those phony Algonquins that have been created by the government.The U.S. Department of Defense "Foreign Internal Defense Tactics Techniques and Procedures for Special Forces" manual describes 3 types of insurgency. The third category "Traditional Insurgency" describes Indigenous resistance:
… as Onkwehoneh people who have been engaged in centuries old resistance and struggle to regain full sovereignty and territory are being treated as “insurgents” by swarms of colonial invaders. The colonial government spins the Indigenous Peoples as “dangerous criminals”. 911 is the excuse for the constant harassment and surveillance of border crossings in Mohawk communities. Page 72 of the manual gives them the right to suspend habeas corpus. They can kidnap and disappear us without notice or right, never to be seen again. Canadian Secret Services can try to force a confession, no matter how bizarre.
"PRC measures can also include curfews, blackouts, travel restrictions, and restricted residential areas such as protected villages or resettlement areas", like Indigenous communities, refugee camps, detention centers, prisons and FEMA Camps that can hold millions of people. They maintain "Registration and pass systems and control of resources and critical supplies such as weapons, food, and fuel." We are given no recourse.
When our people defend our land, the military police use: "Checkpoints, searches, roadblocks; surveillance, censorship, and press control; and restriction of activity that applies to selected groups [like Indigenous people, labor unions, political groups and the like)." To set us up, we are being classed us as members of “organized crime” and fake charges are filed against us to create a lot of assumptions. As soon as one resists or questions, a profile is created consisting of their background, make of car, family and associations. Each file is flagged “red”, “green” or “yellow” [are elder women “pink”?] according to level of priority. If one adheres to the tenets of the Great Law of Peace, they are automatically classed as “high risk” or “extreme”.
Restrictions, searches, surveillance and censorship are being toned up. The US military has provided trainers and advisors for these tactics at their School of the Americas in Fort Benning Georgia, where “death squads” are trained.
Cyberspace is a major battlefield. Emails and web sites are under attack. Propaganda is being distributed to the masses to create confusion and bickering and generally misinformation. We are being categorized as those who have conscious awareness, those who are partly awake and those who are the “sheep”.
Last Saturday evening, while Kahentinetha lay in a Cornwall hospital and Katenies was somewhere being held incommunicado, phony Algonquin Robert ,"There’s-nothing-Indian-about-him" Lovelace was being honored at a Bruce Cockburn benefit concert in Kingston. Being feted by colonial agencies leads us to suspect that Lovelace is an “operative” for the state. Lovelace is the poster-boy for the fraudulent Algonquin land claim to Haudenosaunee Territory south of the Ottawa River. MNN has been exposing this Canada-Ontario-corporate fraud. Frontenac Ventures says they have a right to drill for uranium at the Robertsville Mine. It looks like they made a deal with the fake “Indians” that were created by the government. Equipment and police surveillance has been stepped up. Cathie “Who-came-out-of-nowhere” Duchene claims to be a Mohawk descendant of Francis Sharbot for whom Sharbot Lake is named. One day before the attack on Kahentinetha and Katenies, Cathie issued a press release throwing her full support behind the OPP, Chief Randy Cota and the renegade Ardoch Algonquins and Robert Lovelace. They are lined up with Harold Perry, Doreen Davis, Larry McDermott, the Bradours and those settlers who blindly support uranium mining and the military buildup on Haudenosaunee Territory. Cathy stays a stone’s throw from the OPP Sharbot Lake cop shop. Another deadly Special Forces strategy is “infiltration” of communities. Agents gather information about individual activities and disseminate demoralizing and false information to cause suspicion and bickering. This method was developed to a finite level by Josef Goebbels, the Propaganda Minister for Adolph Hitler. Since the COINTELPROgram of the 70's in the U.S. against AIM, Black Panthers and anti war activists, many people have become aware of DISINFORMATION campaigns that can destroy people. In the program infiltrators are put up next to the cop shop as if they are in “witness protection”.They know how to get “turncoats” to train the military and police to work against their own people, including band chiefs who get paid by Indian Affairs. The Sharbot Lake ‘pseudo” community and “pseudo” protest against uranium mining were set up to gain credibility within the community they are infiltrating. This is the “doppelganger” or look-alike strategy.Today as soon as we are arrested we are being handed over to the RCMP, CSIS, SQ, CBSA, OPP and the new “Provincial Organized Crime Enforcement Team” POCET, which was set up June 25th. We are flagged beforehand because they are working jointly. We are being treated as “criminals” without any rights, assumed to be guilty by association [with them]. Each claims jurisdiction, but none have it legally. They say they are going after “organized crime” and to help combat drug and gun smuggling from the U.S. at Ontario’s borders. They are all swinging their night sticks claiming to have a bigger “asp” than the others. To us, the integrated enforcement teams [cops, correctional services, parole officers, social services, informants, courts and the myriad of controls] are a fine example of “organized crime” as they readily breach peoples’ rights, freedoms and lives. The Indian Act “little helpers” are illegally ordered by Canada to sign on the dotted line to hand over Haudenosaunee jurisdiction to colonial agencies. The operatives try to control the agenda, like Phil Fontaine having a “Day of Protest” while working hand in glove with the cops. They try to create anger and outrage all across Onowaregeh. The government-military-industrial-academic-media machinery was hoping to provoke us so they can kill us once and for all? Is that their plan? They attack the women to make the men angry and take risks. Fortunately our men are disciplined according to the philosophy of the Great Law of Peace. We will prevail. A supporter commented on the THIRD assassination attempt since 1990 on Kahentinetha Horn, "You know, she has the luck of the Irish!"Fighting this border issue will cost money. MNN has none. Canada can dip into the pockets of 30 million people and all indigenous resources. We need counsel that will not be intimidated by this display of power. The establishment is apparently hiring top law firms to fight the Mohawks. Your financial help is needed. If you could send donations to the MNN legal defense fund, it would be greatly appreciated: MNN, Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0.
Iakoha'ko:waSharbot Lake, Haudenosaunee Territory
Iakoha'ko:wa is a Mohawk grandmother and writer living at Sharbot Lake in Haudenosaunee Territory. Her articles appear on MNN. She is a free person and does not claim to be spokesperson for anyone. These reports must ultimately stand on their own merit.
CONTACTAngie Howe at <>Phil Fontaine is a partner in CBSA's Sustainable Development Strategy 2007-9 See Apprendix 4 for list of external stakeholders; Chris Kealey, Canada Customs Excise, Immigration Taxation Board, CBSA Media Relations 613-991-5197; Alain Joliceour, President CBSA 613-952-3200, 613-957-0612; General inquiries; National Aboriginal Initiative, Canadian Human Rights Commission 204-983-2189, 1-866772-4880; Canada Customs Port of Entry, Cornwall Island Ontario; Gaetan Cousineau, Quebec Human Rights,; Akwesasne Mohawk police 613-575-2250 ex 2400; Mohawk Security Louis Mitchell 613-932-5183, 613-575-2340; Lance Markel, District Dir. CBSA 613-930-3234, 613-991-1214; Nurse Rachet at Cornwall Community Hospital 613-938-4240; http://www.,; Brent Lefebvre Investigator for CBSA; Susan St. Clair, Canadian Human Rights Commission, 344 Slater, Ottawa 613-995-1151, 1-888-214-1090, 613-943-5188; National spokesperson CBSA 613-957-6500; Quebec Media Relations CBSA 514-350-6130; Handling arrest Scott Patterson; Chief MCA Nona Benedict 613-575-2250; Minister Stockwell Day, House of Commons, Ottawa K1A 0A6 613-995-1702 250-770-4480,; Dave MacKenzie, Parliamentary Secretary, Public Safety, 613-995-4432;; Melissa Leclair Communications Pub. Safety 613-991-2863; OFFICERS: 17012; 16320; 16511; 16121; 16275;
PLEASE SEND YOUR OBJECTIONS TO: QUEENIE ELIZABETH II, Buckingham Palace, LONDN UK; Governor General MICHAELLE "Haitian-Against-the-Nation" JEAN, Rideau Hall, OTTAWA, ONTARIO; Canada Prime Minister STEPHEN; HARPER, House of Commons, OTTAWA, ONTARIO; Ontario; Premier DALTON McGUINTY, Queen's Park, TORONTO, ONTARIO;; United Nations; Indian Affairs Minister;; Brantford Mayor Michael Hancock 519-759-3330;; Ontario Attorney General 416-326-2220 or 1-800-518-7901; Minister Ontario Aboriginal Affairs Michael Bryant % ; Neil Smitheman, Brantford ambulance chaser 416-868-3441; Aaron Detlor; Bev Jacobs; Julian Fantino OPP Commissioner; s"Paul Leblanc of \"Indian\" Affairs" <>, Sylvia McKenzie Justice Canada>, Emanuel Chabot Public Affairs 7 Emergency Preparedness <>, Louis-Alexandre Guay>, Gilles Rochon Aboriginal Policing <>, "Chuck Strahl Minister of \"Indian\" Affairs" <> See
Background articles and interviews are linked at:

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Uncensored: World power broker Bilderberg

Bilderberg Attendee List
Chantilly, Virginia, USA 5-8 June 2008 CURRENT LIST OF PARTICIPANTS
Bilderberg Seeks Bank Centralization Agenda Lee Rogers June 9, 2008
Fresh off of the 2008 Bilderberg Meeting, it looks as if New York Federal Reserve president Timothy Geithner is set to push a new agenda in the world of central banking that was likely decided upon at Bilderberg.

Akwesasne Guards at the Border of Insanity

AKWESASNE GUARDS AT THE BORDER OF INSANITY: The colonists have crossed a “line” into indecency: by Karakwine of Kanehsatake of Haudenosaunee Territory

MNN. June 24, 2008. It looks like the military-industrial-governmental cartel is no longer restricting itself to using words, subterfuge and intimidation in their “war” on Indigenous people of Turtle Island . They are now attempting to eliminate those who stand in their way. Every person who wants freedom should be wary. Beware of the coming attacks on our people.

Dear loyal readers of MNN. As you already know, MNN suffered a blow on Saturday June 14th. To briefly recap. Kahentinetha Horn and Katenies were brutally attacked and beaten at the Cornwall - New York border that runs through the middle of the Akwesasne Mohawk community. As a result, kahentinetha suffered damage to her heart and is resting quietly. Katenies is in seclusion with her family recuperating from a vicious beating.

We thank you in advance for your continued readership and patience during this time. We at MNN will continue to report lies, thefts, deceptions and brutality directed against our people and expose the colonists as only we know how. We see even more clearly that Prime Minister Harper speaks peace on one hand and metes out violence with the other. This attack on Kahentinetha and Katenies exposes the hypocrisy of Harper’s heinous apology to the Indigenous people last week over the Canadian policy of genocide. Our ancestors were right. He speaks with “a forked tongue”.

That “Drug Store Indian” Phil Fontaine was standing next to his master, the Prime Minister, skinning and grinning for all he was worth. Hey, Phil, was your soul stolen for good at “ Camp Auchweitz Indian Residential School ”? Haven’t you got your humanity back?

The goons hired by Canada Border Customs are high on muscle and testosterone, low on brains and selected for their sadistic nature. The Canadian “Corp. Gov.” is hell bent on spilling Mohawk blood. Our young people are being harassed daily at this border crossing. Their parents are running around from one jail to another frantically looking for them. This tactic is meant to demoralize our youth and future generations.

The brutal and disrespecpectful conduct at the border is consistent with the recent heightening of OPP threats and the calling in of the Canadian army on Indigenous people. All Canada is stepping up military recruiting. There appears to be a consensus among these violence-based organizations to use indigenous people for target practice. Julian “Little Il Duce” Fantino recently burst into the Six Nations Onondaga longhouse to exercise what he thinks is his imaginary right of dictatorship over us. Kahentinetha was warned by several people that she should not set foot in “their” Ontario . She made a mistake that it was safe for her to go there. These creeps appear to have stepped out of the pages of the Mussolini fascist era to become Harper’s obedient Doberman.

Psychological tests have demonstrated that a “disconnect” tends to take over when you stick a uniform on someone’s back. It brings out a killer instinct. It is dangerous. If they are asked to guard an outhouse, they would do this with all the seriousness befitting a royal body guard. As long as they have their uniform on, the more elaborate, they are ready to take liberties. They think they can get away with anything. “Only taking orders!”

Don’t’ be surprised to hear lies and disinformation directed against MNN. We must be vigilant against the “new normal” fascism. MNN is going to try to address this new paradigm. Our voice will roar back. “We will, we will, resist!” Guaranteed!

Fighting this border issue will cost money. MNN has none. The Canadian state can dip into the pockets of 30 million people and all indigenous resources. It’s an unbalanced fight. We need your help to get counsel that will not be intimidated by this display of power. The establishment is apparently hiring the top law firms in the country to fight the Mohawks. Your financial help is needed.


If you could send donations to the MNN legal defense fund, it would be greatly appreciated: MNN, Box 991 , Kahnawake [ Quebec , Canada ] J0L 1B0.

Phil Fontaine is a partner in CBSA’s Sustainable Development Strategy 2007-9 See Apprendix 4 for list of external stakeholders; Chris Kealey, Canada Customs Excise, Immigration Taxation Board, CBSA Media Relations 613-991-5197; Alain Joliceour, President CBSA 613-952-3200, 613-957-0612; General inquiries; National Aboriginal Initiative, Canadian Human Rights Commission 204-983-2189, 1-866772-4880; Canada Customs Port of Entry, Cornwall Island Ontario; Gaetan Cousineau, Quebec Human Rights,; Akwesasne Mohawk police 613-575-2250 ex 2400; Mohawk Security Louis Mitchell 613-932-5183, 613-575-2340; Lance Markel, District Dir. CBSA 613-930-3234, 613-991-1214; Nurse Rachet at Cornwall Community Hospital 613-938-4240; www.,; Brent Lefebvre Investigator for CBSA; Susan St. Clair, Canadian Human Rights Commission, 344 Slater, Ottawa 613-995-1151, 1-888-214-1090, 613-943-5188; National spokesperson CBSA 613-957-6500; Quebec Media Relations CBSA 514-350-6130; Handling arrest Scott Patterson; Chief MCA Nona Benedict 613-575-2250; Minister Stockwell Day, House of Commons, Ottawa K1A 0A6 613-995-1702 250-770-4480,; Dave MacKenzie, Parliamentary Secretary, Public Safety, 613-995-4432;; Melissa Leclair Communications Pub. Safety 613-991-2863; OFFICERS: 17012; 16320; 16511; 16121; 16275;

Report: Mohawk grandmothers attacked by Canadian Border Services Agency “Family furious with Customs” Posted by Trevor Pritchard, Cornwall Standard Freeholder - Saturday, June 21, 2008 Family furious with Customs; See MNN Category: “ Border/Jay Treaty “; New MNN Books Available Now! The books below, email us: Mohawk Warriors Three - The Trial of Lasagna, Noriega, 20/20$20.00 usd; The On-Going Confusion between The Great Law and The Handsome Lake Code$ 20.00 usd; The Agonizing Death of "Colonialism" and "Federal Indian Law" in Kaianere'ko:wa/Great Law Territory $20.00 usd; Who's Sorry Now? The good, the bad and the unapologetic Mohawks of Kanehsatake $20.00 usd; Rebuilding the Iroquois Confederacy Karoniaktajeh $10 usd; Warriors Hand Book Karoniaktajeh $10 usd; Mail checks and money orders to... MNN P.O. Box 991 Kahnawake , QC J0L 1B0; Purchase t-shirts, mugs and more at our CafePress Store; ;Subscribe to MNN for breaking news updates ; ; Sign Women Title Holders petition! ; htp:// ;Link to MNN Get the code and banners to link to Mohawk Nation News. ; ;Your Support - Make a contribution to our newsgroup. Secure your online transaction with PayPal®. ; Nia:wen, Kahentinetha Horn Speaking & Contemporary Native Issues Workshops Katenies Manager ; Stay tuned! Please forward this email to a friend!

Listen to weekend powwwow, Longest Walk Talk Radio

Good morning from Cowan's Gap State Park, Pennsylvania
The Longest Walk Northern Route is out on the highway today. Walkers are camped in the remote woods of Cowan's Gap State Park. On Saturday, there will be a prayer vigil for Leonard Peltier, followed by a visit to Carlisle Indian School on July 1.
The Longest Walk Talk Radio will not be broadcasting live this week, until Saturday. We are compiling information for a final summary. We have 450 tapes for you to listen to, since we left Alcatraz, including the weekend powwow. We were live on the web and 87.9 FM, Friday night, Saturday and Sunday, June 20 --22.
Earthcycles and Censored News are both broke, after providing coverage of the Longest Walk Northern Route as a joint volunteer effort for the past 4 and one-half months. Please consider donating to the PayPal's on our websites. We hope to provide coverage through the conclusion of the walk.
Earthcycles Radio:
Censored News:

Bloodline from Gallup, NM:
Music of Language or Language of Music Uni-verse
39:3336.22 Mb
Luv the Mezenger:
Pennsylvania Governor's proclamation:
More audios:
30:517.03 Mb

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Censored News Homepage:

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Canadian Attack on Mohawk Nation News at Border


Elder Abuse? Yes!
Anti-Indigenous violence? Yes!
Anti Free Speech? Yes!
A consistent pattern of violence? Definitely.

Exclusive to MNN by Ieriwa’on:ni [“Her thoughts become the way”]
This report has been written in consultation with family members and with direct witnesses to the events described.

The rumours circulating on the internet are true. MNN has been forced to suspend its reporting and investigative work because of a vicious and unprovoked attack on some of its principal writers, investigators and managers. MNN’s website was also attacked and was reportedly down for three days.


On June 14, 2008 Sakowaiaks and Kahentinetha went to Akwesasne to pick up Katenies. Canadian border control officers brutally attacked Katenies and Kahentinetha, two Mohawk grandmothers. Both are part of the MNN network and known for their outspoken criticism of U.S. , Canadian and international power cartels. The Canadian-U.S. border runs through the middle of Akwesasne.

There are said to be 3 outstanding warrants against Katenies, one from September 2004, another dated December 18th 2006 and a third dated November 4, 2006 that was kept under wraps until January 18th, 2007. This mess began when Katenies was accused of “running the border”. At the time, she thought she had been waved through. Her daughter heard her name on the scanner. Katenies returned to the border a few minutes later to see what was up. She was arrested and charged. When the case got to court, Katenies had already filed a motion to dismiss on the grounds the court did not have jurisdiction and violated the Two Row Wampum Agreement that founds international relations with the Haudenosaunee.

Katenies is a staunch defender of Mohawk rights. The Canada-U.S. border continuously places her family in danger. Her daughter Teiohontateh lives a few minutes away on the portion claimed by Ontario . Katenies lives on the portion claimed by Quebec . They have to pass through the part claimed by the U.S. to visit each other.

One day in November 2005, Teiohontateh appears to have become a pawn in the Canadian border guards’ campaign to carry guns. The U.S. guards already carry guns. She was still in pajamas, returning home from driving her daughter to school when she was pulled over for “a random vehicle search”. Though she was obviously of child-bearing age she was forced to pass under x-ray machines. Because of this she had to abort the child she was carrying. She filed a complaint with the Canadian Human Rights Commission. To date nothing has been done.

The Supreme Court of Canada has always dodged the question Katenies asked: How can Canada claim jurisdiction over the Onkwehonwe? Canada knows that it was founded in violation of international law. One party to a treaty cannot make laws for the other. One people cannot absorb another without their free and informed consent. None of the Onkwehonwe agreed to become part of Canada or the United States . None of the laws of these colonies can be legally applied to the Onowaregeh of Turtle Island . Katenies states, “I do not understand the nature and cause of their actions.”

It seems that Canadians do not want to admit that their state was founded on lies and deceit. Their ancestors bought stolen goods when they immigrated. They were the pawns of mercenaries and greedy crooks. They still are, but they don’t want to face it. They are not ready to sit down and settle these problems on a peaceful nation-to-nation basis with Indigenous people. They prefer to attack people like Katenies and her daughter individually.

Things seem to have gotten worse since the Supreme Court of Canada refused to recognize the integrity of the Mohawk Nation in Mitchell v. MNR.[2001]

Two weeks before she was to appear in court, Katenies filed a motion asking the court to prove how it got authority and stating that if they refused to answer in 30 days she would take it as an admission that it had no jurisdiction. She tried to make sure that she followed procedures correctly. She recalls that that when she went to court on September 18th 2004, a judge told her that if she didn’t believe the court had jurisdiction she did not have to come back. He said it was her choice.

After that, things were quiet for about a year. That’s when her daughter was attacked. While she was handling her daughter’s problems she was arrested again. She filed another motion questioning the court’s jurisdiction. Her motion was ignored and they tried to go straight to trial. When she tried to read the questions she raised into the record, they interrupted her with a lot of noise and closed the court down. Katenies left. Then they issued another warrant. Katenies was sent a letter asking her to turn herself in so she could spend several months in jail. She responded by filing a motion to dismiss. She continued to live her life normally, crossing the border frequently without interference.

On June 14th Katenies, Kahentinetha and Sakowaiaks went through the border and were told to wait under the canopy. They sat there peacefully for an hour surrounded by guards. Some Mohawk elders showed up to watch. Several other vehicles were searched and released. Only Indigenous people were stopped. Eventually a platoon of guards marched towards the car, all wearing leather gloves. Something was up. A chief later told them that the gloves were for protection from blood. It was a sign they planned an attack.

Katenies was dragged violently from the car by a gang of hefty young men. They knocked her down, pinned her to the ground, and forced their knees into her back. They handcuffed her and smashed and rubbed her face into the pavement. Sakowaiaks still remembers the sound of flesh hitting the pavement.

The violence against her did not stop with the cuts and bruises administered at the time of her arrest. She was imprisoned and held incommunicado. They would not let her mother see her or talk to her. She had heard her daughter was injured. She asked several times and was refused. Katenies asked to see her mother. The guards said she didn’t ask for her. She was strip searched in a very vulgar and indecent way.

There were no warrants or charges out for Kahentinetha. Her ID had already been taken. Neither hers nor Katenies’ have been returned. Also missing are documents that were in the trunk and the shoes taken from her feet.

It was only after the assault on Katenies began that Kahentinetha was ordered to get out of the car. She saw with her own eyes what they were planning to do to her. Kahntinetha had been beaten by police in the past. This was the third serious attempt on her life. She has been told that she was targeted by the Canadian army during the 1990 Mohawk Oka Crisis. In 1995, on her way to the grocery store, she was pulled over by the Quebec Police [Constables Dube and Ouellette]. She was beaten so bad she was hospitalized. The court later found the cops guilty. They appealed and were found guilty again. On June 14th she was afraid her life would be in danger again if she got out of the car. She was right.

She was handcuffed and imprisoned. Once in the cell, the attack continued. Some of the officers deliberately tighten the handcuffs several times. This cut the circulation to her hands. They ignored her cries as pain shot up her arms. Flashes of light went off in her head and sharp pains shot into her chest. They yelled racial taunts and threats at her and kept ordering her to bend down. A man stood behind her and had his hands on her pants. What for? Frank Horn, a Cornwall lawyer, and his son Kanatase, happened to be waiting at the border. [613-935-8882] They wouldn’t let him see Kahentinetha until they took off the cuffs and gave her a chair to sit on. When he saw her, he immediately insisted on calling an ambulance. The Akwesasne Police looked so shocked that they stood there frozen in stunned silence.

The medical record confirms that despite excellent physical condition Kahentinetha had a trauma induced heart attack.

Her recovery will take several months. Part of her heart was killed. Her health will never be the same. Both women are now recuperating in the company of their children and grandchildren. Legal action is planned.

WHAT IS CANADA UP TO? WHERE ARE THE HONEST OFFICIALS IN THE CANADIAN GOVERNMENT? There are several reasons to be alarmed by this outrageous violence.

The Canadian state seems to think it is O.K. to continue to abuse Indigenous people so long as it apologizes later! This attack took place just a couple of days after Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s apology for the abuses that took place at the residential schools. These were designed to commit genocide and to eradicate all Indigenous cultures.

There has been a lot of discussion in Canada recently about both elder abuse and the excessive use of police force. These two grandmothers were assaulted by a troop of muscular young men wearing Canadian government uniforms, directed by an officer on a cell phone. The procedure appears to have been planned. It came close to achieving the same results as the much maligned tasers.

Neither of these women is associated with any kind of criminal activity. They appear to have been targeted for their opinions.

This is part of an established pattern of colonial behavior. In the mid 1800’s when British settlers were colonizing British Columbia , Governor Douglas instructed ships to fire their canon outside Indigenous villages to scare them and stop their protests against invasion and resource theft. (See Cole Harris, Making Native Space: Colonialism, Resistance, and Reserves in British Columbia UBC Press, 2002.p.22)

The people of Akwesasne have always objected to the imposition of foreign boundaries through their community. The Mohawks never agreed to join either Canada or the United States . Their ancestors have occupied the same territory since time immemorial. That particular community has been there since the 1740’s or 1750’s long before anyone dreamed there would be a “ Canada ” or a “ United States ”

Katenies and Kahentinetha are not the only people who have been harassed. There are problems with both U.S. and Canadian officials. Young people especially have been targeted. Babies and very young children are often left outside or unattended in cars for long periods of time. People have been sent on wild goose chases trying to find family members imprisoned because of border problems. Katenies’ was taken to Ottawa and her mother was not permitted to see her or speak to her until she appeared in court two days later. Apparently hundreds of complaints have been filed but harassment continues.

The corporate media failed to report this attack. This suggests that violence against Indigenous elders is not news.

It’s still open season on “Indians”, just like it was when the Spaniards stumbled ashore in 1492. Just like it was when Benjamin Franklin reported on the unprovoked massacre of the last survivors in New England . Just like it was at Wounded Knee . Jut like it was in the residential schools. Just like it was at Oka-Kanehsatake, Just like it was when Betty Osbourne walked along the road near The Pas. Just like it was when over 500 more women went missing. Just like it was when the Saskatoon police nabbed native youth on the street and took them to die of exposure on their “Starlight tours”. Just like it was when the Mayor of Brantford was told he could call in the Canadian army to intimidate people at Six Nations who object to illegal development on their land. The beating of elders by border guards is part of an established pattern of bullying.

People objected to the Nazis. Why don’t they object to this? Why are these customs officers targeting women?

According to international law, all differences MUST be solved by PEACEFUL DISCUSSION. EVERYONE IS EQUAL. EVERYONE HAS A VOICE.

These principles are all part of the Great Law of Peace of the Haudenosaunee People. The League of Nations was founded on the same principles. So was the United Nations.

Most people are alarmed by the current rise in corporate, military and government corruption and violence. Fascism has hijacked Canada , the U.S. and the U.N. The diversion of tax payer’s money to fund armies and weapons has to stop.

We must all defend all our rights, including the right to PHYSICAL INTEGRITY, FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION and the right of all nations not to be absorbed by large states without the FREE AND INFORMED CONSENT of the majority of the population.

BEWARE all readers! Especially if you are Indigenous. Especially if you are Mohawk. Who’s next?

Canada’s spin-doctors are already working overtime to defame Indigenous people and all honest people who want a free and peaceful world. They are doing this to scare Canadians. They’ re doing this to scare us all. They want to trick us into believing that their violence against Mohawk elders is justified.

Akwesasne is a small community. The people have to cross the border many times a day. The badge numbers of the men who committed the assaults are known. Canadian government officials will probably try to blame what they are doing on these low-ranking foot-soldiers. Whoever was hiding behind the cell phone will probably get off scott free even though Kahntinetha heard him say “Take her out”. The attacks on Katenies and Kahentinetha, the continuous attacks on Indigenous youths and elders will not stop the fight to defend Indigenous rights.WAKE UP EVERYONE!
This state-sanctioned violence has to stop!!! Those who sit silently and allow bullying to continue are part of the problem. This is not the kind of world any of us want to leave to our children and grandchildren.

Ieriwa’on:ni Posted by MNN Mohawk Nation News

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Bloodline with Longest Walk at Pennsylvania powwow

Bloodline, from Gallup, N.M., performs Saturday night at the Buffalo Nation Powwow in Farmington, Penn., where the Longest Walkers and Peace and Dignity runners were honored. Photo Brenda Norrell

Longest Walk Entry Pennsylvania Powwow

Longest Walkers from the Northern Route, joined by walkers from the southern route and members of the Peace and Dignity Journey, enroute from New York to Panama, at the Buffalo Nation Powwow in Farmington, Penn. Photo Brenda Norrell (Please double click to enlarge. All photos on the Censored Blog are copyrighted by the photographer.)

Pennsylvania Governor's deputy director greets Longest Walkers at powwow

Louis Boykins, Jr., deputy director of the Pennyslvania Governor's Southwest Regional Office, is the special guest today on Earthcycles' Longest Walk Talk Radio. Gov. Edward Rendell requested Boykins to represent him at the Buffalo Nation Powwow, where the Longest Walk is being honored. Gov. Rendell also sent a representative to the West Virginia/Pennsylvania border to greet the walkers when they arrived in the state nine days ago. Earthcycles is broadcasting live from the Buffalo Nation Powwow in Farmington, Penn. Photo Brenda Norrell

Friday, June 20, 2008

Peace and Dignity Runners visit Longest Walk Northern Route

Peace and Dignity runners visit Longest Walk Northern Route at Raccoon Creek State Park in Pennsylvania this week. Grandmothers from the Peace and Dignity run are running 10 miles a day. Longest Walk supporter, Art, assisting with Pennsylvania coordination, is third from the left. Photo Long Walker Chris Jones/Euchee of Oklahoma.

On the Northern Route, photo by Lisa Peake

On the Longest Walk Northern Route, Colten looks at a frog. Photo by Lisa Peake, Pomo/Anishinabe Long Walker from Minneapolis.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Long Walkers, a sweet stay at Raccoon Creek State Park, Pennsylvania

Photo by Brenda Norrell

The Longest Walk Northern Route visited Meadowcroft this week, while camped near Pittsburgh, where traces of man exist from 16,000 years ago. Pennsylvania residents, the governor and police extended a warm welcome and assisted the walkers in every way since walkers arrived in the state eight days ago. A special thanks to all of you who brought out food, offered supplies and shared your friendship with us here. Walkers leave beautiful Raccoon Creek State Park today and head east. Walkers will be at a powwow near Farmington, Penn., this weekend. On June 28th, the northern route will hold a prayer vigil for Leonard Peltier, before heading to the DC area on July 8. On July 11, the northern and southern routes walk into Washington. (Please double click on photo to enlarge.)
Listen to the 400 archives since we left Alcatraz on Feb. 11 at:

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Update: Mohawks Kahentinetha and Katenies beaten by gang of border officers

Updated: Telephone interview with Katenies

By Brenda Norrell
Human Rights Editor
U.N. OBSERVER & International Report at the Hague
Photo: Kahentinetha Horn displays her Haudenosaunee passport at the Indigenous Border Summit of the Americas II in November in Arizona. Photo Brenda Norrell

AKWESASNE -- Mohawk grandmothers Kahentinetha Horn and Katenies were in custody at the US/Canadian border on Saturday, June 14, 2008, when the two women were handcuffed and beaten by gangs of officers and border patrol agents. Eight officers beat Kahentinetha, 68, and five officers beat Katenies. Kahentinetha, publisher of Mohawk Nation News, suffered a heart attack and is in a Canadian hospital. Katenies was released from jail Monday evening and is in seclusion. Katenies, in a telephone interview on Tuesday afternoon, described the police attack on the women at the border. Katenies said the women were returning to Canada from a visit in the US, when they were stopped at the border. After the women showed their Haudenosaunee identification, they were told the IDs were not sufficient and they were detained.
Katenies was told she had an earlier warrant. She had refused to recognize the authority of the Canadian government over her. In the earlier case she had stopped at a border check and was granted permission to pass, but border agents later claimed she was not cleared to pass. When she refused to recognize the authority of the Canadian government over her, a warrant resulted.
On Saturday, when Katenies refused to get out of the car, five huge Canadian officers and border agents jumped on her, dragged her out and threw her to the concrete, grinding her chin into the concrete.
"I went down so fast, they had knees in my back and kidneys. They were like a football team on me and they acted like they had no boundaries."
"They told me if I didn't cooperate, they would break my arms."
As officers attacked Katenies, Kahentinetha was on her cell phone calling family members and authorities for help. When Kahentinetha refused to hang up, eight officers attacked her.
Katenies was placed in a cell and could hear the officers bring in Kahentinetha. Katenies could hear Kahentinetha yelling for them to loosen the handcuffs. By the screams of pain, Katenies said it sounded like the police were continuing to tighten the handcuffs as Kahentinetha cried out.
Kahentinetha was handcuffed in a stress hold. The handcuffs cut off Kahentinetha's circulation and she suffered a heart attack.
A family member arrived at the same time and was able to get an ambulance immediately for Kahentinetha and she was transported to a hospital.
Katenies was transported to jail in Cornwall, where she remained from Saturday until Monday evening. Katenies said the two women were not charged, but were told they would be charged later.
Kahentinetha remains in the hospital, with family present, and her condition is not known.
A member of the Mohawk Warrior Society said, "They did this because we have the greatest weapon, the truth, and what Kahentinetha writes is the truth. They are terrified of the truth. What they are trying to do is provoke the Mohawks." He said ultimately what they want is to provoke the Mohawks into a confrontation so the Mohawks who are resisting will be shot and killed. He said the plan was to assassinate Kahentinetha.
Kahentinetha's most recent article:
Canada confesses to murder and rape of Indian people
CANADA CONFESSES TO PART OF ITS CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY –THERE HAS FINALLY BEEN AN OFFICIAL APOLOGY FOR ‘MURDER”, RAPE … By Kahentinetha Horn Mohawk Nation News, June 11, 2008….SODOMY, PEDOPHILIA, GERM WARFARE, STERILIZATION, MEDICAL EXPERIMENTS AND WHO KNOWS MAYBE EVEN NECROPHILIA OF INDIGENOUS CHILDREN IN ORDER TO “STEAL” OUR LAND AND RESOURCES. This is a start. Now we have to deal with the bigger issues, sovereignty and resources. Our people were kidnapped and held hostage for three to four generations. Genocide is taking children away and killing them. It was only a small part of a bigger story of “gangsterism” and greed. Don’t be fooled! That evil program is still in full swing. Canada has no intention to stop.

Columbus City Council investigates police attack on Long Walkers

June 9, 2009
Dear Director Brown,
I am writing today in response to complaints that have been sent to me regarding the conduct of the Columbus Police
Department in recent days. In order for me to develop a fair and accurate view of the situation, I am requesting that your
department prepare a written response on both issues by Tuesday June 10, 2008 at 10am.

Regarding the Longest Walk Organization and their Spiritual Walk that entered Columbus on Monday June 2,
2008, here is the incident summary that I received from one of my constituents:
On Monday, June 2, as this peaceful group walked in the parking lane and on the sidewalk on the west side of Columbus on
Main Street, 8 police cars zoomed up, 1 blocking their way. A police officer came up to a van that follows the walkers and
reached into the window, grabbed and yanked the steering wheel. He yelled at the young woman who was driving a carload
of young children and threatened, “Your children would be taken away and given to Children’s Services!” As the children
began to cry, their mothers who were walking came to see what was wrong and to comfort them. A walker charged with
security came up and was grabbed, kneed, thrown to the ground and handcuffed. A police officer pointed a taser gun at the
head of a walker who was also an attorney as he spoke to the police. A grandmother spoke softly to an officer asking what
the concern was trying to calm a situation that was becoming increasingly frightening. She pointed out “We are like your
mothers, your sisters, your children”. Ultimately the walkers were allowed to continue, but were badly shaken by this
unprovoked and frightening experience.
I would like to have these specific questions answered regarding this incident:
1. If the police officers confronted this group of peaceful activists in the first place as alleged, why?
2. If the officer grabbed the steering wheel of the vehicle and yanked it from the young driver as alleged, why?
3. If, as alleged, the officer threatened to send the children to Children’s Services, why?
4. If, as alleged, the police officers assaulted the individual charged with security, why?
5. Please provide the names, ranks, and discipline files of all officers involved in this incident.
6. Please provide the written documentation of the incident that the officers provided to their leadership.
There are many disturbing aspects to this situation, but I am certain that your department is capable of providing an accurate
assessment of the incident, and I look forward to your timely response.

Regarding the killing of the man from Louisiana on Friday June 6, 2008 in the Mt. Vernon area, numerous
citizens have approached members of Council detailing a failure by the officers involved to use restraint.
Please provide the following:
1. The written documentation of the incident from the officers that filed the report.
2. The names, rank, and discipline file of all officers involved in the incident.
City Hall 90 West Broad Street
Columbus, OH 43215-9015
614/645-7380 Fax 614/645-6164
CITY CLERK – Andrea Blevins, CMC
DEPUTYCITY CLERK – Darla Character-Johnson
Page 2
June 9, 2008
Page 2
Please be advised that there are residents of the community who are outraged about these incidents as well as others. Some are
planning to march on City Hall as early as today to voice their opposition of the treatment of these residents and/or visitors. I am
concerned that both of these situations occurred at the beginning of the summer season, and as we move forward, it is
imperative that we continue working together to keep our city safe. I look forward to your expeditious response to this inquiry, and
the conversation surrounding it at our scheduled meeting on Tuesday June 10 at 12pm. Thank you.
Charleta B. Tavares
Chair-Health, Housing, and Human Services and Workforce Development Committees
Columbus City Council

Monday, June 16, 2008

Kahentinetha Horn attacked at border

Kahentinetha Horn, beaten at border by officers and hospitalized after heart attack; Katenies beaten and jailed

By Brenda Norrell
Human Rights Editor
U.N. OBSERVER & International Report at the Hague

Update: Telephone interview on Tuesday afternoon with Katenies, beaten by Canadian police and border agents. Kahentinetha remains in the hospital, condition unknown, after suffering a heart attack in custody

AKWESASNE -- Mohawk grandmothers Kahentinetha Horn and Katenies were in custody at the US/Canadian border, when the two women were handcuffed and beaten by gangs of officers and border patrol agents on Saturday, June 14, 2008. Eight officers beat Kahentinetha, 68 years old, and five officers beat Katenies. Kahentinetha, publisher of Mohawk Nation News, suffered a heart attack and is in a Canadian hospital. Katenies has been released from a Canadian jail and is in seclusion.
Katenies, in a telephone interview on Tuesday afternoon, described the police attack on the women at the border. Katenies said the women were returning to Canada from a visit in the US, when they were stopped at the border. After the women showed their Haudenosaunee identification, they were told the IDs were not sufficient and they were detained.
Katenies was told she had an earlier warrant. She had refused to recognize the authority of the Canadian government over her. In the earlier case she had stopped at a border check and was granted permission to pass, but border agents later claimed she was not cleared to pass. When she refused to recognize the authority of the Canadian government over her, a warrant resulted.
On Saturday, when Katenies refused to get out of the car, five huge Canadian officers and border agents jumped on her, dragged her out and threw her to the concrete, grinding her chin into the concrete.
"I went down so fast, they had knees in my back and kidneys. They were like a football team on me and they acted like they had no boundaries."
"They told me if I didn't cooperate, they would break my arms."As officers attacked Katenies, Kahentinetha was on her cell phone calling family members and authorities for help.
When Kahentinetha refused to hang up, eight officers attacked her.
Katenies was placed in a cell and could hear the officers bring in Kahentinetha. Katenies could hear Kahentinetha yelling for them to loosen the handcuffs. By the screams of pain, Katenies said it sounded like the police were continuing to tighten the handcuffs as Kahentinetha cried out.
Kahentinetha was handcuffed in a stress hold. The handcuffs cut off Kahentinetha's circulation and she suffered a heart attack. A family member arrived at the same time and was able to get an ambulance immediately for Kahentinetha and she was transported to a hospital.
Katenies was transported to jail in Cornwall, where she remained from Saturday until Monday evening. Katenies said the women were not charged, but were told they would be charged at a later date.
Kahentinetha remains in the hospital, with family present, and her condition is unknown.
A member of the Mohawk Warrior Society said, "They did this because we have the greatest weapon, the truth, and what Kahentinetha writes is the truth. They are terrified of the truth. What they are trying to do is provoke the Mohawks." He said ultimately what they want is to provoke the Mohawks into a confrontation so the Mohawks who are resisting will be shot and killed. He said the Canadian government's plan was to assassinate Kahentinetha.

By Brenda Norrell
Kahentinetha Horn, publisher of Mohawk Nation News, was beaten by special forces at the US/Canadian border and suffered a heart attack. Kahentinetha is currently hospitalized in Canada. Katenies, who was accompanying her, was taken to prison at an undisclosed location. Please read the following message, which has been confirmed as true, and contact the leaders of Canada and demand both women be released and justice served to the perpetrators.
Kahentinetha's articles on sovereignty, mining on Indigenous lands, corruption and border rights have made her a priority target of the Canadian government for assassination. While on the Arizona border in November, at the Indigenous Border Summit of the Americas II, she challenged the Tohono O'odham Nation's incarceration of Indigenous migrants in the outdoor "cage," construction of the border vehicle barrier through the ceremonial route and the digging up of O'odham ancestors for the border wall by the contractor Boeing.
As the borders were increasingly militarized by Homeland Security and Canadian corporations increasingly seized Indigenous Peoples lands for mining, Kahentinetha and Katenies, were targeted with death threats.
Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 4:42 pm Post subject: Kahentinetha Horn, Katenies attacked at the border!
Monday, June 16, 2008Mohawk Elder and Grandmother, Kahentinetha Horn suffered a heart attack, Saturday, June 14, 2008 during a vicious, unprovoked assault by OPP and border agents at Cornwall, in Akwesasne community. She had been beaten and handcuffed when she collapsed. Earlier when she was pulled over, Kahentinetha immediately contacted her brother, a lawyer, on her cellphone. The entire incident was being filmed as her brother rushed to the scene just in time to call an ambulance for her.Meanwhile, Elder and Grandmother Katenies of Akwesasne was beaten and taken prisoner to an as yet undisclosed location. We are very concerned about her safety. We demand to know of her whereabouts and that she be> released immediately. A few months ago, Julian Fantino put out the word, warning Kahentinetha not to set foot in Ontario or else. She is the publisher of MNN and regular internet reports that are very critical of police and government actions toward Indigenous people. Her articles often clearly state the legalities/realities of the situation that Canada is a corporation plundering unceded Turtle Island. The land and resources belong to the Ongwehoneh people. Canada's huge debt to us will bankrupt them forever.The other day, while Stephen Harper was making a public apology to Indigenous for the crimes of the residential schools, he was also preparing to send the army in at 6 nations. Brantford city mayor has requested it, stating his city police cannot handle another "Mohawk uprising", in other words, peaceful protests against housing development where non resident, non Natives attack the protesters while the police watch. The Ontario Conservatives call for military intervention every day. On Saturday, border agents were pulling over every Native person. Kahentinetha and Katenies were traveling in Akwesasne in the course of their regular activities and were caught up in the dragnet. Did Fantino set up a trap for the two outspoken, Mohawk grandmothers? We suspect that Kahentinetha would have been killed at a secret location had she not had a heart attack and been taken to hospital. Immediately following this incident, many Mohawks and supporters started to gather at Akwesasne. Kahentinetha and Katenies' attackers want them to accept being Canadian or else they will kill them and anyone else who resists colonization. This low level warfare is playing out on the "border" between Canada and the US, an imaginary line drawn right through the Mohawk community of Akwesasne and through Haudenosaunee territory which is a vast area on BOTH sides of the Great Lakes. This Great Lakes area is also a proposed center for the NWO. Many military plans are underway including nuclear submarines in the Great Lakes and JTF2, Aerospace Warfare Center and NATO FOB (Forward Operating> Base) at a new base being built at Trenton, near Tyendinaga Mohawk community. Tyendinaga was attacked by OPP/SWAT in April when Mohawks protested housing development there. If Canadians are so damned sorry about the abuse of Native people, why is this still happening? Why do people remain silent when Mohawk elders and grandmothers are attacked like this? We are under constant surveillance> and threats and attacks while our land continues to be plundered and pillaged. Was this a failed assassination attempt ordered by Julian> Fantino, commissioner of OPP and head of the biggest gang in the area? We must demand answers and get answers. This attempted genocide must cease. We will never give up.>> Call or write to politicians, media, action lists including international. Get the word out now!!! K..... will be speaking with Kevin Annett on live radio today at 4:30 pmMontreal time.Iakoha'ko:wa Sharbot Lake, Haudenosaunee Territory PLEASE SEND YOUR OBJECTIONS TO: QUEENIE ELIZABETH II, Buckingham Palace,>> LONDON UK; Governor General MICHAELLE "Haitian-Against-the-Nation" JEAN, 1>> Rideau Hall, OTTAWA, ONTARIO; Canada Prime Minister STEPHEN>> HARPER, House of Commons, OTTAWA, ONTARIO; Ontario Premier DALTON McGUINTY, Queen's Park, TORONTO, ONTARIO; United Nations; Indian Affairs Minister; Brantford Mayor Michael Hancock 519-759-3330; Ontario Attorney General 416-326-2220 or 1-800-518-7901; Minister Ontario Aboriginal Affairs Michael Bryant %, Neil Smitheman, Brantford ambulance chaser 416-868-3441; Aaron Detlor; Bev Jacobs; Julian Fantino OPP Commissioner; s "Paul Leblanc of \"Indian\" Affairs" , Sylvia McKenzie Justice Canada , Emanuel Chabot Public Affairs 7 Emergency Preparedness, Louis-Alesandre Guay "Justice Canada lguay", Gilles Rochon Aboriginal Policing> , "Chuck Strahl Minister of \"Indian\" Affairs" See
Update re Kahentinetha Horn - Mohawk Grandmothers Attacked at Canada-US Border Crossing
June 16, 2008 1pmKahentinetha Horn has been transferred to an Ottawa hospital while the whereabouts of Katenies remain unknown. Outrage is growing in Indian country. Who will be next in the roundups? There is no doubt that this incident 'an attempt to take a human life', of Kahentinetha Horn - makes the false apology given by the Harper government to Native peoples for past tortures and maltreatment completely null and void.
Token drugstore Indians like Phil Fontaine paraded around on TV to receive this apology are all on government payrolls. They represent and speak for no one but the government. It shows the hypocrisy insidiously embedded in the Harper government.This incident was not carried out by regular border patrol personnel. It was carried out by a team of professionals who are installed at this particular border crossing for the sole purpose of apprehending Miss Horn and doing away with her permanently.
Behaviours and actions like this only come about when ordered and sanctioned by the highest levels of Harper's government and CSIS. This attempt on Miss Horn's life failed this time, but we are confident that Harper, CSIS and Fantino will continue in their efforts to silence Ms Horn forever. This attempt is just a variation of extraordinary rendition where one is whisked away to an undisclosed location, tortured and later found dead in a ditch somewhere.Karakwine will be speaking with Kevin Annett on live radio today at 4:30 pm Montreal time. Stop the Genocide. Speak out while you still can!!!Iakoha'ko:waSharbot Lake, Haudenosaunee TerritoryPLEASE SEND YOUR OBJECTIONS TO: QUEENIE ELIZABETH II, Buckingham Palace,LONDON UK; Governor General MICHAELLE "Haitian-Against-the-Nation" JEAN, 1Rideau Hall, OTTAWA, ONTARIO; Canada Prime Minister STEPHENHARPER, House of Commons, OTTAWA, ONTARIO; OntarioPremier DALTON McGUINTY, Queen's Park, TORONTO,; United Nations; Indian Affairs; Brantford Mayor Michael Hancock; Ontario Attorney General 416-326-2220 or 1-800-518-7901;Minister Ontario Aboriginal Affairs Michael Bryant % ;Neil Smitheman, Brantford ambulance chaser 416-868-3441;Aaron Detlor; Bev Jacobs; Julian FantinoOPP Commissioner; s"Paul Leblanc of \"Indian\" Affairs" , Sylvia McKenzie Justice Canada , Emanuel Chabot Public Affairs 7 Emergency Preparedness , Louis-Alesandre Guay <"Justice Canada lguay">, Gilles Rochon Aboriginal Policing , "Chuck Strahl Minister of \"Indian\" Affairs" See

Nick Standing Bear takes flight to Spirit World

Longest Walk host in Salida, Colorado, Nick Standing Bear takes flight to Spirit World

This is to let you know that Nick Standing Bear, Lakota, Vietnam Vet and former POW, partner of Becky Donlan and your host in Salida, Colorado (Monarch Pass), took his life last Thursday. He was found at the Sacred Bear Circle, an ancient site east of Salida and we will scatter his ashes there on Tuesday. Sing prayers for your brother.
In solidarity,
Aho, Winter Ross
Crestone, Colorado 6/14/08

From: Mano Cockrum
Out of everyone I looked forward to meeting who helped in Colorado, Nick and Becky were the two I looked forward to meeting the most. They had been trying to educate the people of their region about sacred sites and to get harsher punishments for those destroying them, and a perspective to law enforcement to understand the extremity of the situation. They had a powerpoint developed and I had hoped to bring their message to D.C., but still have no financial resources to even visit anyone from Colorado who helped or the Walk in D.C.
Please take some time to offer a prayer for him and his partner Becky. Nick "Bear" reached out to me from their entire region willing to get support and hospitality for the walkers, facing obstacles such as the locals often racist views and resistance to helping native people, and coming up with tons of donations, spending several hundred of his own for food and advertising to get support, and he and Becky offering their time, energy and homes up to walkers. The visit took a toll, as it will on a community the walkers visit, but Becky and Nick had to bear the weight of it alone, not having an entire community to support them, the closest support being far south in Crestone.
I am very sad that I will never meet him, having spent much time talking to him and knowing he was a true warrior for the people. I can only hope his work lives on and gains the support he needed for it while alive.
Mano Cockrum
Indigenous Youth Sovereignty Project

Longest Walk Talk Radio's interview with Becky Donlan in Salida, Colorado
39:2013.5 Mb

Thank you from the Longest Walk Northern Route

June 16, 2008

Good morning from the Longest Walk Northern Route,

The Longest Walk Northern Route of the Longest Walk 2 is deeply grateful for each of the emergency cash donations for gas and food, so the walkers could move camp from Cambridge, Ohio, to Raccoon Creek State Park, Penn:
Carina Gustaffasson of Swedan; police officer in Cambridge, Ohio; Matt Cordes; cash contribution for children on the Longest Walk; Sam Tullio and Darlene on behalf of the Red Hawk Society in Pennsylvania; Wilfred Hill of Oregon; Sophie Addison of Utah; Lukas Angus of Oregon; Community Futures Collective and Sheri Flying Hawke; motorcyclists on Hwy 60 south to Pittsburgh; Kerry Davis, Matt Besenger and Todd Clifton.

If you gave a cash donation for the northern route in the past 10 days and do not see your name, please contact: Sharon Heta (Maori), accountant for the Longest Walk Northern Route, cell: 650-417-4389.

Censored Blog reader: Ohio can forget my tourist dollars

Columbus, Ohio cops attack nDns.
George Armstrong Custer (December 5, 1839 – June 25, 1876) was a United States Army officer and cavalry commander in the American Civil War and the Indian Wars.
Custer was born in New Rumley, Ohio.
Ohio doesn't have a great history w.r.t. nDns, does it?
If they are still pissed that their stupid YellowHair tried to challenge a major encampment with a handful of conscripts, they need to get over it! We didn't kill Custer as much as his own greed for the Democratic Party nomination in St. Louis drove him into a reckless pursuit of power, deluded that he could kill nDns with impunity and they wouldn't fight back.
Nobody but Custer and his men died at that time. If Custer wouldn't have disobeyed his direct orders, nobody would have died that day. He probably would have been the nominee in St. Louis, and beat U.S. Grant in the general election. As President, Custer would have largely ignored the nDns, just like the other Presidents of the subsequent era.
Another count of intolerance for Ohio. They can forget my tourist dollars.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Listen, Columbus Ohio mayor's office expresses regret over police attack

The latest from Longest Walk Talk Radio

By Brenda Norrell

Listen to new interviews and Native songs on, Longest Walk Talk Radio. Columbus Ohio mayor's office expresses deep regret over police attack on Longest Walk; Peace and Dignity runners are on their way to meet the Longest Walk; Mike Wilson, Tohono O'odham, speaks on people dying on Tohono O'odham land for "want of a drink of water," and Long Walker youths, Danny, Washo, and Craig, Navajo, share songs.
Download Audio File
Play Audio Inline
one hour 3 min Change the Name of Columbus ,Ohio
h58.08 Mb
one hour 5 min Traditional Knowledge What is Lost
h59.8 Mb
Peace and Dignity Runners meet Longest Walkers
12:2311.34 Mb
Mike Wilson, Border Wars, Humanitarian Aid, Human Rights
27:2625.12 Mb
18:4417.16 Mb
16:2114.97 Mb

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Columbus Ohio Mayor expresses regret over police attack on Long Walkers

By Brenda Norrell

COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Columbus Mayor Michael Coleman is expressing regret over the Columbus police attack on Long Walkers. Barry Landeros-Thomas from Columbus shares with Longest Walk Talk Radio the news from Mayor Coleman.
Gayle Gray, the mayor's community relations coordinator, expressed deep remorse for the attack on the Longest Walk by Columbus Police. The mayor's office said the mayor wants to make amends to the Longest Walkers.
Listen to the interview with Landeros-Thomas, as he joins Long Walkers, Luv the Mezenger and Marie Littlemoon, both victims of police brutality in Columbus, Ohio.
The video taken by Littlemoon shows the police attack on Luv after police pointed a taser between the eyes of Michael Lane, Menominee.
Listen on Earthcycles:

Video of Columbus Police Attack on Longest Walk
Longest Walk Northern Route: Video of Columbus Ohio police throwing Luv the Mezenger to the ground and tackling him.
This video by Long Walker Marie Littlemoon begins just after a taser was pointed between the eyes of Michael Lane, an attorney. The video shows Columbus Ohio police tackling Luv the Mezenger to the ground, where Luv sustained cuts and bruises. In the video during the police attack, you can hear the children crying and Yukio, Japanese Long Walker, drumming for peace:
Part II
Photo: Luv the Mezenger, Long Walker and peacemaker, in a wristlock by Columbus Ohio police. Photo Marie Littlemoon.

Walking through Pittsburgh in the rain, Longest Walk Northern Route

Good morning from Raccoon Creek State Park,

The walkers are out in the rain this morning, walking and running through the Pittsburgh area. Thanks to all of you who brought fresh fruit and bottled water for the walkers. We had great interviews on the Longest Walk Talk Radio yesterday, including Jennie Luna with the Peace and Dignity Journey, which is headed our way from New York. Those runners will meet up with the Longest Walkers on June 18 in the Pittsburgh area. We're all off to Farmington, Penn., for the powwow on June 20 -- 22. We also spoke with Mike Wilson, Tohono O'odham, who puts out water for migrants. Mike says, "No one should die for want of a drink of water."
Meanwhile, for those who want to support the walkers, there's a need for fresh food, milk, eggs and meat, and tents. We'll be at Raccoon Creek State Park for five more nights.
If you have concerns and input for the manifesto, please e-mail us with your comments and statements:

On the northern route of the Longest Walk, Brenda Norrell

Friday, June 13, 2008

Canada confesses to murder and rape of Indian people


By Kahentinetha Horn
Mohawk Nation News
June 11, 2008….SODOMY, PEDOPHILIA, GERM WARFARE, STERILIZATION, MEDICAL EXPERIMENTS AND WHO KNOWS MAYBE EVEN NECROPHILIA OF INDIGENOUS CHILDREN IN ORDER TO “STEAL” OUR LAND AND RESOURCES. This is a start. Now we have to deal with the bigger issues, sovereignty and resources. Our people were kidnapped and held hostage for three to four generations. Genocide is taking children away and killing them. It was only a small part of a bigger story of “gangsterism” and greed. Don’t be fooled! That evil program is still in full swing. Canada has no intention to stop. They continueto drive us off our land, to criminalize us, incarcerate us and to refuse to return control of our land and resources to us. We don’t like being lied to. Saying “sorry” doesn’t cut it. Canada practically admitted to “murder” and theft in the first degree. While Prime Minister Harper was reciting his apology in the House of Commons, a permanent injunction was being granted to the city of Brantford to stop us from going onto our own lands to stop illegal development and to bring in the army if necessary. What forked-tongued two-faced hypocrisy! Anywhere else in the world when a people are threatened with military force, it is a “declaration of war”. Every Canadian benefited from these crimes against humanity. They came her from Europe with empty hands. Stephen Harper said, “We are planning to move on”. This means that the perpetrators of these heinous crime have to be prosecuted in the international courts. More important, Canada is bound to the original relationship as “visitors” to our land who made promises to live peacefully under the Two Row Wampum Agreement. We are the land and resources owners and they have to negotiate with us to extend their stay. Our future is tied to the Kaianereh’ko:wa, the law of Onowaregeh, Turtle Island. We cannot “bury the hatchet”! Planned murders of our children by the church and state cannot be pardoned anywhere. Canada broke international law to which they are bound. At this moment illegal deals are being made by the government and its puppet band councils to deceive the people. Fraud and corruption is used to privatize under NAFTA every unsurrendered river and stream in British Columbia to send our water to California. Is this desperation because Canada and the U.S. or someone is trying to keep the colonial scam going? Canada absolved the churches of responsibilities. The program to murder school children and to put them in unmarked graves was not random. All the churches , Catholic, Anglican, Presbyterian and United, stepped up to the plate to do dirty deeds for the state. It was part of the “pogram” to remove us completely to claim Onowaregeh, Turtle Island. What kind of special education does it take to forget that it’s wrong to kill kids? Harper admitted they did not know our culture, our traditions and did not respect our basic human rights. They still don’t. Now that they have clearly admitted to being “busted”, shouldn’t the genocide stop? The colonizers must respect our sovereignty, identity and culture. To start, they must stop all uranium and diamond mining, clear cutting and contamination of our environment. Stop trying to put us away in jails and holding cells to punish us for protecting the environment. Every single piece of Turtle Island, our resources and possessions must be returned to us so we can regnerate the natural beauty and health of Turtle Island. Nothing is going to change if they can help it. To stop racism and lies the true history has to be taught in every school. Our education and language programs have to be improved. Clean water and decent homes have to be provided to all of us. All the elements that work together to demoralize our young people and incite them to commit suicides have to be stopped. Canada is going to put up a monument as a symbol of this apology. Take down those hideous monuments to the true murderers of our people like Champlain, Humphrey Gilbert, Laverendrye, DeDenonville, Amherst and other scoundrels. Towns are still named after these mass murderers. Get rid of that depiction of the tied up Indian in bondage on the Clock Tower of the Parliament Buildings. We cannot rebuild our nations on monuments or empty words. Real reconciliation means restoring the traditional homelands and resources of the various Indigenous people who have been dispossessed. Anything less is a farce. Canada stage managed this performance. It was sickening to see colonial lap dog Phil Fontaine of the Assembly of First Nations accept Harper’s apology on our behalf. It was a pre-written script probably by government spinners. We were never asked if we wanted him to accept this apology or to even accept it. The supporting remarks were made by the heads of colonially funded “puppy dog” organizations that jump to their “master’s” commands. The money being offered to some of the victims is our own money. Any profit from our lands held in trust is “blood money”. We want an economy. Stop depriving us and forcing us out of our communities. Release all our trust funds immediately. Everything that was “kicked back” to the Vatican must be returned to us. These churches that committed these atrocities have investments from our lands worth billions and have declared stock portfolios well over $100 million. Release these to us. Give us our funds that the Canadian government holds as “trust funds”, namely the “Indian Fund”, the “Consolidated Revenue Fund” and the “Contingent Liability Fund”. All levels of government should stop issuing illegal permits for exploitation of our lands and resources. Stop using our land and resources as collateral to borrow on international money markets. The Queen and all the other “carpet baggers” who head the corporate criminal organizations that murder, rape and pillage us and our possessions should now be prosecuted in the international court for their crimes. Our parents were threatened with imprisonment if they did not release their children to the control of the church and state. How long does it take to forget what our children saw – other children being murdered and even being forced to help bury them. They were deliberately given contagious diseases from which many died. There was out-and-out murder of over 50,000 at the hands of teachers, priests, nuns and staff. Our children were used in experiments by German doctors in the 1930’s and then disposed of. The children were threatened to never tell anyone about it. It was the “I Apologize” Show, with Phil in a war bonnet, with smudging, all players with their scripts in hand and an audience seated strategically around. Someone on cue even yelled from the House of Commons gallery, “Way to go, Phil. You are our leader”. This government sanctioned desperado is not our leader! The sanitized plot did not include murder, torture, sterilization, kids witnessing killings and medical experiments on them. You, the abusers, are in dire need of healing. In Australia the prime minister apologized to the Aborigines and they now live under a form of ‘martial law’! What will happen now when the army is brought in on us as happened in 1990? Kahentinetha HornMNN Mohawk Nation News See Category: “ CANADA “