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Tag: anti-globalization

The Shock of Victory

The biggest problem facing direct action movements is that we don’t know how to handle victory.

Will a death in the family breathe life into the movement?

Seattle may have been some sort of watershed, but Carlo's killing in Genoa is a turning point for the anti-capitalist movement (if we can call it that). How we play it from here will have repercussions far beyond the blood-stained streets of Northern Italy. It was no freak cub-cop overreaction that left one mother mourning and several others preparing to, as the sun hit the sea on Friday night, but a deliberate act of terror - in the most basic sense of the word.

Confronting the Democratic National Convention and Working to Build a People’s...

Going to Los Angles for the Democratic Nation Convention was an amazing experience. The actions and events themselves were generally speaking, very powerful. More than the actions themselves, the questions about organizing, tactics, strategy, anti-racist practice and movement building have been profoundly challenging as well as exciting.

What’s in a Name?

The amorphous movement that has appeared on the scene of late--in North America, after Seattle, and around the world several years prior--exhibits an astonishing diversity of tactics, goals, and political beliefs.

Moving, Building, Growing: Reflections on the burgeoning anarchist movement

I write this in the wake of the sophisticated attack against the anti-corporate globalization movement in Genoa, Italy. The stories I have read these past few days, and the upcoming demonstrations against the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank in DC, motivate me to finally write up some observations and critiques of the growing anarchist movement, which I consider myself to be a part of.

Beyond “Anti-Globalization”: Towards a Deeper Understanding of Capital and the State

Capitalism has within its inherent logic always contained a motivation to ruthlessly expand. The Anti-Globalization movement is therefore false in asserting that the present phase of capitalism is somehow new.

The Violence of Capitalism in Genoa

The death of the young Italian anarchist during the anti-G8 protests in Genoa was inevitable.

MAI: A radical understanding

On the issue of the Multilateral Agreement on Investments (MAI), anarchists need to assume their place in what is a potentially radical fight against the dominant economic and social order under capitalism. In Canada up to now, the fight against MAI is largely being done by social democrats and left-Liberals. So far, the anti-MAI campaign is a continuation of a traditional left-Canadian nationalist, anti-free trade, pro state-interventionist position.

The Necessity and Impossibility of ‘Anti-Activism’

This article responds to issues raised in "Give Up Activism," a critique of the J18 protests in England by Andrew X. "Give Up Activism" has been getting some attention lately on this side of the Atlantic: the editor of Red & Black Notes brought it to my attention some time after it had been posted on the Mid-Atlantic Infoshop's webpage of J18 critiques, and it was also reprinted in the latest Collective Action Notes.

Another World Is Possible . . . But What Kind, and...

During the World Economic Forum (WEF) meeting and related demonstrations in New York from Jan. 31 to Feb. 4, the Village Voice put its finger to the shifting political winds. That week's cover headline read, "Passing the Torch: Anarchists Pick Up Where Progressives Left Off," and the corresponding image depicted a middle-aged white male running in a business suit while handing off a Molotov cocktail to the young white male in "anarchistic" attire sprinting along behind him.
