cops are not gods
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my 3 year old homemade album is now available on YouTube! 

I No Longer Wish To Be A Phantom - that heathen


So after days of pleading with other countries to spred awareness about the current situation in Serbia, a tweet with a video showing police brutality got spread:


And a lot of the responses were:


Apparently only problems worth talking about are those of first-world countries. And it seems that to a lot of people Europe will always remain just England, France, Germany and Italy. And let all of us living in small countries oppresed by totalitarian regimes rot ig.

I am sick of this selective activism.

And Fuck America.

Anonymous asked:

Fuck burn loot murder and fuck antifa. Can’t wait to stack some of you antifa fucks like firewood.

so salty. 


I love (read: hate) how goyim seem to have no idea what an appropriate Nazi comparison is

Like w this Gina Carano situation theyre all shouting “well Pedro Pascal implied kids in cages at the border is like the Holocaust why aren’t they mad at him” because he’s right? That’s an apt comparison my dude? We, the Jews, the people who are kinda the authority on this, also regularly draw that comparison because internment camps are bad and the situation stinks of genocidal intentions (and actual genocide at this point). It’s the thing we’re talking about when we say never forget and never again

“Ok but she was just pointing out that nazi Germany was teaching people to hate their neighbor blah blah blah” No. Nazi Germany was using marginalized groups of people (Jews, Roma, LGBT, disabled, etc) as scapegoats for all of the world’s problems and then putting them in work camps and killing them. It wasn’t “hate your neighbors for disagreeing with you” it was genocide justified by pre-existing bigotry

Genocide is not the same as people being mad at you because you said something shitty on Twitter



Gina Carano these days.


On Tonight’s Episode of Who Are We Canceling? Gina Carano!!

Jk (?)

I just wanted to show you the differences between the two stars of the Emmy-nominated TV series, The Mandalorian.



Fuck Gina Carano



Gina Carano mocking people putting pronouns in their bio is so disgusting. Especially after someone like Pedro (and many other individuals) tried educating Gina on why its important to have pronouns in their bio. 


The only funny thing about this is how Gina sits there and preaches about being kind to others and being against bullying, but than does this dumb shit. Like Gina, Transphobia isn’t fucking funny or cute. It’s gross. 

We do not support Gina Carano on this blog. We do not support Gina Carano at all. Fuck Gina Carano. Fuck Transphobia. 


Okay, but everyone blathering on about how Gina Carano was “apart of making Star Wars fun again” (a la Ted Cruz) need to shut the fuck up.

Cara Dune was the worst part of the show. by far the worst actor, she was stiff and uninteresting. Just about everyone else was more engaging and fun. Pedro Pascal, Ming Na Wen, Giancarlo Esposito, Oscar Winner Taika fuckin Watiti! There were so many strong performances in that show and you’re upset about the blandest character with the worst actor? Amy Sedaris was way more impactful in less than half the screen time.

And you just know all these people running to Carano’s defense and using the “oh so now the left doesn’t like strong women” were 100% the same exact people complaining about Forced Diversity in Star Wars (pun intended) including in The Mandalorian.

Sorry, but if you downplay the Holocaust, openly support a violent fascist mob, and attack some of the most vulnerable people in our society, then you deserve consequences. You can either support at will employment or not, Conservatives.

And don’t feel bad for her, she’s not “cancelled,” she’s going to make millions on the Conservative Grievence Circlejerk TV Circuit (Newsmax, OAN, Tucker Carlson, Daily Caller, Infowars, ect) talking about how she’s being silenced to an audience of millions. Fuck off.

Anonymous asked:

What happened with Gina?



so this string of tweets is what set me off today.

not only is her disregard for life infuriating, claiming church service is the same as people fighting for their right to live is NOT the same.

protestors were safer than any large event i’ve driven by in the shitty midwest.

her saying suicide rates are increased because people “miss work” and not because we’re currently entering a financial crisis that could be larger than the 2008 crisis is… so so so wrong.

people are getting kicked out of their homes because of the system she loves so much.


calling stay-at-home orders OPPRESSION?

saying covid-19 is being blown out of proportion and there are bigger issues like “rights.”

she’s pandering to tr*mp supporters.

fuck gina carano.


I volunteered in a refugee center that received immigrants who had just been deported from the US or were in their way to ask asylum (I live in mexican city that is in the border with Texas).

Pedro, and everyone who has made comparisons of deportation centers and nazi camps have every right to do so, we all have seen the pictures of those disgusting places, but the way that people behave once they are deported and they come back to the Mexico, either to stay or go back to their home-countries, is absolutely terrifying and extremely sad. They were all hungry, dirty, they have been wearing the same clothes for weeks, paranoid, no money or any means to get back home,they have been made believe that they mere existence is a crime. I saw people with bloody feet from walking miles to get into the States, just to get deported immediately and have no medical attention whatsoever. I answered phone calls of people searching for their family members because once ICE arrested them, their families could not find them anywhere.

To imply that there is any similarities between what Pedro has said, facts about the mistreatment and awful conditions immigrants are forced to live in once they are in the hands of the CBP and ICE, and the disgusting remarks that Gina Carano has published in her social media, about Republicans being “persecuted”, it’s frankly the most idiotic, zero-brain cells, insulting thing ever.

Your conservativeass isn’t being silenced, it will never loose its identity or sense of self, it will never be reduced to nothing, you are privileged, and seeing that FOR ONCE that xenophobic, racist, antisemitic words and actions have consequences in the big media, aka getting your ass fired, is satisfying af.


Conservatives are now calling for Pedro Pascal to also be fired because they believe there’s a “double standard;” a woman did something antisemitic, so of course they have to cry misogyny.

They’re saying that Pedro Pascal tweeting (in 2018) comparing the immigrant detention camps in the US (albeit with the wrong picture) to the Holocaust is ~exactly the same~ as Gina’s comparison of literally just being a modern day Republican = just like being a Jew in Nazi Germany. Like. Sorry, one of those things is not like the other.

One was pointing out the very real similarities in actual mass injustice and harm, and the other was someone whining because people have the audacity to yell at her when she says heinous bigoted shit. Gina Carano is not a fucking ~girlboss for being a shitty, antisemitic person. People aren’t trying to silence her because she’s a woman, people want to take away her platform specifically because she habitually says awful things that are damaging to our communities.