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Without restrictions.

An open access publishing platform supporting data deposition and sharing.

Publish all your findings including null results, data notes and more.
Engage with your reviewers openly and transparently.
Accelerate the impact of your research.

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Why you should publish with us

Benefits for Researchers

  • Enables authors, not editors, to decide what they wish to publish.
  • Authors suggest peer reviewers and control the process.
  • All types of research can be published rapidly: traditional articles, data sets, null results, protocols, case reports, incremental findings and more.

Benefits for Research

  • Aims to shift the way research and researchers are evaluated.
  • Moves away from journal-based measures towards direct assessment of individual outputs.
  • Supports research assessment based on the intrinsic value of the research, not the venue of publication.

Benefits for Society

  • Reduces the barrier to collaborative research through data sharing, transparency and attribution.
  • Reduces research waste and helps to remove the bias in our understanding of research.
  • Enables others to build upon new ideas right away, wherever and whoever they are.
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